Contents tagged with Russia

  • Putin puts forward agreement to Russian Parliament on South Ossetians serving in the Russian Army

    President Vladimir Putin has put forward an agreement between Russia and South Ossetia for ratification by the State Duma, outlining the procedure for divisions of the armed forces of South Ossetia joining the Russian Army. The relevant document was published on the State Duma’s online database.

    The initial document between Russia and South Ossetia was signed in Moscow on March 31.

    In the middle of March, Putin gave the order for a document to be signed which would make it possible for …

  • Kremlin: Russia preparing for military outcome of the situation with North Korea

    Russia is preparing for whatever military development with North Korea may soon arise, said the Secretary of the Security Council of Russia, Nikolai Patrushev, RIA Novosti reports.

    In response to the question of whether Russia is preparing measures in case of a "military solution against the DPRK," Patrushev replied, "We are assessing it, preparing for it. It will not be a surprise to us."

    Answering a question about whether there is a threat to Russia in the situation with North Korea, the …

  • US State Department warns of Russian energy domination in Europe

    State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert stated at a press briefing that the implementation of the Turkish Stream and Nord Stream 2 projects will strengthen Russia's dominance of energy in Europe, which will inevitably lead to a security threat for Europe.

    "We know that Europe is working to diversify its energy sector overall. It’s also assessing projects [such as Turkish Stream] that would undermine some of these efforts. We agree with many of our European partners that Nord Stream 2 and …

  • Russia signs contract with Tehran on resale of Iranian oil

    Iran and the Russian Ministry of Energy signed a contract on the supply of Iranian oil to world markets through Promsyryeimport foreign trade organization belonging to the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, as reported by Interfax.

    According to the Iranian Minister of Oil, Bijan Namdar Zangeneh, the first oil tanker under this contract was sent in mid-November.

    Russian Energy Minister, Alexander Novak, told Bloomberg that until the end of 2017, sales under this deal will be limited …

  • Russian billionaire Suleyman Kerimov accused of €400 million tax fraud in France

    French media has published details of the case of Russian billionaire Suleyman Kerimov, who represents Dagestan in the Federation Council of Russia and whom the French authorities have accused of tax evasion and money laundering. The channel France 3 reports that the Russian senator has been accused of hiding about €400 million from taxation through the sale of real estate at a lower cost. The channel, citing the prosecutor of the city of Nice, added that the realtor involved in Mr. Kerimov’s …

  • Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs: We need control over all who enter from Russia

    Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin said during his visit to Ivano-Frankivsk that biometric controls must be introduced at the border with Russia, reports Radio Liberty.

    "We need, first, biometric control at the border, and second, control over all who enter from Russia, as it is in other countries - for example, in Israel," the Ukrainian Foreign Minister stressed.

    According to Klimkin, if this is not sufficient, individuals will need "not just [to enter on] a visa, but on a …

  • Kremlin: Russian troops are preparing to pull out of Syria

    The Secretary of the Security Council of Russia, Nikolai Patrushev stated that preparations for the withdrawal of the Russian military group from Syria were well under way.

    As news website writes, Patrushev clarified that the pullout would take place "when ready". Earlier, the General Staff had already stated that Russia might reduce its military forces in Syria before the end of the year.

    At the same time, the Chief of General Staff, Valery Gerasimov stressed that the ceasefire …

  • Russia to sign agreement with Cairo on use of Egyptian military airports

    Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev instructed the Russian Defense Ministry and Foreign Ministry to hold negotiations with the Egyptian government and sign an agreement on “the procedure for using the airspace and airport infrastructure of Russia and Egypt”. The text of the agreement preliminarily approved by the governments of both countries was published on November 30 on the official legal information portal.

    The agreement will permit military planes to utilize the airspace of both countries for …

  • US Congress removes Russia Today’s accreditation after its registration as foreign agent

    US Congress has taken away the press accreditation of Russian TV channel RT (Russia Today) after it registered as a foreign agent, the RT website reports.

    The relevant letter was addressed to Mikhail Solodovnikov, General Manager of RT. “This action was taken in response to the registration of RT Network’s operating company, T&R Productions LLC (T&R) as a foreign agent,” RT cites the letter as saying. The decision is effective immediately. The company T&R Productions LLC, which services RT …

  • US general says Ukraine could teach United States how to fight Russia

    In a speech at the Lviv Security Forum, Lieutenant General Ben Hodges, who commands U.S. land forces in Europe, says that the U.S. Army can learn something from Ukrainian soldiers, reports Evropeyskaya Pravda.

    “We have never done battle with Russian troops, and we have never had to deal with Russian electronic warfare. But Ukrainian soldiers have. That's why we can learn something from Ukrainian soldiers, and cooperation with Ukraine is beneficial for us,” said Hodges.

    He also said that some …