Contents tagged with Russia

  • Le Figaro: Minsk process is dead

    The results of the Eastern Partnership summit, which took place on November 24 in Brussels, show that the Donbas risks becoming a new frozen conflict within the territory of the former Soviet Union, following the examples of Transnistria, Abkhazia, and South Ossetia, due to inaction of Europeans, writes the French publication Le Figaro.

    Despite the fact that the EU declared its support for Ukraine, neither the conflict in the Donbas nor the Russian annexation of the Crimea was incorporated …

  • Speaker of Ukrainian Parliament calls on the Black Sea countries to respond to Russian aggression

    The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Andriy Parubiy, called on the countries of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC) to unite against "Russian aggression," at the opening of the 50th meeting of the PABSEC General Assembly in Kyiv, 12 Ukraine reports.

    "The philosophy of our activity is to promote the development of economic cooperation, to promote the development of our states, and, accordingly, the well-being of our citizens. And when one of the …

  • Russian Media: German Foreign Minister calls for friendship with Russia despite annexation of Crimea

    German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel is convinced that, despite the European Union's position on the annexation of the Crimea, Russia and Europe need to stabilize relations.

    He said this at the 10th Russian-German Raw Material Conference that took place in St. Petersburg, Interfax reports.

    "The annexation of the Crimea is a step that is contrary to international law. However, we are all responsible for peace and stability in Europe. Our relations should not develop in a spiral of distrust, …

  • Russian Parliament proposes fining media foreign agents $86,000

    A bill has been presented in the Russian State Duma which would introduce fines for violations permitted by foreign media outlets that are identified as foreign agents. The maximum punishment is a fine of 5 million rubles (roughly $86,000).

    The bill was placed on the State Duma’s website.

    The bill was put forward by Andrey Klishas, head of the Federation Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State-Building, and Pavel Krasheninnikov, chairman of the State Duma Committee on Civil Criminal …

  • Media: Turkey exchanged Crimean Tatar leaders Chiygoz and Umerov for two Russian agents

    The Turkish government has exchanged Akhtem Chiygoz, deputy head of the Crimean Tatar people’s Mejlis, and Ilmi Umerov for two Russians accused of espionage, as announced on the Turkish TV channel Haberturk with reference to court documents.

    The Russians Alexander Smirnov and Yury Anisimov were arrested in Turkey in April 2016. They were accused of planning the murder of Chechen dissidents and have been in custody until recently.

    On October 25, the Russian authorities handed Umerov and …

  • Russia refuses to return medals of athletes accused of doping

    The Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation declared that skiers and bobsledders who were disqualified from the Olympics and stripped of their 2014 Olympic Medals are not going to return the medals and will ask the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Lausanne to consider their lawsuits before the 2018 Olympics, reported Interfax, citing a source in the Russian Ministry of Sport.

    “The Bobsled Federation of Russia and the Cross-Country Ski Federation of Russian are ready to appeal to the …

  • Russia says UN humanitarian aid is an infringement of Syria’s sovereignty

    According to TASS news agency, during a speech to the UN Security Council, Russia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Vasily Nebenzya, stated that the current mechanism for cross-border operations to deliver humanitarian aid to Syria cannot be maintained, although it was authorized by the Security Council.

    “In its present form, this mechanism cannot be preserved. It infringes on the sovereignty of Syria and contradicts the principles of emergency humanitarian assistance agreed …

  • Russia's Gazprom raised €1 billion from Japanese and US banks

    Gazprom has concluded an agreement with Japanese and American banks on a five-year loan for €1 billion, as stated in the company’s press release received by RBC.

    Among the creditors of the gas monopoly that signed the agreement were Japan’s banks Mizuho Bank, LTD (Mizuho) and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC), as well as US-based JP Morgan Bank.

    Last March, the company raised €700 million from Credit Agricole Corporate & Investment Bank. In early November, they raised another €700 …

  • Media: Russian embassy in Kyiv issues documents to sell real estate property in LPR and DPR

    The Russian embassy in Kyiv issues documents for property in the territory of the Donetsk and Luhansk provinces not controlled by Ukraine. The Russians are carrying out the property operations contrary to Ukrainian legislation and international agreements, TSN reports.

    Halina, an immigrant from Luhansk, helped to unveil these machinations. The woman wanted to sell her apartment in the separatist-held territory, and contacted an estate agent several times, but the latter referred her to the …

  • SBU: Russian special services planning to falsify elections in Ukraine

    Russia is deliberately working to falsify the results of future elections in Ukraine, scheduled for 2019, stated the deputy head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), Viktor Kononenko, at the National Expert Forum "Ukraine: Striving for Balance" in Kyiv, Radio Liberty reports.

    "Today, the main threat is the undermining of the domestic situation. What we see is that the main efforts of Russian special services are now directed into the country. Already, no one believes in an early and …