Contents tagged with Russia

  • Erdogan: Turkey has an agreement with Russia concerning Kurdish-held Canton of Afrin

    Turkey does not intend to desist from carrying out operation “Olive Branch” in the Syrian region of Afrin, said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, as reported by the local newspaper Yeni Safak. According to Erdogan, Turkey also has a certain agreement with Russia in this regard.

    “Turkey does not intend to back down from the operation in Afrin, and has an agreement with Russia,” Erdogan said during a speech in Ankara.

    However, he emphasized that Turkey does lay claim to Afrin territory.

    “ …

  • Ukrainian Defense Ministry: Russia changing tactics in Donbas

    Russia has begun to change its tactics in the Donbas, putting an emphasis on increasing the potential of its special forces who are involved in sabotage operations, said the Press Secretary of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, Dmytro Gutsulyak, reported Channel 24.

    According to him, Russia’s military leaders are using the conflict in the Donbas to train Special Forces.

    "The military and political leadership of Russia is growing the potential of its special operations forces, partially for the …

  • Kremlin: Russia's relations with the United States in state of collapse

    The current level of relations between Russia and the United States is in a state of collapse, said Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov on Russia-1 TV, Interfax’s reports.

    Peskov also added that the relations between the presidents of the Russian Federation and the US are "fairly benevolent" and that there are prospects for bilateral relations at the highest level.

    Peskov said, “We all know about contacts between the special services, and this shows that there’s potential and …

  • Russia conducts exercises of naval aircraft in annexed Crimea

    Russian Black Sea Fleet naval pilots, flying Su-24 front-line bombers and Su-30 multirole fighters took one day of single flights to assault ground targets at the Opuk polygon in annexed Crimea with rocket, missile and bombing attacks, reported the press service of the Southern Military District of the Russian Defense Ministry.

    "A total of up to 20 warplanes and helicopters were involved in the combat training activities; about 50 flights were performed. The total flying time of the Black Sea …

  • Russian Foreign Minister warns of turmoil in case of failed nuclear deal with Iran

    The failure of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action Plan (JCPOA) on a nuclear deal with Iran, like other international agreements, will lead to turmoil in world affairs, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in an interview with the newspaper Kommersant.

    “If the legal arrangements agreed upon between the leading countries fail, it may entail mishmash when everyone is for himself. It will be very sad,” the minister said.

    Lavrov added that the possible withdrawal of Washington from the …

  • Russian citizen with frostbit limbs crosses the border of Ukraine asking for asylum

    Ukrainian border guards detained a Russian citizen who illegally crossed the state border in the Kharkiv region and asked for asylum in Ukraine, the State Border Guard Service said in a statement.

    “Yesterday, at noon, a senior inspector from the state border guard unit in Starytsia (Kharkiv region) received information from a local resident about a suspicious looking person moving from the Russian Federation to Ukraine. In a few minutes a border guard squad discovered and detained the Russian …

  • Putin’s press secretary speaks of Russian President’s unofficial contacts with Poroshenko

    A number of President Vladimir Putin’s meetings and contacts, even with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, are not of a non-public nature, stated Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov on the program “Actors with Nailya Asker-Zade” which was broadcast on Rossiya 1 on Sunday.

    According to Peskov, the president’s “intense workday” is not limited to the “dozens” of meetings, press conferences and talks which end up in the media.

    “It is much more intense and thoughtful than can be seen on TV. …

  • Turkish Prime Minister: Russia did not object to our operation in Syria

    Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim confirmed the beginning of the ground operation in Syria. Ankara said the goal is the creation of a security zone on the Turkish-Syrian border.

    The politician promised that “anyone who provides military support to Kurdish forces in Afrin, including the United States, will be targeted by the Turkish armed forces.”

    He also said that the operation will include four stages, as reported by NTV television channel. First, a 30-kilometer “safe zone” will be …

  • Kremlin: Russia will not interfere in inevitable conflict between Turkey and Syria

    In the event of a military conflict between Turkey and Syria, the Russian military deployed in the territory will not take part in it, as stated by Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the Council of Federation on Defense and Security Frants Klintsevich.

    According to him, Russia’s participation in a potential conflict between Damascus and Ankara is not stipulated in the current international treaties.

    Klintsevich noted that he considers a military conflict between Turkey and Syria almost …

  • Media: Foreign business fleeing Russia in 3 year record

    Foreign business has drastically reduced its investment in the Russian economy according to the Russian Central Bank’s statistics on the balance of payments for 2017, reports.

    At the end of the year, the flow of foreign investments, i.e. the investment in the real sector as open business or the purchase of shares in companies has fallen by 25%.

    In the fourth quarter, non-residents who had operated in the Russian market wrapped up operations and sold shares, after which they withdrew …