Contents tagged with Russia

  • EU calls on Ukraine and Russia discuss future of the gas transit

    Maros Sefcovic, the European Commissioner for the Energy Union encouraged Russia and Ukraine to discuss the future of the transit of Russian gas through the territory of Ukraine after the Stockholm Arbitration passes its decision.

    “We have discussed the dynamics of exporting Russian gas over the past year and we’ve concluded that the export volumes were quite impressive, and that the transit of gas through Ukraine played a very important role supplying gas to Europe. From our viewpoint, this …

  • Russian writer denied entry to Moldova

    TASS reported that according to the Moldovan Border Police, the famed Russian novelist Dmitry Miropolsky was denied entry into Moldova. Raisa Novitchi, a spokesperson from the Border Police stated, “The incident has occurred. We’re ascertaining the reasons for what happened, which we will share later."

    According to the writer himself, the border police claimed to refuse his entry because he had not confirmed the purpose of his visit to the country. Miropolsky was slated to deliver a lecture on …

  • Ukraine expresses concern regarding Euronews report on Crimean schoolchildren

    The Head of the Ukrainian Delegation to the EU, Mykola Tochytskyi, said that he is concerned about a report by the television channel Euronews on children in the Crimea.

    "I'm more than concerned, not to say shocked, by the Euronews report ... I really hope that the above-mentioned news broadcast by Euronews is a terrible editorial error, and has not been made with the goal of acting in favor of Russian propaganda. It would be a big mistake to allow Russia to use Euronews, a leading European …

  • Putin: Russia adopted ten-year armament program

    Russia has adopted a new state armament program which will extend from 2018 to 2027, said Putin during a meeting of United Engine-Building Corporation and Ufa Engine-Building Production Association, Interfax reports.

    According to him, the military-industrial sector will work consistently and steadily.

    On January 24, the Russian President said that after 2020, when the peak of the state defense order will be over, the defense companies will have to maximize their production of civilian …

  • Russia accuses Ukrainian military of opening fire at a bus carrying civilians in the Donbas

    The Investigative Committee of Russia accused the Ukrainian military of opening fire on a bus near Olenivka in the Donbass on January 21.

    The committee website stated, “The investigation has every reason to believe that this was a targeted shooting of the bus full of civilians, by the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard of Ukraine using automatic firearms, carrying out orders of senior officials in violation of the protocol on the ceasefire in the southeast of Ukraine."

    The Russian …

  • Former US commander in Europe: Javelin anti-tank systems will force Russia to reconsider its actions in Ukraine

    The Javelins in the Ukrainians’ hands could change how the Russian military perceives the conflict in eastern Ukraine, and force it to revise its behavior, stated the former commander of US ground forces in Europe, (retired) General Ben Hodges, during a briefing of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (the Helsinki Commission).

    “I don’t know how the Ukrainians will use them, but I am convinced that the Russians will monitor the location of the Javelins, because it is a very …

  • Volker: Russia's goal is to drive a wedge between Ukraine and the West

    Russia does not intend to occupy the entire territory of Ukraine, but is pursuing political goals: to "destabilize Ukraine, influence Kyiv's policy and try to drive a wedge between Ukraine and the West," stated US Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker in an interview with Deutsche Welle published on Wednesday, January 24.

    Volker said that the situation in the Donbas is "certainly not a civil war." According to the Special Representative, Russian-speaking people live in various regions …

  • Russian human rights group asks to maintain Russia’s presence in the Council of Europe

    A number of prominent Russian human rights advocated headed by the leader of the Moscow Helsinki Group, Lyudmila Alexeyeva, published an open letter asking not to allow Russia’s withdrawal from the Council of Europe.   

    "Every day, the probability of a complete breakdown of relations between the Council of Europe and Russia that would lead to the phasing out of a number of cooperative initiatives critical to legal and humanitarian progress at the Pan-European level is increasing," the letter …

  • Russia bans the political satire movie 'The Death of Stalin'

    The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation withdrew the distribution certificate for the film "The Death of Stalin" by British director Armando Iannucci.

    The film had already received a distribution certificate and Volga Films was planning to screen it in Russia. When the movie was shown for the second time, the Ministry of Culture decided to stop it from being screened further.

    Earlier, lawyers of the Ministry of Culture sent a letter to the Russian Minister of Culture, Vladimir …

  • International Olympic Committee prohibits fans from using Russian flag during the games

    The Chief Editor of the sports broadcast of Russian Channel One, Vasily Konov, indicated that fans will be prohibited from bringing flags of the countries who are not participating in the Olympic Games into the games, as he wrote on his Twitter page. "Russia will not participate in the Olympic Games. That is, formally, the Russian flag is also banned at all facilities of the Games,” he wrote.

    The users of the social network reacted strongly against this information. Russian users offered to …