Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russian journalists flying in to interview President Dodon denied entry to Moldova

    In Moldova, border guards did not let the crew of the Russian television channel RTVI that arrived in the country to interview the president, Igor Dodon. According to the website of the channel, RTVI employees arrived in Chisinau on a flight from Moscow on the evening of January 23rd.

    The visit was approved by the presidential administration. "Despite the fact that the journalists showed the border guards an official invitation from the President of the country and a letter from RTVI …

  • Putin offers to supply Argentina with rocket engines

    Russia may ship rocket engines to Argentina, and Roskosmos “could offer recommendations for the creation of space technology” said President Vladimir Putin after talks with Argentine President Mauricio Macri, TASS reports. Moscow may also supply Buenos Aires with fuel for its space rocket technology, the president added.

    “Russia and Argentina are establishing collaboration in the peaceful exploration of the cosmos, there are ideas for cooperation in the area of remote probing of the earth and …

  • Many famous Russian athletes will not attend Olympics in Pyeongchang

    Due to the doping scandal, the International Olympic Committee has banned many top Russian athletes from participating in the 2018 Olympic Games in Peongchang even under a neutral flag. Those who will not make it to the games include six times Olympic champion, 20-times world champion and primary contender for victory in the short-track speed skating contest Viktor Ahn, Russia’s top biathlete Anton Shipulin, and Russia’s top cross-country skier Sergei Ustiugov.

    As reported by the French news …

  • PACE begins talks about return of Russia to the Assembly

    Even if its delegation returns to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Russia is not going to implement the decisions that were previously adopted by the organization, as stated by Representatives of the leadership of the Russian parliament before a meeting of the special committee of the Assembly, Yevropeyskaya Pravda reports.

    “Some resolutions will never be implemented. You must clearly understand this,” said the head of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign …

  • Washington: U.S. will not accept Russia’s proposal for a new mechanism for investigating the chemical attack in Syria

    Washington will not accept Moscow’s proposal to create a new mechanism for investigating chemical attacks. The U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley said this on Tuesday at an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council which was convened to discuss the situation in Syria.

    “The U.S. will not accept any proposal from Russia if it will counteract the progress of the international community to find the truth,” said Haley. According to her, the U.S. “will resume the joint investigation of …

  • Secretary General of the Council of Europe: annexation of Crimea is not enough to expel Russia from the organization

    The Secretary General of the Council of Europe (CE), Thorbjørn Jagland believes that Russia and other "problematic" member countries of the Council of Europe should remain in the organization for as long as they do not violate the four articles of the European Convention on Human Rights.

    All other violations of the principles of the Council of Europe would not have such an impact on their membership, including Russia’s annexation of the Crimea, he said at the PACE meeting in Strasbourg.

    The …

  • Ukrainian President: Russia uses same hybrid war methods as it did a hundred years ago

    On Monday, January 22, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko took part in the opening ceremony of the exhibition dedicated to the centenary of the proclamation of the independence of the Ukrainian People's Republic held in the Kyiv National Museum of the History of Ukraine.

    During the event, he delivered a short speech, which once again drew parallels between today's events and the events of the Ukrainian revolution of 1917-1921.

    "I would like to remind everyone that Russia used the same …

  • Russia bans Internet messengers from reporting on collaboration with intelligence agencies

    The Russian government has banned the organizers of information distribution (i.e. messenger applications) from disclosing information on collaboration with law enforcement authorities, as stated in a decree from January 18, published on Russia’s official legal information portal.

    The decree introduces amendments to the rules on interaction between the organizers of online information distribution and the authorized state organs that carry out rapid tracing activity or provide security. …

  • Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine: Kyiv has no dialogue with Russia regarding the Crimea

    The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Pavlo Klimkin, called Russian President Vladimir Putin’s proposal to transfer military equipment from Crimea to Ukraine “a trick”,  Ukrayinska Pravda reports.

    “You all very well understand this trick of Russia. It seems to indicate that we have some kind of dialogue about the occupied Crimea. We do not have any dialogue on any issues relating to the status of the Crimea, and we will not do anything that could weaken our political or legal …

  • Lavrov: Russia will oppose regime change in Syria

    Russia will resist the attempts of the United States-led coalition to implement plans to change the regime in Syria, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

    The minister drew attention to the fact that some Western countries are trying to inflate the “scandalous atmosphere” of the situation in Eastern Ghouta and Idlib, ignoring the concentration of militants and groups of the Al-Nusra Front.

    “The U.S. and the coalition led by them are eager to spare the Al-Nusra Front, saving the group …