Contents tagged with Russia

  • Serbian pro-Russian party calls on Putin to deploy troops to Kosovo

    The pro-Russian party, Serbian League, had called upon the country’s authorities to appeal to Russian President Vladimir Putin to deploy troops to Kosovo, as stated in the appeal of the chairman of the party, Aleksandar Djurdjev, which was published on the party's website.

    The Serbian League warns that the interim UN Mission and EULEX in Kosovo are not able to protect the Serbian people from the actions of Albanian terrorists, although their main task is to preserve peace, stability, and …

  • French court allowed billionaire Kerimov accused of tax fraud to go to Russia

    The French court released the Russian senator and billionaire Suleyman Kerimov for a short-term trip to Russia, as reported to the French media by the public prosecutor of Nice, Jean-Michel Pretre.

    "Mr. Kerimov received permission from the judge to go to Russia to visit a seriously ill relative (sibling or stepbrother) with the obligation to return. He is allowed to carry out this trip between Friday and Sunday (January 21),” said the prosecutor.

    Kerimov has been accused by the French …

  • Russian Defense Minister calls long-range drones 'a serious threat' for military targets in Syria

    At a meeting with the Commander-in-Chief of the Myanmar Armed Forces, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu has said that long-range drones being used by militants in Syria are "a serious threat," reports Interfax.

    "A new type of terrorist threat has appeared in Syria - unmanned aerial vehicles, the range of which is more than 100 kilometers. They are a very serious threat," Shoygu said. He expressed his willingness to share his experience fighting drones with …

  • Kurds: Russia must share equal responsibility for Turkish military operation in Afrin

    The Kurdish militia, People’s Protection Units (YPG), that are in control of Afrin, has stated that Turkish military operations in the region were only possible under Russia’s endorsement, as reported by Rudaw TV.

    “We know that the Turkish military would not dare attack without approval from the international community, and primarily from Russia, which has pulled its troops from Afrin just before the attack. We, therefore, consider Russia equally responsible for the attack,” a statement from …

  • Russia scraps world’s largest strategic submarines

    The Severstal and the Arkhangelsk Akula-class submarines (project 941, NATO reporting name: Typhoon), the largest strategic nuclear submarines in the world, are to be turned into scrap metal, reported RIA Novosti with reference to a source in the ship construction sector.

    The USSR built a total of six submarines of this class. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia’s Navy retained three submarines – the Severstal and the Arkhangelsk from project 941, and the Dmitry Donskoy from project …

  • Azerbaijan receives new batch of military equipment from Russia

    On 19 January another batch of new military equipment was delivered from Russia, as stated on the website of the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan.

    “A large batch of modern military equipment and ammunition delivered by sea from Russia to the port of Baku will be soon transferred to military units stationed at the front lines”, — the Ministry said.

    The Ministry stated that the deliveries of modern military equipment to Azerbaijan from the Russian Federation continue under the …

  • Moldova to assess damages caused by the ‘Russian occupation’ of Transnistria

    The Moldovan authorities plan to hire an international law firm to assess the damage from Russia's military presence in Transnistria, as stated by the Speaker of the Moldovan Parliament, Andrian Candu, in an interview with the Latvian newspaper Latvijas Avize.

    According to him, Moscow might be presented with a bill which will amount to billions of dollars. "We intend to hire an international law firm to calculate the losses caused by the Russian presence in Transdniestria for 25 years. The …

  • Lavrov: line of communication between Russia and US helped defeat ISIS

    At the UN press conference in New York, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has stated that a line of communication between the United States and Russia “largely” contributed to the eradication of the Islamic State (ISIS), Interfax reports.

    “We established a line of military communication with regard to Syria; this cooperation has largely contributed to the fact that ISIS did not materialize as a caliphate and was destroyed,” said Lavrov.

    The Russian Foreign Minister noted that the United …

  • Russia calls new US defense strategy 'confrontational'

    Sergey Lavrov, the Head of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Russian Federation, described the new U.S. National Defense Strategy as "confrontational," at a press conference in New York, Interfax reports.

    "It is regrettable that instead of engaging in a normal dialogue, instead of using the basis of international law, the United States is indeed striving to prove their leadership through such confrontational concepts and strategies," Lavrov said.

    It was reported earlier that the Russian …

  • US strategic bombers conduct training flights near Russian border

    According to Western aviation resources, on Friday, January 19, two US B-52H strategic bombers capable of carrying nuclear weapons carried out training flights in Estonia's airspace near the Russian border, Interfax reports. It was noted that the aircraft were flying near the Gulf of Finland. According to reports, American bombers flew out from the Fairford base in the UK. Before the flights which took many hours and were carried out in the Baltic region, training ammunition was loaded onto …