Contents tagged with Russia

  • Net сapital outflow from Russia increased to $31.3 billion in 2017

    The net outflow of capital from Russia in 2017 grew to more than 1.5 times what it was in 2016, according to information from the Central Bank of Russia.

    “The net capital export by the private sector, according to the estimates of the Bank of Russia, was $31.3 billion ($19.8 billion in 2016),” reported the regulator. The message from the Central Bank notes that the main source of net capital export was the banking sector’s operations to reduce external liabilities. “Capital outflows associated …

  • NATO Commander: Alliance may lose 'dominance' in certain fields because of Russia

    NATO may lose "dominance" in some fields in five years, if it cannot modernize its armed forces and adapt to the threat from Russia, said General Curtis Scaparotti, the chief commander of the forces of the North Atlantic alliance in Europe, during the meeting of the NATO Military Committee.

    Scaparotti stated, "I think that as an alliance we dominate. There are challenging fields. I reckon that cyberspace is one of them. They [Russians – ed.] are very competent in this."

    Addressing the NATO …

  • Ukrainian Naftogaz and Russia’s Gazprom to begin negotiations on gas delivery to Ukraine

    According to the Chief Commercial Officer of Naftogaz, Yuriy Vitrenko, Naftogaz of Ukraine and Gazprom will soon start negotiations on the implementation of the Stockholm Arbitration Court decisions within the contract of purchase of Russian gas, UNIAN reports.

    "Negotiations will start in the coming days. We won’t disclose the details. It’s about the implementation of the final decision on the gas contract,” he said.

    Vitrenko noted that according to the Stockholm Arbitration Court decision, …

  • Moldova refused the entry of a Russian journalist, flying in to meet President Dodon

    On January 16th, Moldovan border guards refused to allow journalist and TV host of the Russian NTV television channel, Irada Zeynalova, and Ukrainian journalist and media expert, Roman Shutov to enter the country, as reported by

    Zeynalova flew to Moldova at the invitation of President Igor Dodon, and Shutov, at the invitation of the US Embassy.

    The press service of the Border Police said that the Russian journalist was on the Istanbul-Chisinau flight.

    "She was unable to provide …

  • Russia begins exercises of air-defense forces in annexed Crimea

    An anti-aircraft missile regiment of the Army Corps of the Russian Black Sea Fleet has started military exercises near the Kacha airdrome in the annexed Crimea, as reported by the head of the Information Support Department of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, Vyacheslav Trukhachev.

    “The main goal of the combat training activities is to work on the squad and battery cohesion of the regiment in defending important infrastructure facilities from hypothetical enemy air attacks.  Firing exercises using …

  • Kremlin promises to respond to publication of 'Magnitsky List' in Lithuania

    Russia will respond to the publication of the “Magnitsky List” in Lithuania, based on the “principle of reciprocity,” stated the Department of Information and Press of the Russian Foreign Ministry, RIA Novosti reports.

    “Openly Russophobic actions of the Lithuanian lawmakers and authorities have long been unsurprising. Lithuania, as you know, has secured for itself the most unseemly place in the anti-Russian hysteria unleashed in the West,” said to the ministry.

    According to the Foreign …

  • Attorney: Yanukovych in Russia temporarily, wants to return to Ukraine

    Attorney Vitaly Serdyuk says that his client, former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, intends to return to Ukraine.

    Serdyuk informed reporters of this during the recess of the Obolonskyi District Court, where Yanukovych’s high treason case is being reviewed, Ukrinform reports.

    “Certainly, he intends to return to Ukraine. Staying in Russian territory is a temporary necessary measure,” Serdyuk commented.

    According to him, Yanukovych has a certificate of temporary asylum in Russia “in …

  • Media: Putin’s daughter non-profit organization closes down

    One of the foundations managed by the alleged daughter of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Yekaterina Tikhonova, was closed down, according to an extract from the Uniform State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE), as reported by Republic online media.

    The foundation referenced is the Interdisciplinary Initiative Foundation in Natural Sciences and Humanities, in which Tikhonova was a co-founder. Information on its liquidation was included in the USRLE on 9 January 2018. "Interdisciplinary …

  • Chechen leader Kadyrov accuses the West of information attacks on Chechnya

    Chechen Leader Ramzan Kadyrov, at a meeting with senior law enforcement and special services officers stated that reports about violations of human rights in Chechnya are “information attacks” launched by western countries, as reported on the Chechen government website.

    In particular, Kadyrov said that despite the fact that “Chechnya is barely visible on a map” it frequently comes up as the center of attention of “western states and their minions in our country.” Kadyrov refuted “all …

  • Poroshenko: Russia’s actions aimed at destroying the Ukrainian state

    Russia's actions in Ukraine are aimed at destroying the Ukrainian state and returning it back into its sphere of influence, as stated by President Petro Poroshenko, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

    "Everything that Russia is doing in Ukraine today has one single goal: to return us into its so-called sphere of influence and to destroy the Ukrainian state," Poroshenko said during a meeting with the heads of diplomatic missions of foreign countries and internationally accredited organizations in Ukraine …