Contents tagged with Russia

  • Media: Kremlin has chosen a new bank to serve the Russian military sector

    Citing two sources in the government's financial and economic sectors, as well as two financiers familiar with the situation, Kommersant newspaper reports that a special credit organization will be formed as part of Promsvyazbank to work with Armed Services Procurement operations and large state contracts.

    On Thursday, January 18, the Ministry of Finance officially confirmed information that has appeared in the media that a special bank would be created in Russia for the needs of the defense …

  • President of Kazakhstan: Trump proposed to move Donbas negotiations out of Minsk

    The President of the USA, Donald Trump, has proposed to move negotiations on the Donbas from Minsk to another place, as stated by the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, Interfax reports.

    “We were saying that Minsk-1 came to a standstill, reached a deadlock, and we need Minsk-2. He [Donald Trump] said, ‘Let’s do it elsewhere’ [holding negotiations]. I said, ‘Let’s do it’,” Nazarbayev said at a press conference in New York following the meeting of the UN Security Council.

    “Actually, …

  • Media: Russian troops pulling out from Syria's Afrin as Turkish military operation begins

    Russian military have started pulling their divisions out from Syrian enclave Afrin where Turkey plans to conduct a military operation against Kurds, reported Anadolu news agency.

    “Dozens of Russian military are moving to Nubl and Zahra, the cities controlled by Bashar Assad. Part of the Russian contingent still remains in Afrin,” the agency said.

    On Friday, January 19, during a broadcast of the Ahaber TV-channel, Minister of Defense of Turkey Nurettin Canikli acknowledged that a military …

  • Russia accuses Washington of violating Russian diplomats’ banking confidentiality

    By publishing the US government’s investigation into the transactions of the Russian embassy, the BuzzFeed portal has violated the confidentiality of banking information, and disclosed personal information. This “infringement” is “the handiwork of official Washington”, says the Russian Foreign Ministry’s statement, published on its website.

    BuzzFeed published that the US government is investigating the transactions of the Russian embassy as part of the case concerning Russia’s supposed …

  • Draft resolution on withdrawal from the CIS registered in Moldovan Parliament

    Deputies of the Liberal Party of Moldova headed by Mihai Ghimpu registered in the local parliament a draft resolution on the withdrawal of Moldova from the Commonwealth of Independent States or CIS.

    According to the Moldovan news website NewsMaker, the authors explained that this initiative was triggered by repeated violations of the agreement by the Russian Federation. The liberals believe that this was evident in supporting the separatist regime in Transnistria, in military aggression …

  • Lavrov: Russia will not sign Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

    Russia does not intend to join the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, as stated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at a meeting of the UN Security Council on issues of the prohibition of nuclear weapons, the press service of the Russian ministry reported.

    According to Lavrov, Russia "shares the task of building a nuclear-free world" but it is necessary to achieve this goal "without such unilateral methods" on which the treaty is based.

    The minister explained that it would be …

  • Media: Generators produced by German concern MAN shipped to Crimea

    The Crimean Zaliv factory, which was unable to purchase equipment from the Finnish company Wärtsilä on account of EU sanctions, has acquired generators produced by the German concern MAN.

    This was reported by RBC with reference to a source familiar with materials relating to the Russian Ministry of Transport (the client for the ship being built at the Zaliv factory). The information was confirmed by a partner of several Russian ship construction companies.

    The diesel generators are intended …

  • Russia prepares sanctions against U.S. Special Prosecutor Mueller

    The Council of the Federation of Russia prepared a preliminary version of a list of those implicated in Russia’s ouster from the 2018 Olympics, and sanctions are being prepared against them.

    Included on the list, according to the media outlet RBK Group – citing two sources in the Upper Chamber of the Russian Parliament – are the head of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Craig Reedie, U.S. Attorney General Robert Mueller, head of the WADA commission to investigate charges of doping at the …

  • Washington: Russia interfering with Syria chemical attack investigation

    At a session on the highest level of the UN Security Council on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the US criticized Russia concerning the chemical attacks in Syria.

    Only Russia is obstructing the UN’s work to investigate the chemical attacks, said US Permanent Representative to the UN Nikki Haley. She remarked that Russia has already used its veto right three times on the extension of the corresponding resolution.

    “One nation stands in the way of the Security Council …

  • Russia calls Ukrainian bill on reintegration of Donbas ‘preparation for war’

    The bill on the reintegration of Donbas, adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the second reading, legally allows Kyiv to solve the problems in the region by force, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

    The Russian Foreign Ministry noted that the joint operational headquarters, the creation of which is envisaged by the bill, will be able to use the armed forces “against civilians throughout the country” and “without the formal introduction of martial law.”

    “Poroshenko is receiving …