Contents tagged with Russia

  • Under sanctions, Russia continues to export rocket engines to U.S.

    Despite sanctions, Russia and the U.S. will not curtail cooperation in the space sector said Russia’s Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev, speaking about RD-180 rocket engines, Interfax reports.

    “We are conducting ourselves properly in relation to other countries and will carry out the obligations to which we have agreed. I don’t think we need to stop delivery of these engines. I think we’ll continue to ship them,” said the security official.

    When the very first sanctions against …

  • US Ambassador urges Russia to evaluate the ‘Kremlin report’ objectively

    US Ambassador to Russia John Huntsman called on Moscow to perceive the so-called "Kremlin report" based on its "real, not contrived meaning and without emotions." Relations between the two countries are far from being exhausted by this legal act, he told Interfax.

    Huntsman reminded that six months ago, Congress voted to strengthen sanctions against Russia by a majority vote, so there will be no surprises on January 29. He added that this is the implementation of the results of the vote, which …

  • More than 250 arrested during Russian opposition protest

    On Sunday, January 28, more than a hundred Russian cities saw protests organized by opposition leader Alexei Navalny in support of a “voter strike”, a strategy to boycott the upcoming presidential elections.  The Interior Ministry and the Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights estimated that there were 4,500-5,000 protesters across the country, whereas Navalny’s supporters believe that there were considerably more. In Moscow the calculation is further complicated by the fact …

  • Putin’s aide Surkov welcomes new US proposals on Ukraine

    Assistant to the Russian President Vladislav Surkov stated in the follow-up of the meeting with US State Department’s Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker that the new US proposals on the settlement of the situation in the southeast of Ukraine seemed fully attainable to him, TASS reports.

    The subject of the talks that took place in Dubai on January 26 was the deployment of the UN mission in the southeast of Ukraine.

    "The Americans brought much more constructive proposals this time. …

  • Kremlin: illegal capital outflow from Russia reaches $35 billion

    The illegal outflow of capital from Russia continues to accelerate, said Central Bank Deputy Chairperson Dmitry Skobelkin at a session of the State Duma Financial Market Committee.

    One of the most popular ways to do this is to give a loan which will never be repaid to an offshore company. The Russian legal entity which has transferred the money then declares itself bankrupt, and the offshore recipient can transfer the funds to a third company, allowing it to disappear virtually without a trace. …

  • Russia to reinforce security of military bases in Syria

    Russia plans to intensify the security of the Khmeimim and Tartus bases in Syria, Deputy Defense Minister Yuriy Borisov announced on Saturday.

    “Today we have prospective designs which may work effectively against drones. It is necessary to take into account the fact that it is not only developed countries, but terrorists too, who are making use of modern technologies,” he remarked.

    In January, militants attacked the Russian Khmeimim airbase in Syria using drones. The Russian military …

  • Russia justifies arms supplies to Myanmar

    Supplies of Russian military products to Myanmar are being made to strengthen the defense capacity of this country, as stated in the Russian Foreign Ministry’s comments in response to a statement by the US State Department’s representative that the supply of Russian weapons could aggravate the situation in Myanmar.

    "Supplies of Russian military products to Myanmar are meant to strengthen the defense capacity of this country. To see the link between this task and the threat of "even greater …

  • Kremlin: Russia will not recognize US sanctions against North Korea

    Interfax reports that Igor Morgulov, Deputy Minister for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that Russia will not recognize unilateral US sanctions against North Korea, nor will it expel North Korean citizens that fall under the US sanctions from Russian territory.

     “We will only comply with sanctions passed by the Security Council of the United Nations. We will not recognize unilateral US sanctions, and we do not have any international obligations to comply with them,” he said.

    On …

  • Russia: no sanctions will intimidate us

    RIA Novosti reports that Leonid Slutsky, Head of the State Duma Committee on Foreign Relations, told journalists on Friday that new US sanctions are another destructive step aggravating the state of Russian-American relations.

    "New US sanctions are a destructive step that aggravates relations between Russia and the United States. It is clear that Washington seeks to achieve its own geopolitical goals, unfair competition and to gain an advantage in global markets," Slutsky said.

    In turn, …

  • Russia considers adopting 'cryptoruble' as a currency

    There was a new bill registered on January 25th in the Russian State Duma (the Russian Parliament) that seeks to designate a Russian cryptoruble as a means of payment in Russia. The bill was authored by Communist Party member and member of the parliament, Rizvan Kurbanov.

    The draft law, On the National Blockchain Mining System, seeks to introduce several new notions into Russian legislation, including the notion of a cryptoruble.

    Under the definition provided by the author of the bill, the …