Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russian doping scandal whistleblower: Putin knew of abuses in Russian sport

    Former head of the Moscow Anti-Doping Laboratory Grigory Rodchenkov said that Putin may have had a role in the doping scandal.

    A full version of the program by Seppelt, who has shot several films on doping problems in Russia, is scheduled to be released on the night of January 30. Several hours earlier, ARD uploaded a trailer  to YouTube announcing an interview with WADA informant Grigory Rodchenkov, who is now hiding in New York.

    The trailer contains a recording of Rodchenkov claiming that …

  • Russia confirms interception of US reconnaissance plane over Black Sea

    The Russian Ministry of Defense has confirmed that a Su-27 fighter was scrambled to intercept a US reconnaissance plane that was flying over the neutral waters of the Black Sea.

    “In order to intercept the target, a Su-27 fighter from the on-duty anti-air defense forces was scrambled, it approached the aircraft at a safe distance and identified it as an EP-3E Aries II radio-electronic reconnaissance craft of the US Navy,” states the report, as cited by RIA Novosti.

    CNN reported earlier that a …

  • Foreign Minister of Finland: We want to see a stable Russia, but its future is concerning

    Russia is a next-door neighbor of Finland, and it is a major issue for Helsinki to always support an open dialogue with Moscow, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Finland, Timo Soini, wrote in an op-ed to the Dagens Nyheter. In particular, the Minister said a stable Russia was in the interest of Finland, but at the same time there were growing concerns over the domestic situation in the Russian Federation, where the economy heavily depends on natural resources and civic society is discarded as mere …

  • Aksyonov: Crimea has become an unassailable fortress after its reunification with Russia

    In an interview with National Public Radio, the Head of the Crimea, Sergey Aksyonov, stated that after the Crimea’s accession to Russia, the peninsula became “an unassailable fortress”.

    “The Crimea will never return to Ukraine and it is useless to impose any conditions to achieve this,” Aksyonov said.

    He noted that the Crimea has become “an unassailable fortress” and faces no military threats.

    The Crimea peninsula was annexed by the Russian Federation in March 2014 by the deployment of …

  • Polish Prime Minister calls Russia greatest threat to his country

    Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki considers Russia to be the greatest threat to his country at present, especially within the context of Russian aggression in the area of eastern Ukraine adjacent to the aggressor state.

    "Thus, I assess [that there is] a threat from Russia. I think that what Russia is doing in Ukraine is very dangerous," The Polish Prime Minister told Polskie Radio.

    Morawiecki also commented on the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, which is planned to link …

  • Lithuanian government stops using products from Kaspersky Lab

    The Baltic News Service reported on Sunday that Lithuanian government institutions and critical IT systems have abandoned software developed by Russian antivirus manufacturer Kaspersky Lab, citing the Lithuanian Ministry of National Defense.

    "At the present time, all administrators of critical IT systems do not use this software or have had it removed," noted the Lithuanian Defense Ministry.

    According to the National Center for Cyber ​​Security, Kaspersky Lab's programs were used by about 5% …

  • European Commission accuses Russia of misinformation

    European Commissioner for Security Union, Julian King, in an article for DW, accused the Russian government of deliberately spreading disinformation.

    "There is hardly any doubt that we are currently dealing with a clever, well-conducted, and government-backed pro-Russian disinformation campaign," he stated.

    In his opinion, the Russian military uses the Internet as a new battlefield, using false information as a weapon.

    Among the cyberthreats, he cited hacking attacks, the spread of computer …

  • Media: Russians who entered same-sex marriage accused of damaging official documents

    Moscow police initiated administrative proceedings against Pavel Stotzko and Evgeny Voytsekhovsky for damaging their passports after registering their same-sex marriage in Moscow, reported Meduza news website with reference to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    On Saturday, January 27, the Russian LGBT Network stated that law enforcement officers tried to enter the apartment of Stotzko and Voytsekhovsky in Lyubertsy. Stotzko told Dozhd (“TV Rain”) that he refused to open the door, after …

  • Volker slams Russia’s suggestion for Donbas peacekeepers

    The draft resolution on the international peacekeeping mission in the Donbas proposed by Russia is unacceptable to the US and the UN, US Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker told ‘112 Ukraine’ TV channel in an interview.Volker noted that Moscow proposed that the peacekeepers be deployed only on the demarcation line, to ensure the safety of OSCE observers.

    Russia does not agree to give the mission the right to control the Ukrainian-Russian border.

    Volker is convinced that the absence …

  • Denmark increases military spending because of Russia

    Denmark’s parliament decided on Sunday, January 28 to increase the country’s military expenditure by 12.8 billion crowns or USD 2.14 billion over the next six years. "The threat posed by Russia is real and increasing, so we must show determination in strengthening our defense capacity, and we are determined," said Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen, Reuters reports.

    The budget will be used for the fight against cyber threats and for financing Denmark's international operations. …