Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russia promises to escort all American reconnaissance planes flying near Crimea

    The Russian Ministry of Defense said that all US reconnaissance planes flying near to Crimea will be escorted by Russian fighters.

    This was Russia’s response to the United States’ accusation that there was a reckless interception of their EP-3 Aries II over the neutral waters on the border of annexed Crimea.

    “I would like to remind Commander Bill Ellis of the 67th tactical aviation group of the US 6th Fleet that Crimea is an integral part of Russia. By directing their pilots to carry out …

  • Mejlis: 248 Crimean Tatars were detained in the annexed Crimea over the past year

    The Russian security services in the annexed Crimea detained 248 Crimean Tatars in the last year, 99 were fined, and another 42 were arrested, said Eskender Bariev, a member of the Crimean Tatar Mejlis, at a press conference on January 31st, according to Ukrainian News.

    Bariev noted that the representatives of the indigenous population of the Crimea are subjected to massive pressure from the law enforcement.

    Bariev said, "For 2017, our compatriots were fined more than 5 million rubles ($90,000 …

  • School atlases with 'Russian Crimea' withdrawn from lists of recommended textbooks in the Czech Republic

    Atlases containing controversial maps that showed “Russian Crimea” were approved for distribution in accordance with the internal documents of the Czech Ministry of Education in the summer of 2017. Later, the Ambassador of Ukraine protested the incorrect marking of the peninsula.

    The Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic stated that the school atlas in which the Crimea was marked as Russian territory is now out of circulation in the country.

    "The Ministry of Education studied the …

  • Russia classifies military and special services procurement

    Going forward, the Russian Ministry of Defense and Special Services will conduct purchases through classified means, the newspaper Kommersant, citing clarifying comments by the Russian Ministry of Finance, Federal Treasury and Federal Antimonopoly Service.

    According to these clarifications, the Federal Security Service (FSB), Foreign Intelligence Service (FIS), and Ministry of Defense, as well as all organizations subordinate to these structures, may only conduct procurement that is intended …

  • Putin calls on French businessmen to enter into investment and trade contracts with Russia

    Russian President Vladimir Putin said he expects to conclude major trade and investment contracts with French businessmen at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) in 2018, according to a transcript from a meeting published on the Kremlin website.

    "We expect that new major trade and investment contracts will be concluded at the upcoming International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg in May," the Russian President said at a meeting with members of the Franco-Russian Chamber of …

  • National Bank of Ukraine: imports of Russian goods increased in 2017

    The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) released a report on the country’s 2017 payment balance, noting that for the third year in a row, the country has managed to finish the year with a surplus: USD 2.6 billion compared to USD 1.3 billion from the year before. At the same time, the 2017 current account shows a deficit of USD 3.8 billion as against USD 3.5 billion year over year. The data was published on the Regulator’s website.

    According to the report, import total volume grew by 21% to USD 49 …

  • Germany issues permit for the construction of Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline

    The Stralsund mining office issued a permit for the construction of a 55-kilometer section of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline in German territorial waters in the Baltic Sea, as reported by the press service of Nord Stream 2 AG.

    "Today, Nord Stream 2 AG received permission to build and operate on the offshore section of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline in the territorial waters of Germany and in the land area in the vicinity of Lubmin near Greifswald. The Stralsund mining office issued an official …

  • China shows no desire to trade with Russia for rubles

    The idea of abandoning the dollar for external trade with BRICS countries, actively proposed by the Russian government since it fell under sanctions from the West, still remains unrealizable.

    Despite three years of negotiations with the central banks of the provisional bloc and the making of direct currency swap agreements, exporting companies in China and India still show no desire to transition to payment in rubles, according to a Central Bank statistic on the currency structure of foreign …

  • Russia conducts military exercises in Transdniestria

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Moldova expressed indignation at the Russian military conducting regular military exercises in the territory of Transdniestria, as stated in comments by the foreign ministry.

    “According to information published on the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, an operational group of Russian troops stationed in the Transdniestrian region of Moldova is again conducting military exercises, the purpose of which is …

  • Russian Finance Ministry expects the law on cryptocurrency to be adopted in September

    The Finance Ministry of the Russian Federation expects that the law on the management and use of crypto currency in the country will come into force in September 2018. In the Ministry's notification at the beginning of the drawing up of a draft law, it was said that the public discussion of the document will last until February 12th.

    The draft law on the regulation of digital assets was published by the Ministry of Finance on January 25th. It defines mining, crypto currency, and tokens. The …