Contents tagged with Russia

  • Erdogan: Turkey bought Russian S-400 missile systems due to threat of attack from Syria

    Turkey bought the Russian S-400 anti-air missile systems because of the threat of an attack from Syria, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told Italian newspaper La Stampa in an interview. Negotiations were held with several countries on the purchase of such equipment, but only Russia’s offer corresponded to Ankara’s expectations, the Turkish leader explained.

    According to Erdogan, the civil war which has been raging in Syria since 2011 has prompted Ankara to “reinforce and modernize …

  • Kremlin takes possession of Crimean shipyard previously owned by Ukrainian president

    Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed an order to transfer the Sevastopol Shipyard based in the Russian-annexed Crimea into the possession of the Russian government, with the shipyard’s oversight being assigned to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, according to an order that appeared on the website of the Russian government.

    “In order to improve efficiency and development of the Crimean Federal District, the bill orders the transfer of the Sevastopol Shipyard named after Sergo …

  • Russia to establish military air base on disputed Kuril Islands

    The Russian Ministry of Defense received permission from the government to use the airfield on the Kuril Island of Iturup as an air base, according to an order signed by the Prime Minister, Dmitry Medvedev.

    "The "Sakhalin Region" section of the list of joint base aerodromes of the Russian Federation to be supplemented with the following entry: Iturup - civil - the Ministry of Defense of Russia," the document says.

    In 2016, Bastion and Bal coastal missile systems were deployed to the southern …

  • German deputies visit Crimea in violation of Ukrainian travel ban

    Nine German Deputies from three regional parliaments of Germany came to the Crimea on February 3 in violation of Ukrainian legislation, as reported by RIA Novosti, citing the head of the German cultural autonomy of the peninsula, Yuri Gempel. "The delegation has arrived to the Crimea. We have already met them. Nine people have arrived," he said. The delegation will stay in the Crimea from 3 to 9 February and includes deputies from the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party from three regional …

  • Media: Pilot of Russian Su-25 fighter shot down in Syria was from Crimea

    The pilot of the Russian Su-25 fighter that was shot down on Saturday over northern Syria was a former Ukrainian pilot from Simferopol, Major Roman Filippov, Novaya Gazeta reported with reference to a source in the Russian Defense Ministry.

    The newspaper notes that a letter was published on the Telegram channel WarObserver containing a photograph of a report stating that Major Roman Filippov is being given a state award for carrying out combat missions in Syria.

    The letter was supposedly …

  • Kremlin accuses US of supplying Syrian rebels with MANPADS used to shoot down Russian assault craft

    The Americans supplied the Syrian militants with man-portable air-defense systems (MANPADS) through third countries, said Frants Klintsevich, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation Council Defense and Security Committee, responding to reports that a Russian Su-25 had been shot down in the Syrian Idlib Province with a MANPADS.

    “I am absolutely convinced, I even spoke about this earlier, that today the militants have MANPADS, and they were supplied by the Americans through third countries,” …

  • Putin's approval rating falls below 70 percent

    According to a study held by Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VCIOM), Russian President Vladimir Putin's approval ratings have fallen below 70%. In mid-December, 74.8% of Russian citizens were ready to vote for him. Now the number has fallen to 69.9%. This is Putin’s lowest rating since the start of the presidential race.

    At the same time, there is an increase in the number of people willing to vote for Pavel Grudinin, the Communist Party's candidate, from 4.6% to 7.2%. The share of …

  • Russia calls new US nuclear doctrine hypocritical

    The Russian Foreign Ministry has released a comment on the new US nuclear doctrine; this official commentary has been posted on the Russian Foreign Ministry’s website.

    "The content of the new nuclear doctrine (the so-called ‘Nuclear Posture Review’), which was unveiled in the United States on February 2, caused us deep disappointment. Already, upon first acquaintance, the confrontational charge and anti-Russian orientation of this document are striking. With regret we note that the US has …

  • Kremlin promises that Russian Army will soon be equipped with hypersonic weapons

    Russia's Federation Council announced the "forthcoming" entry of the newest hypersonic weapon into service of the Russian army, as indicated by the head of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security, Viktor Bondarev to RIA Novosti. 

    "We have a large foundation of modern non-nuclear weapons, in particular, precision weapons. Also let me remind you that soon the troops will receive the latest hypersonic weapons," Bondarev said.

    In mid-December, the newspaper Kommersant, citing a …

  • Three contributors of the Russian news outlet Regnum indicted in Belarus for anti-Belarusian publications

    The Minsk City Court sentenced three contributors of the Russian news agency, Regnum, to five years in prison with the sentence being suspended for three years for fueling ethnic hostilities.

    As Interfax reported, the journalists were freed in the courtroom after they signed an agreement not to leave the country.

    In particular, the court found an associate professor of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Yuriy Pavlovets, a security guard working in Brest, …