Contents tagged with Russia

  • Lithuania: Russian may attempt to interfere in forthcoming presidential elections

    After the meeting of the Lithuanian State Council on Defense,  government officials stated that Russia and other countries may conduct cyber-attacks this year to influence the results of the presidential elections, the Lithuanian presidential press service reports.

    The State Defense Council under the leadership of President Dalia Grybauskaite reviewed the country’s security situation, did an annual review of threats and approved the long-term operational strategy for the intelligence services. …

  • Armenia considers buying Iranian gas instead of Russian

    Acting Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said that the authorities of the country will discuss the possibility of purchasing gas from Iran.

    He said that Armenia will simultaneously hold negotiations with the Russian side to find the most profitable solution.

    At present, Armenia is not satisfied with the sharp increase in the price of Russian gas that will cost $ 165 per thousand cubic meters instead of the previous price, $150, starting from 2019.

    “The issue of supplying Iranian gas is …

  • Russia develops new Kalibr-M cruise missile for its navy

    Russia is busy developing the Kalibr-M, a modern cruise missile with a range in excess of 4,500 km, for its navy, TASS reports, citing a source in the Russian military industry.

    “For the navy, the latest ship-based precision cruise missile Kalibr-M with a maximum firing range of more than 4,500 km is being developed. The creation of the missile is at the scientific research stage and is being financed by the Defense Ministry,” the source said. He clarified that the development of the Kalibr-M …

  • Russian military police begins patrols around Syria’s Manbij

    The Russian military police began patrols around the Syrian city of Manbij (Aleppo Province), entering into an area once held by US-backed Kurdish forces, stated Russian military police spokesman Yusup Mamatov on Tuesday.

    The Russian troops support the Syrian government forces that were recently deployed around Manbij, near the border with Turkey.

    Fearing a military attack from the Turkish side, Kurdish fighters invited the Syrian regime troops to Manbij at the end of last month after the …

  • The Pope expresses concern about the conflict in the Donbas

    On Monday, January 7, Pope Francis expressed his concern about the conflict in the east of Ukraine during the New Year's reception of the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See. He also added that in the conflict that has been going on for five years, “new alarming events in the Black Sea” recently occurred. However, he did not mention Russia.

    The head of the Roman Catholic Church urged adherence to a “peaceful resolution of the conflict” and called for respect for international law, …

  • US military aircraft spotted near Russian airbase in Syria

    An American reconnaissance plane was spotted near the Russian airbase Khmeimim in Syria and naval logistics base in Tartus, Interfax reports, citing the data of Western aviation resources.

    The US RC-135 surveillance aircraft was flying over the international waters of the Eastern Mediterranean along the Syrian coast for over two hours at a distance of about 60 km from Russian bases and an altitude of 9,600 meters.

    On January 4, an American P-8A Poseidon patrol plane also carried out a …

  • World Anti-Doping Agency will make another attempt to obtain doping tests from Russian laboratory

    On January 9, experts of the World Anti-Doping Agency or WADA will arrive in Russia again on January 9 to obtain data from the Moscow Anti-Doping Laboratory, the WADA website reported on January 7.

    A three-person expert team will attempt to access and extract data from the Laboratory Information Management System and the underlying analytical data generated by the former Moscow Laboratory.

    The Statement of the WADA stresses that "Access to and subsequent authentication and analysis of the …

  • Ukraine files application to the European Court of Human Rights regarding capture and detention of Ukrainian sailors by Russia

    The Deputy Minister of Justice and Commissioner for European Court of Human Rights Affairs, Ivan Lishchyna stated that Ukraine asked the European Court of Human Rights to recognize Russia’s violation of the rights of the 24 Ukrainian sailors held captive in Russia.

    “The Government of Ukraine has fulfilled the court’s instructions and filed a full-fledged application for case №55855/18 on January 7th, 2019. The government demands that the court recognize the violation by the Russian Federation …

  • Putin invites India’s Prime Minister to the Eastern Economic Forum as the main guest

    On January 7th, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi held a telephone conversation.

    The Kremlin press service reports that the leaders warmly exchanged New Year’s wishes. Narendra Modi also expressed his best wishes to the Russian people in connection with Christmas.

    According to the Kremlin press service, the key issues of the bilateral agenda were discussed.  

    Putin wished Modi success in the scheduled upcoming parliamentary elections.

    The sides agreed …

  • Japanese Prime Minister promises to conclude Kuril island negotiations with Russia

    Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe has promised to make every effort to finish the current negotiations with Russia and sign a peace treaty, the TV channel NHK reports.

    Shinzo Abe and his wife traveled to the homeland of his ancestors, the city of Nagato in the Yamaguchi Prefecture, and visited the grave of his father, Shintaro Abe. Shintaro served as Japan’s foreign minister between 1982 and 1986, and also worked to improve relations between Moscow and Tokyo.

    “I swore on my ancestors’ grave …