Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russia developed a plan to rescue Venezuela’s economy

    Russian authorities developed a plan to pull its strategic partner Venezuela out of the deep crisis. Venezuela’s economy is in collapse and inflation reached about 1,300,000% last year, Russian publication the Bell reported, citing sources in Russian government.

    There are four main points in the proposed package of measures.

    First, Russian economists offer to introduce a basic income for Venezuelan households. They claim a basic income is a more effective measure to combat poverty than fuel …

  • Company of Putin's friend Rotenberg receives funding for 'anti-corruption activities'

    According to the documents published on Russian government’s procurements website, Moscow-based company Granat has won the tender of the Russian Civic Chamber, a consultative civil society to analyze draft legislation and monitor the activities of the parliament.

    Funds in the amount of more than 46 million rubles or nearly $700,000 dollars were allocated to provide "preparation and assistance services" for the Civic Chamber’s activities in the field of developing civil society institutions, …

  • Russia to continue gas transit to Kaliningrad through Lithuania

    The governor of the Kaliningrad region Anton Alikhanov said on TV channel Vesti 24 that despite the launch of a terminal for receiving liquefied natural gas (LNG), the Kaliningrad region would not refuse to transit gas through the territory of Belarus and Lithuania.

    "The Kaliningrad Region does not plan to abandon gas supplies through the Minsk-Vilnius-Kaunas-Kaliningrad trunk pipeline system due to the commissioning of a gas receiving terminal and a floating regasification platform. The …

  • Kyiv refuses to extradite to Moscow Russian citizen who fought for Ukraine

    The Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine refused to extradite to Russia a member of Right Sector, whom Kremlin wants to prosecute for participating in hostilities in Ukraine, stated the Press Secretary of the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine, Larysa Sarhan.

    Sarhan said the Russia's request was denied by Yevhenii Yenin, Deputy Prosecutor General of Ukraine. "Today, Deputy Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yevhenii Yenin decided to refuse Russia's request to extradite a member of Right …

  • Kremlin denies reports of possible exchange of Paul Whelan for Russian agent Maria Butina

    The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs denied media publications that claim that Moscow may exchange US citizen Paul Whelan, arrested on December 28th on suspicions of espionage for Russian agent Maria Butina.

    Federal Security Service officials have detained Whelan, a former US marine, on December 28th of last year. Multiple appeared in the press where writers assumed that Moscow could use the arrest of Whelan and exchange him for Maria Butina, who is currently under arrest in the United …

  • Kremlin prepares decree allowing Russian military to shoot down passenger planes that violate Russia's border

    The Russian Defense Ministry drafted a government decree that would again grant permission to shoot down passenger planes that violate the state border of the Russian Federation.

    The ban to hit passenger liners was introduced after the international scandal in 1983 when the Soviet Air Forces shot down the South Korean Boeing 747 carrying 269 passengers.

    The ban was consolidated in post-Soviet Russia by the government decree “On the procedure for using weapon in the airspace” in 1994.

    The new …

  • Ukraine to spend nearly $6 million on lawyers in Crimea assets court case against Russia

    Naftogaz Ukraine intends to procure the services of legal advisers for its lawsuits against Russia in 2019 demanding compensation for seized Crimean assets, the Ukrainian company’s press service reports. 

    According to a notice on Naftogaz’s official website, the international legal firm Covington & Burling LLP will represent the country’s interests in the lawsuit against Russia for compensation of losses caused by the illegal expropriation of the company’s assets in Crimea. 

    “We expect the …

  • Kyiv: Ukraine is terminating 40 treaties with Russia

    Ukraine's Deputy Minister for the Temporarily Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons, Yuriy Hrymchak stated on Channel Pryamyi that Kyiv’s intends to terminate forty treaties with Russia.

    “I remind you that [Ukrainian Foreign Minister] Pavlo Klimkin stated that after the decision not to extend the Friendship Treaty [with Russia], forty more treaties with Russia are being reviewed for their possible termination,” Hrymchak said.

    He noted that it is hard to say the exact number of …

  • Head of NASA has no plans to visit Russia

    Jim Bridenstine, head of the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), does not intend to go abroad any time soon, not even to Russia, his press secretary Megan Powers told TASS on Thursday. 

    “The director currently does not have plans to make any trips abroad,” she said when asked whether Bridenstine intended to travel to Russia to meet with Roscosmos head Dmitry Rogozin. “Future travel plans… are still under consideration,” Powers added. 

    She also commented on NASA’s plans to …

  • Putin plans to visit Serbia

    Russian presidential spokesperson Dmitry Peskov’s said that the preparation of a visit by Russian President Vladimir Putin to Serbia is underway, RIA Novosti. According to Peskov, the visit agenda is being prepared currently.

    On January 7th, Putin signed a decree awarding the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic with the Order of Alexander Nevsky. According to the Kremlin, the Serbian leader was awarded this award for “a great personal contribution to developing mutual cooperation” with Russia. …