Contents tagged with Russia

  • Kremlin considers classifying genetic data of Russians

    Rospotrebnadzor, Russia's Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare, prepared a bill aiming at protecting information obtained from the biological and genetic material of Russians. The corresponding document was published on the website of normative legal acts.

    Lawmakers believe that the changes should be made to the law “On Personal Data” and the law "On Protection of Consumers' Rights”, which will impose restrictions on the personal data processing and the …

  • Kremlin does not believe in quick withdrawal of US troops from Syria

    Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said on Saturday that Russia is under no illusions concerning the withdrawal of US troops from Syria, and that this is likely to be a long and contradictory process.

    According to Ryabkov, the US withdrawal is one of the most pertinent issues. “The signals that are coming in are contradictory – the schedule and, overall, the sequence of steps in this area are up in the air,” the diplomat commented, “We are monitoring this process, on the premise …

  • Russia sees no reason for prisoner swap for detained US citizen Paul Whelan

    Russia does not see any reason to exchange the US citizen Paul Whelan, who is facing charges of espionage in Russia, for Russians arrested in other countries, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov told Interfax in a comment.

    “It should be pointed out that the situation with Paul Whelan, a citizen of the US and a number of other countries, is developing in strict accordance with the requirements of our legislation, and also in accordance with our obligations of a bilateral nature, …

  • Russian arrested on Pacific island at US request

    The Russian citizen Dmitry Makarenko was arrested on the Pacific island of Saipan at the FBI’s request. He arrived there on December 29 with his children and parents, and was arrested in the airport immediately after landing, the Russian Foreign Ministry reported on Saturday, January 5.

    Saipan is the largest island and capital of the Northern Mariana Islands, a US commonwealth in the Pacific Ocean. From there, Makarenko has been transferred to Florida.

    The Russian Embassy to the US is …

  • Polish Foreign Minister: Nord Stream 2 is killing Ukraine

    Polish Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz criticized the Russian-German gas pipeline Nord Stream 2 in an interview with the German publication Handelsblatt. He said the project threatens the security of Ukraine and indicates Germany’s anti-European position.

    “The gas pipeline effectively neutralizes the sanctions and Nord Stream 2 is killing Ukraine. When the transit of Russian gas through Ukraine is stopped, this country will lose not only impressive profits but above all a guarantee of …

  • Ukrainian Infrastructure Minister is confident that railway traffic between Ukraine and Russia will be terminated

    The Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Volodymyr Omelyan stated on the ZIK TV Channel that he believes that the railway communication between Ukraine and the Russian Federation will certainly be terminated.

    The minister said that according to data, the number of Ukrainian citizens’ trips to the Russian Federation using rail transport is being “inexorably reduced”. Therefore, it [the railway communication] will be terminated either by a government decision or nobody will actually use it,”  …

  • Media: Czech Republic intends to expel Russian diplomats for espionage

    The Czech authorities can drastically reduce the number of Russian diplomats in the country due to Russia’s “massive espionage.” According to the Bild newspaper, Prague determined that in 2016 and 2017, Russia carried out cyber-attacks against the Czech Foreign and Defense Ministries. As a result, a large portion of Czech officials’ personal data was leaked. The government’s communication systems were also threatened.

    The hacker groups ATP28 and Fancy Bear, both with ties to Russia, are …

  • NATO Secretary General gives Russia last chance to comply with Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

    NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg expressed his hope that Russia will return to complying with the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), Stoltenberg said in an interview with the German dpa agency.

     “The important thing is that Russia now has a last chance. If Russia does not come back into compliance, well, then we have a big problem,” said the secretary general of the alliance.

     “There are no new US missiles in Europe, but there are new Russian missiles, and that's what puts …

  • NASA cancels visit by the Director General of Russian space agency

    NASA has indefinitely rescinded a planned visit by the Director General of Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, who has been sanctioned for his role in Russia’s annexation of the Crimea, USA Today reports. Following mounting pressure, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine cancelled the visit by his Russian counterpart.

    "NASA has informed the Russian space agency, Roscosmos that the proposed visit of Roscosmos Director General, Dr. Dmitry Rogozin, currently planned for February 2019, will need to be …

  • Klimkin on Ukraine’s presidential elections: there will be no voting in Russia for security reasons

    The Minister of Foreign Affairs Pavlo Klimkin stated that polling stations in Russia would not open at the suggestion of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    According to him, the main reason for this decision is the issue of security.

    “We believe that holding free and fair elections in the territory of the aggressor country is impossible, devoid of political and legal meaning, and for those who decide to participate in them, it is simply dangerous,” wrote Klimkin in a column in the Ukrainska …