Contents tagged with Russia

  • Macron and Putin discuss Kerch Strait incident

    French President Emmanuel Macron and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin discussed the situation in Ukraine and the Kerch crisis in a phone call, the official Kremlin website reports. 

    Putin told the press service that he and Macron had continued the “exchange of opinions” on the topic, but did not provide any further details on the discussion. 

    The two presidents also considered the problems of the Syrian situation in detail. 

    According to a communique from the Élysée Palace, Macron …

  • Moscow: There will be no referendum in Russia on accession of Kuril Islands to Japan

    There will be no referendums or polls in the Kuril Islands about incorporating the islands into Japan, member of the Duma Committee on International Affairs Anton Morozov told RIA Novosti. 

    Earlier, in an interview with the Asahi TV channel, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that Japan intends to incorporate the Southern Kuril Islands. However, Japan's position on the territorial dispute with Russia does not imply the eviction of Russians living there. 

    “The Russian Federation has a …

  • USA demands that World Anti-Doping Agency ban Russia from taking part in competitions

    The US Anti-Doping Agency called for the exclusion of Russian athletes from competitions because of the delays in providing access to the Moscow anti-doping laboratory data, Radio Svoboda reports. 

    As reported by ESPN, the CEO of the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), Travis Tygart believes that they should stop being led on by Russia. In late December, a group of experts from WADA received access to the Moscow anti-doping laboratory but Russian officials prevented WADA from extracting …

  • Russian high-level committee takes over investigation of explosion in Magnitogorsk

    Svetlana Petrenko, the Official Representative of the Russian Office for the Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the Investigative Committee of Russia stated that the committee would investigate the causes and circumstances of the recent explosion in Magnitogorsk that destroyed a block of apartments and killed at least 21 people. 

    Petrenko said that witnesses are now being questioned. According to her, investigators seized documents that could clarify the situation, Echo of Moscow …

  • Japanese Prime Minister promises to consider opinions of Kurils residents when Russia hands the islands over

    In an interview on the TV channel Asahi, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that if Russia hands over some of the Kuril islands, Japan will definitely take into account the opinion of the local residents. 

    According to Abe, the negotiations with Russia will not initially mean a forced relocation of Russians from the islands. 

    “It must happen in such a way that the Russians living there agree to the transition of ownership to Japan,” the Japanese prime minister explained. 

    He noted that …

  • Former US ambassador: Washington will soon provide Ukraine with more weapons

    Washington could send Kyiv weapons and impose new sanctions on Russia within the next two or three months, former US ambassador to Ukraine John Herbst told Radio Liberty in an interview. 

    “Within 2-3 months we will see the US giving Kyiv weapons and announcing new sanctions against Russia in connection with this aggression [in the Kerch Strait]. I think that, in the course of the next 8-10, or at most 12 weeks, this more forceful US response will appear. And, in addition to the sanctions, this …

  • Media: House explosion in Magnitogorsk may have been a terrorist act

    The explosion and collapse of a house in Magnitogorsk, Russia, may not have been a tragic accident, but an act of terror, the Russian news outlets and report, citing anonymous sources. 

    The entrance to the multi-story building collapsed on December 31, leaving 10 people dead and a further 30 missing. The following day, not far away, a Gazel shuttle exploded, killing the driver and two passengers. 

    Boris Dubrovsky, governor of the Chelyabinsk region, said that according to …

  • Dzhemilev: Turkey fights for the release of Ukrainian sailors detained by Russia

    Ukrainian MP Mustafa Dzhemilev said in an interview with Ukrinform that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan instructed the Turkish Foreign Minister to press Russia about the recent Kerch Strait issues. 

    "Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu stated that President Erdogan instructed him to raise on all platforms the issue of free navigation through the Kerch Strait and the need to return our captured ships," said Dzhemilev. 

    Dzhemilev said the question about the imprisoned sailors’  …

  • Putin extends restrictions on transit of Ukrainian goods to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan

    Russian President Vladimir Putin amended the decree from January 1, 2016 "On Measures to ensure economic security and national interests of Russia during the transit of goods from Ukraine to the Republic of Kazakhstan or the Kyrgyz Republic through the territory of the Russian Federation." He extended it for half a year, until July 1, 2019,  the Russia’s government website of legal information. 

    The decree entered into force on December 31, 2018. It stipulates that inter-country transportation …

  • Russia raises gas price for Armenia by 10%

    From January 1, 2019, the price of Russian gas for Armenia will be raised to $165 per thousand cubic meters, the press service of Gazprom reported on Monday. 

    The new price is 10% higher than the price established by the agreement of April 2016. 

    “In accordance with the supplementary agreement signed to the contract between Gazprom Export LLC and Gazprom Armenia CJSC, determining the price of gas supplies to Armenia in 2019, the price of Russian gas will be $165 per one thousand cubic meters …