Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russian citizens protest against 'garbage reform'

    On Sunday 3 February, protesters rallied in dozens of Russian cities against the so-called “garbage reform” and the domestic waste landfills, all under the slogan “Russia is not a dump”.

    The protest organizers, which include the citizen initiative “Svobodny Sever” (“Free North”), claim that rallies were organized in more than 20 Russian regions. The portal MBKh Media reports that there were protests in 53 cities in 32 regions, including major cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg and much …

  • Russia claims it started equipping warships with blinding and hallucination-inducing systems

    The Russian state-owned company Ruselectronics has equipped Russian naval ships with optical systems that can blind enemies and even cause hallucinations, a source in the company told RIA Novosti.

    The new “Filin” stations, developed by one of the company’s factories, have been installed on the frigates Admiral Gorshkov and Admiral Kasatanov. Each ship has been equipped with two such systems. There are also plans to mount the stations on two project 22350 frigates.

    The stations are designed to …

  • Ukrainian Prosecutor General: around 160 people were involved in Maidan shootings

    The Prosecutor General of Ukraine, Yuriy Lutsenko, announced that more than 160 people have been indicted in the case of the Maidan [ Ukraine’s revolution of Dignity] executions in February 2014, 150 of them are already in the dock. 

    According to him, the pre-trial investigation of this case has been completed. "In addition to the 150 law enforcers, now tried for violence in the Maidan, another half dozen will be added and tried in absentia, headed by Yanukovych and the leaders of the security …

  • 291 people join the MH17 crash lawsuit against Russia

    291 people have joined the lawsuit against Russia and President Vladimir Putin in connection with the crash of the MN17 flight in the European Court of Human Rights, lawyer Jerry Skinner said in an interview with Russia's Echo of Moscow website, Interfax Ukraine reported. 

    “We started work with a small number of citizens of Malaysia and Australia who I had established contact with from the very beginning. Now, a large number of relatives of the victims have joined us, and our lawsuit has …

  • France gives Kyiv grant for Ukraine’s first energy storage facility

    France has provided Ukraine with a €560,000 grant in order to build the country’s first energy storage facility, Ukraine’s national energy company, Ukrenergo, announced.

    The project will be realized by Ukrenergo in partnership with the French Réseau de Transport d’Électricité (RTE) and a subsidiary of RTE International.

    Over the next six months, RTE International will work on the first stage of the project, the feasibility study and other technical preparation for the future operations. In …

  • Russia accuses the US of producing medium-range missiles, publishes satellite images of missile manufacturing facility

    Russian Defense Ministry stated that the USA government is allegedly going to manufacture medium-range missiles in the state of Arizona. The Ministry published a satellite image on its Twitter page which allegedly shows the US missile manufacturing facility. 

    “According to data available at the Russian Ministry of Defense, even before accusing Russia of violating the INF treaty, the United States started preparations for the production of medium and shorter-range missiles two years ago,” the …

  • Kyiv: Russia deployed Iskander missile systems near the border with Ukraine

    The Ukrainian Defense Ministry confirmed that Russia deployed 12 Iskander missile systems 250 km from the Ukrainian border,  UNIAN reports, citing  the Ministry’s response to an inquiry about US media reports about the deployment of the missile systems in close proximity to the Ukrainian border.

    “According to public information of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Defense Ministry, we would like to report the following: in the area of Krasnodar (250 km to the border with Ukraine) a …

  • Russian landing ship conducts combat shooting drills in the Black Sea

    The crew of the large landing ship Caesar Kunikov of the Russian Black Sea Fleet carried out an artillery firing at the coastal, sea and air targets in one of the Black Sea training ranges, reports "Krym.Realii" news site with reference to the Russian Black Sea Fleet press service. 

    It is noted that the shooting took place in accordance with the combat training plan. 

    “When practicing combat actions to support naval forces during a landing on the coast, the ship crew performed firing from an …

  • Anniversary of Crimea's annexation will be celebrated for three days in Moscow

    The fifth anniversary of the annexation of the Crimea will be celebrated in Moscow with a three-day festival called the “Crimean Spring,” reported the website of Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin. According to the information provided on the website, the festival will take place from March 16 to 18. Other details, including the schedule and places of the events are not specified.

    Earlier, the Crimean authorities subordinate to the Kremlin published the plan of the events devoted to the celebration. …

  • China calls on Russia to resolve its missile conflict with the USA through dialogue

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared Russia's withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty or INF. The United States has already begun its withdrawal from this treaty that was established in 1987.

    “The USA's withdrawal from the INF treaty will lead to serious negative consequences,” said spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, Geng Shuang, the Ministry's press service reports. Geng expressed Beijing’s regrets that on February …