Contents tagged with Russia

  • President Dodon: Putin agreed to allow supply of Moldovan goods to Russia through Ukraine

    Moldovan President Igor Dodon announced that he had reached an agreement with Russian President Vladimir Putin to supply Moldovan goods to Russia through Ukraine starting on January 31.

    “I think this is the most important agreement that all our producers have been waiting for because all producers of wine, canned food and other products from the Republic of Moldova were subject to these restrictions from January 1. Today we have solved this, and I think it is a great achievement,” the Moldovan …

  • Media: Pro-Iranian troops continue to battle with pro-Russian forces in Syria

    Units of the Syrian army loyal to Iran battled with the units loyal to Russia in Hama province, reported the Turkish agency Anadolu, citing well-informed sources in Syria.

    According to Anadolu’s source, the Fourth Division of the Syrian army under the patronage of Iran retook al-Rasif village from the Qawat Al-Nimr or Tiger Forces division that is sponsored by Russia. 70 soldiers died on both sides in the battle for al-Rasif. Local residents are afraid that the conflict can spread to the …

  • French ambassador: number of Russians requesting visas has grown by 40%

    During the reception of the diplomatic mission in Moscow , French ambassador to Russia Sylvie Bermann stated that demand among Russian tourists for visas to France according to last year’s results increased by 40%, RBC reports.

    “The number of visa requests increased by more than 40% in 2018,” she said.

    According to her, the requests continue to grow. She noted that the French government is ready to accept all tourists from Russia, who plan on visiting France.

    Also, Bermann stressed that …

  • Once again a hole discovered in the booster block of a Russian rocket

    On February 19th, a Russian rocket was supposed to bring a batch of internet satellites into orbit under a Roscosmos contract with the British company OneWeb. However, a hole was discovered in the booster block that was not expected to be there, TASS  reports with reference to their sources in the space industry.

    “In one of the pipelines in a block, a micro hole was found, which developed, apparently due to the long transportation of the upper stage of the rocket to the spaceport in French …

  • Russia accuses US of escalating risk of nuclear conflict

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that there will be a greater risk of nuclear conflict if the US begins to produce W76-2 warheads.

    “This topic was already included in last year’s review of Washington’s policy in the nuclear sphere. Then, already, we expressed serious concern about the fact that developing such low-capacity munitions lowers the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons, and, of course, increases the risk of a nuclear conflict. As we understand, this provision has been …

  • Co-founder of the DPR denied DPR citizenship

    The former speaker of the parliament of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), Andrei Purgin, reported in VKontakte social network that he was denied a DPR passport.

    “My saga with a passport is over. I have been denied the right to life, the basic human right. Simply and casually, I was deprived of all documents ... By the way, my wife was denied a passport too, and she pays taxes,” wrote Purgin. The ex-speaker of the DPR parliament published an official document dated July 4, 201 …

  • Ukraine offers Russia to exchange three Russian convicts for participants in the Debaltseve Battle

    Ukraine offers Russia to exchange Alexander Korinkov, Sergei Glondar and Bogdan Pantyushenko, Ukrainian prisoners of war, for three Russians convicted of crimes in the Donbas, stated Iryna Heraschenko, Ukraine’s representative in the Trilateral Contact Group in Minsk.

    Special forces soldiers Korenkov and Glondar were captured by pro-Russian militants in February 2015, when the detachment was leaving Debaltseve. Tank operator Patyushenko was captured in January 2015 near the Donetsk airport.

    “ …

  • Maduro prepares to send 20 tons of Venezuela’s gold to Russia

    The Venezuelan government under Maduro is preparing to transfer 20 tons of gold – roughly 20% of the Central Bank’s reserves – to Russia, said José Guerra, a member of the country’s National Assembly and a retired economist for the Central Bank.

    Guerra claims to have received the information from a Central Bank official with whom he still has contact. An aircraft from Moscow has supposedly arrived to collect the gold.

    “We demand that the Central Bank give us information about what is going on, …

  • Russian senator arrested on double murder charges

    During a plenary session of Russia’s Federation Council on Wednesday, Rauf Arashukov, the youngest senator in Russian history, was arrested on charges of organizing contract killings and other serious crimes.

    Law enforcement blocked the entrance to the hall and made the press leave, after which Prosecutor General Yury Chaika and Alexander Bastrykin, head of the Investigative Committee, entered the hall and read out the order to remove Arashukov’s parliamentary immunity.

    Arashukov attempted to …

  • US Intelligence dismisses possibility of large-scale Russian attack against Ukraine

    American Intelligence believes that a large-scale attack by Russia against Ukraine in 2019 is "operationally possible but not likely,” stated Director of National Intelligence Daniel Coats during a hearing at the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Voice of America reported. 

    "We assess that a major offensive by either Ukraine or Russian proxy forces is operationally feasible but unlikely in 2019,” Coats stated. US intelligence services foresee increased tensions in the Black Sea and …