Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russia considers launching satellites with Topol ballistic missiles

    Russia’s space agency, Roscosmos has stated on its website that it’s looking at ways of resuming satetlitev launches using the Start-1 class rocket which is  designed based on the Topol intercontinental ballistic missile.

    On January 28, Roscosmos commission arrived at Vostochny Cosmodrome led by Alexander Lopatin, Executive Director for Quality and Reliability Assurance of Roscosmos.

    It is reported that Roskosmos’s experts also studied the plausible construction sites of ground infrastructure …

  • Media: Russian combat drones used in Donbas war built with German parts

    The German edition Bild reports that Russia, in spite of the European Union sanctions, continues to buy German propellers for its unmanned aerial vehicles Granat-1, Granat-2, Granat-3, Takhion, ZALA-42104M, Pear, Orlan -2 ".

    According to journalists, this involves propellers manufactured by two companies in Germany: Graupner / SJ GmbH and aero-naut Modellbau GmbH & Co. KG.

    “Pro-Russian forces already used the drone Granat-2 with folding propellers in the spring of 2015, in the battle of the …

  • Russia promises to respond to US withdrawal from Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

    The press secretary of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, announced that Russia reserves the right to respond to the United States withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF).

    She did not specify what exact measures could be taken.

    Earlier, on February 1, German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke in support of the deal. She said that Germany "will do everything possible" to maintain the contract, writes Deutsche Welle. According to Merkel, it is necessary to …

  • Israel: Russia turns against Iran in Syria

    Israeli Minister of Immigration and Absorption Yoav Galant announced at the end of January that his government had achieved diplomatic success. He said that Jerusalem has a plan to squeeze the Iranian military out of Syria, and that Israel can count on Russia’s support in this.

    The Israeli minister observed that the close collaboration between Moscow and Tehran is coming to an end.

    While Russia had to fight against the Syrian anti-government formations, Moscow treated Iran and its allies from …

  • Volker: US and EU considering new sanctions on Russia for capturing Ukrainian sailors

    US Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker believes that Russia is holding the Ukrainian sailors in order to put political pressure on the Ukrainian government ahead of its presidential elections. Volker considers it possible that additional sanctions will be imposed on Russia for this.

    “Russia continues illegally to hold these Ukrainian sailors and illegally is charging them with crimes under a civilian code, seeking to illegally enter Russian territory, which is not the case. So …

  • Turkey: Russia proposed to conduct joint operation in Syria

    The Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, stated that Russia offered Turkey to conduct a joint operation in the de-escalation zone in Idlib against the militant group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, the backbone of which is made up of Nusrah militants.

    According to Çavuşoğlu, Turkey has completed preparation for the operation in Syria

    “Russians are offering a joint operation, they say that we have to get rid of them [the militants],” said Çavuşoğlu in an interview with the Hurriyet …

  • Latvia bans broadcasts of channel RTR-Russia for inciting hatred towards Ukrainians

    The National Electronic Mass Media Council of Latvia or NEPLP has restricted the Russian television channel RTR-Russia from broadcasting in the country for three months. As Latvian news agency Leta reports, Latvian authorities found incitement to hatred toward Ukrainians was found in their programs. 

    The agency found hate speech against the Ukrainian government in the program “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov” dated May 22. In the program “60 Minutes” aired on January 11, 2018, the leader of the …

  • German warship to enter Black Sea for NATO mission

    The Werra, a replenishment ship belonging to the German Navy, will travel to the Black Sea in February as part of a permanent NATO anti-mine group. The naval vessel will visit two Bulgarian ports, Burgas and Varna,  Deutsche Welle reports citing a spokesperson for Germany’s Defense Ministry.

    According to the source, the transfer has been planned for a long time. “There is no plan to deploy other German naval vessels in the Black Sea,” the spokesperson noted.

    After Russian special forces  …

  • Putin: Russia reserves the right ‘to protect freedom of religion’ in Ukraine

    Russia does not interfere in church affairs in Ukraine but “reserves the right to protect freedom of religion”, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at an event dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the enthronement of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, Interfax reported.

    Putin said that there is actually a struggle for power, as well as speculations and cheap politics in the context of church affairs. He expressed regret that the Constantinople Patriarchate has been involved in the …

  • Media: Plane sent to Russia with Venezuelan gold returned with a billion dollars for Maduro

    The Russian plane, which flew to Caracas and back, returned with a billion dollars for the dictator Nicolas Maduro. Novaya Gazeta reported with a reference to its sources that the gold reserves which the plane flew out of Venezuela were sold.

    Novaya Gazeta reported that the “empty” plane, which flew to Caracas on January 29, in fact carried two crew teams. It first landed in Dubai (UAE) and then flew to the Venezuelan capital after landing in Morocco and Cape Verde.

    It was reported that the …