Contents tagged with Russia

  • Media: three subsidiaries of Russian Space Agency are in a financial crisis

    RIA Novosti reports,citing materials presented at the meeting between the head of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin and Russian President Vladimir Putin, that the financial condition of three subsidiaries of the Russian State Space Corporation, Roscosmos is in a crisis. 

    According to  Roscosmos’  documents, measures are being taken to improve the financial state of the State Organization "Gagarin Research & Test Cosmonaut Training Center", Federal governmental enterprise "Scientific-and-testing center …

  • Media: Russia detained hundreds of Iranian military in Syria

    A large number of Iranian troops and representatives of the Shiite armed groups supporting Bashar Assad are detained in the Russian base in Khmeimim (Syria). The number of detained is in the hundreds, reports Saudi television channel Al-Arabia citing the Syrian center for human rights monitoring. 

    Among the detained are dozens of commanders. 

    Al-Arabia suggests that the wave of arrests may be in connection with a battle in the Syrian city Sha’ta. 

    According to German outlet Spiegel, Moscow …

  • Kremlin complains German representatives refused to attend the conference in Russia because of participants from Crimea

    German representatives refused to participate in the fifth meeting of the heads of Russian and German educational and research organizations that should have taken place in Kazan on February 4 to 6, reported the Russian Foreign Ministry. 

    The Ministry noted that the German representatives objected to the participation of the Crimean Federal University’s Principal, Andrei Falaleev at the conference. 

    “Just a week before the forum, German Foreign Ministry and the conference of principals of …

  • US gives Russia evidence of 9M729 missile tests which violates INF Treaty

    US Ambassador to Russia John Huntsman said that the US has given Russia the geographical coordinates and the dates of the tests done with the 9M729 missiles which the Pentagon believes violate the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.

    The Russian government has repeatedly claimed that the US has presented no evidence to support its accusations that Russia is in breach of the treaty, which prohibits missiles with a range between 500 and 5,500 km.

    “Russia conducted flight tests of the …

  • Ukrainian border guards built observation towers on the Azov Sea coast

    The State Border Guard Service and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine prepared a set of measures aimed at strengthening military positions in the Black and Azov Seas. The head of the Ukrainian State Border Guard Service, Petro Tsyhykal, told the Ukrainian Channel 5  that the border guards had already erected five observation towers on the coast of the Sea of Azov, which will soon be equipped with the necessary means of audiovisual control.

    “Now five towers have already been built on …

  • Russian Foreign Minister blames ‘arrogant’ West for new nuclear arms race

    The West does not want to talk to Russia “as equals” and is responsible for unleashing a new nuclear arms race, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Monday.

    According to him, Moscow is “unfazed” by the “arrogance” of western countries, and believes that everything will ultimately be set straight.

    The Russian diplomat stressed that Moscow will respond to the US’s withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, announced by President Donald Trump on 2 February, …

  • Caracas promises to expand economic cooperation with Russia amid crisis in Venezuela

    The Venezuelan government does not plan to reduce cooperation with Russian companies but will, on the contrary, increase it despite the political crisis in the country, stated Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodríguez at a briefing with Russian media on Sunday.

    "Yesterday I met with the representatives of Russian companies,” she said. “Not only are we are not going to reduce relations with them in any way, but we will expand the cooperation." 

    "The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro is …

  • Estonia demands compensation from Russia for occupation by the USSR

    Estonia has reminded Russia of the times of Soviet occupation once again and pointed to the violation of the Tartu peace treaty from 1920. Estonian Minister of Justice Urmas Reinsalu claimed that the USSR violated the treaty on Estonia’s independence and that Russia must be held accountable for it. 

    According to him, Russia is the successor of the USSR and should pay damages to Estonia in accordance with international law. 

    “The Soviet Union occupied Estonia, violating the Treaty of Tartu, …

  • Russia opens a military center for schoolchildren in annexed Sevastopol

    The Russian military has opened a center in Sevastopol where they will teach schoolchildren how to handle weapons, reports news website Krym.Realii.

    According to the press service of the Russian Ministry of Defense "the military-patriotic center was established in accordance with the Ministry’s decision" on the base of the city’s House of Officers. The center was named the “House of Unarmia (the Youth Army)”.

    “Schoolchildren of Sevastopol, who joined the Unarmia movement, will receive the …

  • Germany advises Russia to take controversial 9M729 missiles beyond Ural Mountains

    If Russia were to relocate its new 9M729 missiles to the Asian side of the Ural Mountains so that they cannot reach Europe, it could possibly preserve the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, suggested German parliamentarians Roderich Kiesewetter (CDU) and Rolf Mützenich (SPD), the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reports.

    The German newspaper notes that Kiesewetter and Mützenich voiced their suggestions independently of each other. The MPs believe that such a solution should be …