Contents tagged with Russia

  • Turkey blocks Russian oil takers en route to Europe

    Shipments of Russian oil to Europe through the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea continue to face difficulties due to Turkey’s decision to change the rules for ships passing through the Bosporus and the Dardanelles, reports.

    The congestion of Russian oil tankers and grain carriers departing from Novorossiysk keeps growing, and is reaching all-time records.

    On 6 February, 55 ships were waiting for permission to enter the Turkish straits, including 26 Aframax-class and 21 Suezmax-class …

  • Media: Russia has tested Putin’s new 'doomsday' weapons at sea

    Russia has tested the reactor of the Poseidon, the unmanned underwater vehicle which Russian President Vladimir Putin boasted of last year, reported TASS with a reference to its source in the Russian military-defense industry.

    According to the source, the test was carried out at sea and confirmed “the previously declared specifications of its unlimited range of use and speed of over 200 kmph”.

    Thee information has not been officially confirmed by the Kremlin.

    Putin first spoke about the …

  • Russian court sentences a Jehovah's Witness to six years in prison

    On Wednesday, a Russian court found a Jehovah's Witness guilty of extremism and sentenced him to six years in prison, stated a representative of the Christian Denomination.

    The United States and the European Union called the case of Danish citizen Dennis Christensen “a litmus test” for religious freedom in Russia and a new spiral in the intensifying confrontation with the West.

    Christensen, the first Jehovah’s Witness arrested for extremism in Russia, pleaded not guilty.

    “Unfortunately, this …

  • Kremlin: Russia will not deploy missiles in Belarus in response to US withdrawal from Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty

    Mikhail Babich, the Russian Ambassador to Belarus, and special representative for the development of trade and economic cooperation stated that Russia is not planning on deploying its missiles in Belarus in response to the US withdrawing from the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty. According to him, Moscow and Minsk already have a joint plan for defense and security and the countries will adhere to them.

    “As for the deployment of missiles on the territory of Belarus, this, of …

  • Interpol removes former Ukrainian President Yanukovych from the wanted list

    Interpol again removed the former President Viktor Yanukovych from the international wanted list, reports Ukrainski Novyny news agency with reference to the Ukrainian Prosecutor General's Office. 

    "We request an arrest warrant, but they refuse. They consider it to be political persecution," said the press secretary of the Prosecutor General, Larisa Sargan. 

    According to her, after the sentence, the Prosecutor General’s Office will again turn to Interpol to resume the international search for …

  • Ukraine joins EU sanctions against Russia

    According to the message published on European Council’s website, Montenegro, Albania, Norway and Ukraine joined the Council’s December decision to extend economic sanctions against Russia.  

    “The European Council adopted decision 2018/2078 on December 21, 2018 (Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy: “On restrictive measures in view of Russia's actions destabilizing the situation in Ukraine”). The Council decision prolongs the restrictive measures for a further six months, until July 31 …

  • Yanukovych says he is ready to discuss Ukrainian prisoners exchange with Putin

    During a press conference in Russia, Former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych announced that he is ready to initiate a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin for the exchange of prisoners according to the “all for all” procedure. 

    “If necessary, if there is such initiative on the Ukrainian side, I am ready to talk with Putin and submit such proposal,” said Yanukovych. 

    According to him, for this to happen he needs some initiative from the President Petro Poroshenko, and the order …

  • OSCE puts forward two Russians as observers for Ukraine’s elections

    The OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights has proposed to include two Russian citizens in the list of observers for Ukraine’s presidential elections on 31 March 2019, Ukrinform reports, citing a diplomatic source.

    “The OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights has included two Russian citizens in its list of the Mission’s long-term observers to observe the elections, despite the fact that, in the invitation to participate in observation, Ukraine’s Foreign …

  • Poll: More than 40% of Russian youth want to leave Russia

    A new data obtained from the survey conducted by the “Levada Center” in January states that 41% of young people aged 18 to 24 would like to emigrate from Russia.

    In the country as a whole, the percentage of those, wishing to emigrate is smaller- 17%, and this number practically has not changed in recent years. However, among young people, the rate is twice as high as the “average sample”, state sociologists.

    Among Russians aged 25 to 39, 24% expressed the desire to emigrate, and among those …

  • Russia demands that Apple display annexed Crimea as Russian territory on its maps

    The Russian State Duma instructed the National Security and Corruption committee and Information Policy, IT and Communications Committee to find out why annexed Sevastopol is shown on Apple’s maps as Ukrainian territory. 

    State Duma committees have been requested to send a request to the State Prosecutor General’s Office to “prevent Apple’s violation of the Russian Constitution.” The request stated that "the Maps application on Apple’s smartphones display Sevastopol as Ukrainian territory," …