Contents tagged with Russia

  • Berlin: German fighter aircraft intercepted Russian warplanes over the Baltic thirty times over pas six months

    According to Deutsche Welle, during a visit to the Bundeswehr soldiers stationed at the Estonian Emari airbase as part of a NATO mission, German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen reported that German fighters scrambled to intercept Russian aircraft over the Baltic Sea thirty times in six months. 

    "This large number indicates that the presence of German soldiers here is very important," said the Minister. 160 Bundeswehr soldiers and four German Eurofighter planes are stationed in Estonian …

  • Swedish experts: Moscow is preparing for full-scale war

    The Swedish National Defense Research Institute (FOI) stated that the Russian army is being prepared for participation in large-scale military requirements. They came to this opinion analyzing the military exercises conducted in Russia from 2009-2017.

    The experts note that the Russian Federation armed forces, which had previously been involved only in local conflicts began to prepare for continuous regional wars starting back in 2009.

    According to FOI, Russia considers NATO or the Chinese …

  • Media: US will not sell Patriot air defense systems to Turkey if Ankara buys Russian S-400 missile systems

    The United States will not supply Turkey with the Patriot anti-aircraft missile systems if Ankara acquires Russian S-400s, Turkish daily newspaper Yeni Şafak reported on Thursday with a reference to a representative of the US administration.

    It became known in December that the State Department approved the sale of missile systems to Turkey for $ 3.5 billion. In particular, the State Department approved the sale of 80 Patriot missiles and 60 other missiles to Turkey, including related …

  • Russia believes US is planning to invade Venezuela

    Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said in a press conference that the US is working on scenarios to invade Venezuela, thereby violating the UN Charter.

    “Signals keep coming from Washington on the possibility of using a forceful scenario in order to overthrow the legitimate government, even through a military invasion,” she said, claiming that the White House has been speaking about this openly.

    Zakharova emphasized that such statements contravene article 2(4) of the UN …

  • Media: The Netherlands expects to start of negotiations with Russia regarding MH17 air disaster

    The Netherlands expects to start negotiations with Russia regarding its responsibility for the crash of Boeing-777 in Ukraine in July 2014, announced RTL channel on Thursday with reference to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.

    At this stage, the ministry does not want to disseminate too much information, "so as not to harm the confidentiality of the process." “However, everything is moving in the right direction, and there is hope that official negotiations will begin soon,” …

  • Russia: US must destroy MK-41 launchers and attack drones to save INF Treaty

    Russia demands that the US meet a number of conditions before the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty can be reinstated, Russian Defense Ministry spokesperson Igor Konashenkov said on Thursday, 7 February, as reported by Interfax.

    “The Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation has advised America to take the necessary measures to return to strict compliance with the treaty during the period before the INF Treaty expires,” he said.

    According to Konashenkov, Russia has advised the …

  • Ukrainian Parliament prohibits Russian observers from monitoring Ukrainian Presidential elections

    On Thursday, February 7, the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada adopted Bill Number 9524 prohibiting Russian citizens from participating as observers in the elections. The bill was supported by 232 People's Deputies. 

    "The representatives of the occupying country that has waged war against Ukraine for five years have no legal or moral rights to come to us. We cannot even imagine who these observers could be. They could be saboteurs, provocateurs,” said Anna Hopko, Member of the Ukrainian Parliament, and …

  • US: Russia has 175 Wagner mercenaries in Central African Republic

    The US is concerned by Russia’s growing presence in African countries, said General Thomas Waldhauser, commander of the US Africa Command, during hearings of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

    “In the Central African Republic (CAR), Russia has consolidated its influence through expanded military collaboration, including arms shipments, and in exchange it gains access to markets and mineral rights in the country,” the general said.

    Waldhauser also noted that the US has reason to believe …

  • The USA seeks evidence of Russia’s special forces in Venezuela

    On February 7th, Admiral Craig Faller, head of the Southern US armed forces command stated during the hearing of the Armed Services Committee of the US Senate that the United States is familiar with reports that “Russian security forces” allegedly were transferred to Venezuela. The American authorities are trying to confirm this information.

    “I am not aware of the details of this situation, but we are closely monitoring it. We saw media publications that the Russian security forces have been …

  • Russian soldier killed in Syria

    On 31 January, a Russian contract soldier was killed “while carrying out a combat assignment” in Syria. The 24 year-old, Maxim Pletnev, was a resident of town of Tikhoretsk in Russia’s Krasnodar Krai, Radio Liberty reports.

    The fact that he died in the Near East was confirmed by Sergey Zakharov, deputy head of the Tikhoretsk region. Journalists discovered that Pletnev had also served on the Russian-Ukrainian border at the height of the conflict in the Donbas.

    Pletnev’s death was reported by …