Contents tagged with Russia

  • Media: US steps up pressure on EU regarding Nord Stream 2

    The US has stepped up the pressure on EU countries to halt the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, the German newspaper Handelsblatt reports, citing an anonymous White House official.

    Despite the cold winter months, work on the German-Russian gas pipeline has continued. One third of the 1,230 km gas pipeline has already been laid on the bottom of the Baltic Sea, and the construction is scheduled to finish by the end of the year.

    However, this is not to the US’s liking, …

  • Ukrainian Joint Forces Commander warns of imminent Russian offensive

    Russia is strengthening its forces near the Ukrainian border and preparing a large-scale offensive, stated joint Forces Commander Serhiy Nayev in an interview with Novoe Vremya magazine.

    According to Nayev, the proof lies in the presence of twelve tactical battalions near the Ukrainian-Russian border where there used to be only eight battalions. The number of combat-ready aircraft on the other side of the front line near Donetsk has also increased.

    The General explained that Russian …

  • Kremlin : Japan's support for sanctions against Russia is an obstacle to signing the peace treaty

    The Press Secretary to the Russian President, Dmitry Peskov said that one of the obstacles to signing a peace treaty is that Japan actively supports the sanctions against Russia, Interfax reports.

    “They support the sanctions and this is one of the questions and one of the situations that prevents us from signing the peace treaty,” Peskov noted during the program “Moscow.Kremlin.Putin” on channel Russia-1.

    He recalled that last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed to sign the peace …

  • Kremlin denies sending Russian military to protect Maduro

    The Russian Press Secretary for the President Dmitry Peskov stated on the “Moscow. Kremlin. Putin” television program that Russians were not sent to Venezuela to protect the country’s president, Nicolas Maduro.

    He responded, “of course not,” to the corresponding question from a journalist, as quoted by Interfax quote.

    When the host of the program reminded that media is reporting more than 400 militants in Russia, sent to protect Maduro, Peskov said: “fear has a vivid imagination.”

    Earlier, …

  • Kremlin: Russia's main goal in negotiations with Japan is to conclude the Peace Treaty

    During the program “Moscow. Kremlin. Putin” broadcast on Russia 1 TV channel, Dmitry Peskov, Press Secretary of Russian President, said that in the negotiations with Tokyo, Moscow’s basic task is to conclude a peace treaty with Japan rather than find a solution to the issue of the Kuril Islands.

    “Our basic task is to conclude a peace treaty, not to give or receive anything,” TASS quoted Peskov as saying. “We need to end World War 2 and sign a peace treaty with a very important partner of us in …

  • US Treasury Department lifts sanctions from three Deripaska companies

    On Sunday, the US Treasury Department announced that it was lifting the sanctions previously imposed on three companies associated with Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska: US Rusal PLC, En + Group PLC and JSC EuroSibEnergo.

    The decision was made despite the demands of Democrats in Congress to keep the restrictions imposed on these companies. Earlier, Republican legislators who hold the majority in the Senate blocked an attempt to keep the sanctions in effect.

    According to the administration, …

  • German government allocates €12 million of assistance for Leningrad Siege victims

    Germany’s government has said that it will allocate € 12 million to upgrading hospitals for war veterans in St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad), a German-Russian meeting center for the Russian and German public, as well as assistance for people who survived the Siege of Leningrad, Deutsche Welle reports.

    German and Russian foreign ministers Heiko Maas and Sergey Lavrov announced this in a joint statement, welcoming the German government’s humanitarian gesture.

    “We are confident that this …

  • Kyiv: 6,500 Russians were denied entry into Ukraine in 2018

    The press representative of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Oleh Slobodyan, said in an interview with Espresso TV that the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine refused entry to 6,500 Russians last year. He added that the number has increased compared to 2017.

    Slobodyan clarified that there are three main reasons for refusing entry: failing to prove the trip purpose, exceeding the stay period during previous trips and violation of Ukrainian legislation regarding visiting the Crimea. …

  • Russian media reveals sources of the reports about Russian mercenaries in Venezuela

    Yevgeny Shabaev, a Cossack leader who chairs the All-Russian Officer’s Assembly, revealed the sources of the reports that Russian mercenaries have been sent to protect Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro during the political crisis in the country.

    Shabaev told RBC that on 21 January he received a request for assistance from a fighter in one of the Russian private military companies (PMCs). “One of the boys who is involved in the protection of the elite persons in the current structures of the …

  • Venezuelan ambassador to Russia: Caracas is ready to accept Moscow’s mediation

    The ambassador of Venezuela to the Russian Federation, Carlos Rafael Faria Tortosa stated that Venezuela is ready to accept Russia’s mediation in order to establish a dialogue between the government and the opposition.

    “We heard the statement made by Russia, we also heard the offer from the Russian side to serve, if necessary, as a mediator in the dialogue between the government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the opposition,” he stated.

    Faria Tortosa reminded that earlier …