• Russia threatens to block Wikipedia

    Russian authorities are threatening to block access to Wikipedia.org.

    According to the statement issued by the Russian Government Regulatory agency Wikipedia has been requested to remove certain content from their web site.

     Gazeta.ru reports that the administration of Wikipedia have refused to fulfil these demands.

    “Wikipedia is a free Universal Encyclopedia. It has information on majority of the world phenomena including narcotic and psychotropic substances.

    When publishing articled the …

  • Russia has a rescue plan for Ukraine

    The conflict handcrafted by Russia is slowly burning in Eastern Ukraine.While Europe is preoccupied with their own problems, Russia is sparing no efforts in pushing forward its agenda.Russian government controlled TV channels have been actively talking about the” Ukrainian Rescue” committee.   The committee has recently held a press conference in Moscow to introduce themselves to the media.Strangely one of the leading members of this new body is the former Prime Minister, Nikolai Azarov, who …