Contents tagged with Russia

  • 'Tomato war' with Turkey costs Russia $1.5 billion

    The restrictions on the import of agricultural products from Turkey have led to an increase in food prices in Russia. As a result, Russian consumers are suffering, as well as cereal, oil and sugar producers.

    This is the conclusion of the economic situation research conducted by the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), the Gaidar Institute and the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade (RFTA).

    According to the experts, Russia has lost $1,3-1,5 …

  • U.S. Permanent Representative to U.N. demands that investigation be opened into detention of homosexuals in Chechnya

    The U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., Nikki Haley, stated that is was an "impossibility to ignore" the reports about the abductions, torture, and killings of people in Chechnya on the basis of their sexual orientation. Her statement was published on the website of the U.S. Mission to the United Nations.

    The diplomat also noted that the U.S. "is still concerned" about this information. "Chechen authorities must immediately investigate these allegations and hold everyone involved accountable," Haley …

  • Russian submarines were spotted near the borders of Latvia

    The National Armed Forces of Latvia reported that two Russian Navy submarines were spotted in the republic’s economic zone about 10 km from the state border.

    "On April 16, two Russian Kilo-class submarines were discovered at a distance of 5.5 nautical miles from the Latvian border in its exclusive economic zone," the National Armed Forces of Latvia reported via Twitter.

    In addition, at the distance of 20 nautical miles from the territorial waters a Kashtan-class submarine support vessel was …

  • Russia has become Ukraine’s main coal supplier

    In the first quarter of 2017, coal imports from Russia to Ukraine amounted to 221,000 tons with a total import volume of 413,000 tons. A source in the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry shared this information with Interfax-Ukraine.

    According to its data, for the first quarter, Ukrainian power plants received 72,900 tons of coal from South Africa, 221,600 tons from Russia and 118,900 tons from Poland.

    Coal reserves in the warehouses of TPPs and CHPPs of Ukraine during March 2017 grew by 5.2% …

  • Putin ratified agreement with Uzbekistan on military and technical cooperation

    Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law ratifying the agreement between Russia and Uzbekistan on the development of military and technical cooperation. The document was published on the official State website.

    The agreement determines the process for exchanges of military products and the establishment of a policy for cooperation in the spheres of development, production, operation, repair, modernization, and utilization of weapons and military equipment.

    It is also assumed that the …

  • Media: China and Russia sent reconnaissance ships to track movement of US aircraft carrier near the Korean peninsula

    China and Russia sent reconnaissance vessels to track the movement of the U.S. nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, Carl Vinson, which is moving toward the Korean peninsula.

    According to the Associated Press, citing sources in the Japanese government, Moscow and Beijing want to observe American maneuvers given Washington's readiness for military action against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), Deutsche Welle reports.

    One of the purposes of sending reconnaissance ships may be to …

  • Lavrov: the West’s accusations against Russia for the war in Ukraine are 'hostile'

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has once again expressed his dissatisfaction with the fact that the West criticizes Moscow for military aggression against Ukraine and interference in the civil war in Syria.

    “I’m no longer very inclined to comment on all these unfounded accusations which are put forward against us. First it was Ukraine, then Syria started to be mentioned in this context, and now some American figures and official entities in London have started saying that Russia can be …

  • By 2025 Russian army will switch over to new hypersonic weapons

    The Russian Ministry of Defense reported on Sunday that by 2025 new types of hypersonic weapons will be supplied to the troops. A corresponding statement is posted on the Ministry’s website.

    “The state armament program, which will extend from 2018-2025, will include the development of promising types of armament and special military equipment” the document says, as cited by TASS. “The new armament program is intended to complete the development of fundamentally new models of hypersonic weapons, …

  • Three European countries have accelerated the procedure for issuing visas to homosexuals from Russia’s republic Chechnya

    The embassies of three European states have decided to expedite the issuance of visas to the residents of Chechnya that the Republic's authorities are persecuting because of their homosexuality, as reported by Meduza news outlet citing the head of the council of the "Russian LGBT Network", Tatiana Vinnichenko. She did not specify which countries are involved, fearing that representatives from Chechen diasporas could threaten the asylum seekers.

    In addition, Vinnichenko said that two meetings …

  • Google will pay Russia a $6.75 million fine following complaint by Yandex

    The Moscow Court has approved a settlement agreement between Google and the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) of the Russian Federation, Deputy Head of the FAS Alexei Dotsenko told reporters. He confirms that Google will abandon exclusive pre-installation of its applications on Android mobile devices, and will not limit the pre-installation of third-party applications, in particular, to the home screen of the device.

    As part of the settlement agreement, Google will also pay an earlier- …