Contents tagged with Russia

  • Ukraine versus Russia at the Hague: court agrees to take measures against Russia to protect minorities in the Crimea, but has not 'seen evidence of Russia financing terrorism in the Donbas'

    In January 2017, Ukraine initiated a lawsuit against Russia at the UN’s International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Hague. Kyiv is accused Moscow of violating two UN conventions, namely the Terrorist Financing Convention and the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. On April 19, the court in the Hague published several rulings on this case. The verdict was read by presiding judge Ronny Abraham.

    Notably, the ICJ acknowledged its jurisdiction over Ukraine’s case against Russia. “The …

  • Media reports that Russian bombers fly close to Alaska again

    A pair of Russian Tu-95 bombers again flew near to the coast of Alaska, but this time the US Air Force did not send fighter jets to intercept them, reported Fox News, citing a source in the US Defense Department.

    “Russian bombers returned to Alaska for a second consecutive night, two Tu-95s were 36 nautical miles (67 kilometers) from the mainland of Alaska,” posted producer Lucas Tomlinson on Twitter. Tomlinson specializes in covering the work of the Pentagon and the State Department. …

  • Media: Leader of movement for independent California has moved to Russia

    Louis Marinelli, one of the founders of the Yes California movement, which advocates the separation of California from the United States, withdrew the petition to hold a referendum on changing the state constitution. He also said that he intends to make Russia his new home. This was reported on Tuesday, April 18, by Business Insider.

    “I have found in Russia a new happiness, a life without the albatross of frustration and resentment towards ones’ homeland… if the people of Russia would be so …

  • Poland's Military Counterintelligence Service sent a 'top secret' statement on the Smolensk crash to the prosecutor's office

    The head of the Military Counterintelligence Service of Poland (SWK), Piotr Bączek, said that new information was sent to the prosecutor's office concerning the crash of the presidential plane near Smolensk, as reported by Radio Poland.

    "The statement is top secret and concerns an organized visit to Smolensk. It also contains information on contacts and cooperation between the Military Counterintelligence Service and the Federal Security Service (FSB)." The hearing for the former Polish Prime …

  • Radio Liberty, Voice of America and CNN were called 'agents of U.S. pressure' against Russia

    In the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Radio Liberty, Voice of America and CNN broadcasters are regarded as “agents of U.S. pressure on the situation in Russia.”

    On April 18, the head of the lower house Committee for Information Policy, Leonid Levin said that the US media is part of the “large-scale system of pressure of Washington,” which allegedly includes “various funds, non-governmental organizations, grants and much more.”

    This statement was made by Levin on April 18 during …

  • Media: Russia understated its losses in fighting for Palmyra

    The number of dead Russian soldiers fighting in Syria and directly participating in the battles for Palmyra highly exceeds official data that was announced by the Russian Defense Ministry.

    According to Reuters, Russian soldiers suffered 21 casualties while the military department confirms the death of only five people.

    Reuters emphasized the period from January 29 of this year to the end of March. During this time, the agency stresses, the official losses of the Russian army in the fighting …

  • President of Georgia accuses Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov of violating international law

    Georgian President Giorgi Margvelashvili called Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's visit to Abkhazia "a violation of Georgian legislation and international law," RIA Novosti reported.

    During the two-day visit, Lavrov is planning to take part in the opening ceremony of a new Russian embassy in Abkhazia. Margvelashvili said that the work of any foreign representation in the territory of the country is permissible only with the consent of Tbilisi.

    "In another case, such an action is a …

  • Mattis: US and Russian militaries are collaborating to prevent incidents in Syrian air space

    The Russian and American militaries are collaborating in Syria in order to avoid possible incidents while carrying out combat flights, but this does not involve coordination of operations, US Minister of Defense James Mattis told reporters.

    “We (the US) are cooperating with Russia to prevent incidents, in order to ensure the safety of flights, in order to avoid any misunderstandings or any kind of unintended (aircraft) collision with each other,” Mattis said.

    “We are not coordinating our …

  • Russia confirms the interception of two Tu-95 bombers by American fighters off the coast of Alaska

    The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed that US Air Force F-22 fighters had escorted Russian Tu-95 strategic bombers in the airspace near Alaska. The interception of the two Russian bombers was reported by Fox News.

    The Russian Defense Ministry reported that the events took place on April 17th. On that day, two strategic Tu-95MC bombers took off from the Ukrainka airbase in the Amur Region and had successfully completed their air patrol mission. The flight route passed over neutral waters of …

  • Russian scientists claim to have created a device that makes planes invisible to enemy missiles

    Specialists of the Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences have created a prototype of a device that ensures the safety of flights of military aircraft, even if they are attacked by enemy missiles, the Russian news agency RIA Novosti reported.

    “A prototype has been made of a superluminal generator of ultra-wideband pulsed electromagnetic radiation with sub-nanosecond duration based on a wide-aperture parabolic photocathode with a diameter of 200 millimeters …