Contents tagged with Russia

  • Putin calls up military reserve to service

    On April 19, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree calling Russian citizens in reserve to two month service duty in 2017.

    The decree was published on Thursday on the Garant legal information portal.

    Putin decreed to “call up in 2017 Russian citizens who are in reserve, to carry out military service for a period up to two months in the Russian Armed Forces, in the national defense bodies and the Federal Security Service bodies”.

    Two other sections of this decree are classified “for …

  • Russia bans Jehovah’s Witnesses

    The Supreme Court of Russia has declared Jehovah’s Witnesses an extremist organization and determined that it be liquidated, as reported by Russia’s Interfax news agency.

    The organization’s property will be turned over for use by the state. A representative of Jehovah’s Witnesses said that the decision of the Russian Supreme Court will be appealed to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).

    The lawsuit against the organization was filed on March 15th by the Ministry of Justice. The office …

  • Russia confirms death of an officer in Syria

    Russian military adviser Major Sergey Bordov was killed in Syria as a result of an attack by militants on a military garrison of government troops. This was reported by Interfax, citing the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

    The serviceman was part of a group of Russian military advisers who were training a unit of Syrian troops. “When the militants attacked, the Russian officer directed the Syrian soldiers, not allowing the terrorists to enter the residential area. During the …

  • Poroshenko: Russia doesn’t need peace, it needs control

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko commented on a recent phone call in the “Normandy Format”. According to him, while talking to Russian President Vladimir Putin, he was once again convinced that the Kremlin does not need peace, but control.

    He mentioned this during a speech at the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) in London.

    “The Russians are not interested in achieving peace. They are interested in gaining control. I felt it again on Monday, when, together with …

  • Poland asked the US for help in putting pressure on Russia regarding the Smolensk plane crash

    Poland hopes for US assistance in filing a complaint against Russia to the international court regarding the Smolensk air crash, as stated by Polish Foreign Minister, Witold Waszczykowski, after a meeting with US Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, RIA Novosti reported.

    "Regarding the Smolensk crash, we are interested in any kind of assistance; technical assistance with the investigation, as well as political assistance in the form of pressure on Moscow," he said.

    Waszczykowski noted that …

  • Anti-Putin rallies will be held in four Russian cities on April 29th

    The city authorities of Moscow, Krasnodar, Tomsk, and Novosibirsk are allowing an Open Russia rally to take place on April 29th, during which protesters will ask Vladimir Putin not to participate in the upcoming presidential elections. According to TV2, in Tomsk the event will take place at the Novo-Sobornaya Square. reports that the authorities of Novosibirsk also agreed to the event, but moved its location from the city square to the cinema building.

    In Krasnodar, the rally will …

  • At meeting with Putin, Kadyrov denied reports of murders of homosexuals in Chechnya

    At a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov denied Russian media reports about the detention and killing of residents of the Republic suspected of homosexuality.

    "I want to report to you that those provocative articles regarding the Chechen Republic, about the events that we are having; allegedly there are detentions, gentlemen – ‘good people’ write that we have detentions in the republic. Even talking about it is uncomfortable. Allegedly, …

  • Kremlin announces that Twitter will move its Russian members’ personal data to Russia

    The Russian Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor) announced on April 19 that by mid-2018 Twitter will transfer to Russia its databases containing personal data of Russian members.

    A message on the website of the Russian agency cites a letter from Twitter representative Sinéad McSweeney that says the company is currently evaluating what data can be transferred to Russia.

    Earlier, Roskomnadzor noted that the …

  • Ukrainian Ministry of Energy proposed banning the import of anthracite from Russia

    The Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining of Ukraine submitted a draft resolution to the Cabinet of Ministers to ban the import of steam coal from Russia.

    "The Ministry submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers a proposition to ban the imports of steam coal from Russia," Minister Ihor Nasalyk told journalists before the meeting on Wednesday, Interfax-Ukraine reported.

    Nasalyk noted that presently, with the support of the US Embassy in Ukraine, negotiations are underway regarding the possibility of …

  • Russia again stands up for Assad, asserts that the chemical attack in Syria was staged

    Russia has presented a range of evidence to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) claiming that the incident of the possible use of poisonous gas in the Syrian province of Idlib has a staged character. TASS writes that Alexander Shulgin, the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the organization, reported this.

    According to Shulgin, a meeting of the OPCW Executive Council took place in The Hague, during which the floor was given in particular to …