Anti-Putin rallies will be held in four Russian cities on April 29th

The city authorities of Moscow, Krasnodar, Tomsk, and Novosibirsk are allowing an Open Russia rally to take place on April 29th, during which protesters will ask Vladimir Putin not to participate in the upcoming presidential elections. According to TV2, in Tomsk the event will take place at the Novo-Sobornaya Square. reports that the authorities of Novosibirsk also agreed to the event, but moved its location from the city square to the cinema building.

In Krasnodar, the rally will be held in Victory Park. The organizers planned a procession after the rally, but they were denied permission to do to so according to the Yugopolis website.

The Moscow mayor's office had already authorized the Open Russia rally, but asked the organizers to relocate it to Academician Sakharov Avenue.

The event was not approved by officials in St. Petersburg.

The details of the "Nadoyel" (Tired of You) campaign that was scheduled for April 29th were announced last Saturday during the Open Russia conference. It plans to send appeals to President Vladimir Putin's offices throughout Russia asking him not to run for office in 2018.

  Russia, Putin, Open Russia, Elections
