Contents tagged with Russia

  • Serbian President announces that he wants to obtain the S-300 missile systems from Russia or Belarus

    The new president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, stated that Serbia would like to acquire S-300 surface-to-air missile system, as reported by the Serbian television station RTS.

    Along with the announcement, Vučić noted that Belgrade is discussing the possibility of obtaining the S-300 system not just from Russia, but from with Belarus. At the moment, there is no agreement for the delivery of the surface-to-air missile system from any country to Belgrade.

    The Prime Minister of Serbia said that …

  • Russian deputies and Saudi king do not agree on the future of Assad

    A delegation of the Federal Council of the Russian Federation, which was received in Riyadh by King of Saudi Arabia Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, held talks with him about the situation in Syria; the parties remained on opposite sides regarding the future of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

    This was stated by Deputy Chairman of the Chamber Ilyas Umakhanov, who was a member of the Russian delegation, reported Interfax news agency.

    According to Umakhanov, the King and the Russian delegation, …

  • Media: Merkel secretly passed a dossier on Putin to British special services

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel met secretly with representatives of the British special services on several occasions, as reported by Focus, the German news website, with reference to its own sources.

    The news agency notes that the latest meeting between the German Chancellor and the leaders of the British special services took place in October 2015, 60 km from London at the estate of the then British Prime Minister, David Cameron.

    According to the report, they discussed the terrorist threat …

  • Afghanistan asked Russia for help with providing supplies for its army and police

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan asked Russia to help with training and providing supplies for its army and police, as stated by the Director-General of Policy and Strategy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan, Mohammad Ashraf Haidari.

    According to Haidari, after consultations, Kabul invited Moscow "to consider the possibility of providing maintenance support in Afghanistan, as well as material supply and training of personnel for the Afghan army and police."

    The …

  • German Defense Ministry: The United States tried to ensure that Russian soldiers were not harmed during the missile strikes on Syria

    German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen commented on the U.S. missile strikes on the Syrian airfield. According to DW, the German minister, unlike many Western politicians who declared the deterioration of Russian-American relations after the strike, regards the incident as "an effective solution to the conflict situation."

    "The Russian side was warned in advance about the attack. The air defense was not activated; therefore, they believed the American reports that the strike would be …

  • Russian police detained dozens of opposition supporters in several cities

    In several Russian cities on April 16, 2017, police detained dozens of people who took part in peaceful protests, Deutsche Welle reported.

    In St. Petersburg, participants of the "walks" on Palace Square were detained for not getting authorization from authorities. According to the organizer of the rally, Aleksandr Rastorguev, the police detained dozens of participants.

    "My friends and I have been taking walks every week since October of last year. Usually several policemen accompany us. Today …

  • Media: A terrorist act near the Russian Embassy in Berlin was prevented at the last moment

    The German Sunday newspaper, Bild am Sonntag, reports that a terrorist act near the Russian Embassy in Berlin on April 10th was prevented at the last moment.

    The newspaper notes that a Moroccan citizen called Mohammed H., who is suspected of planning the terrorist act, discussed the attack on social networks. Last Saturday, he was going to walk among demonstrators in front of the Russian embassy and commit an act of terrorism. Thus, the supposed attack was prevented just one day before its …

  • Media: Russia-US memorandum to prevent air incidents in Syria is not in effect

    The memorandum between Russia and the US to prevent air incidents in Syria is still suspended; the US is using other channels for its communications with Russia, a Russian military diplomatic source told Interfax on Saturday.

    “The memorandum is suspended,” he said.

    “By aviation measurements, the Syrian sky is very small. This is why America, through other already available channels, often asks us for authorization to enter this or that zone of Syrian airspace. We understand the importance of …

  • Trump’s advisor: 'decisive discussions' with Russia on Syria are imperative

    Herbert McMaster, national security adviser to the US president, believes the time has come for “tough discussions” with Moscow on the topic of its support of the Syrian government, and also Russia’s “subversive activity” in Europe. Moscow’s support of the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad has led to a civil war and a crisis which has spread not only to Iraq and other neighboring countries, but also to Europe, the security adviser said in a broadcast of ABC News on Sunday, April 16.

    He added …

  • Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine: Russia has isolated itself from Eurovision-2017

    Russia has isolated itself from the Eurovision-2017 singing competition that will be held in Kyiv, as stated by the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, Vyacheslav Kyrylenko, on Ukrainske radio.

    "Russia has isolated itself from Eurovision-2017. Moreover, as a result of this decision, the Kremlin has deprived all Russian people of the opportunity to see this fantastic and wonderful show, in which 42 countries not only from Europe but the whole world will take part," Kyrylenko said. "But we also know …