Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russia and Syria to make a joint movie entitled 'Palmyra'

    Russia and Syria will collaborate on a movie, Palmyra, about native of Dagestan who travels to the Middle East to save his family. The production agreement will be signed in the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation between Proline Media and Shanghaf on Monday, April 17th as reported by the press service of the Russian Ministry of Culture.

    As emphasized in the message, Palmyra will be the first picture jointly produced by the two countries.

    The main character of the movie is a doctor …

  • Syria to receive ten modernized Su-24M2 bombers from Russia

    The Syrian military will soon receive ten modernized Su-24M2 frontline bombers from Russia, reported. As part of a contract that was signed in 2009, the modernization of the bombers included installing a new weapons control system that equips the aircraft with modern, high-precision guided missiles.

    Under the terms of the agreement, Russian specialists will also provide training for Syrian pilots and maintenance personnel.

    Last week, the U.S. attacked Syria’s Shayrat Airbase in …

  • Belarus settles with Russia for gas

    Belarus has paid in full an overdue amount of $726.2 million to the Russian company Gazprom for delivery of gas in 2016-2017, as reported in Gazprom’s press release.

    It was noted that since the beginning of last year, Belarusian consumers have been underpaying the Russian gas company Gazprom Transgaz Belarus, possibly because the price was not calculated according to the formula stipulated in the contract, but from the gas prices in Europe, which at that time fell drastically. In response, …

  • Kremlin 'outraged' by ECHR's decision to make Russia pay 3 million euros for Beslan massacre

    Family members of those killed in the Beslan school terrorist attack in 2004 won a case against Russia in the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). The court awarded the petitioners a total of EUR 2.995 million as a compensation for moral damages, as well as EUR 88,000 in reimbursement for court costs, as reported by Kommersant.

    According to the report, the ECHR acknowledged that the Russian authorities were in a difficult situation and took the necessary measures to rescue the hostages. At …

  • Ukraine’s Foreign Minister: Tillerson’s visit confirms that Russia cannot be worked with on the basis of trust

    On Thursday, Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin commented on the outcome of the meeting of US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, which took place on April 12 in Moscow.

    “I believe that his [Tillerson’s] visit demonstrated very clearly, not only in the statements, but also in the logic of what he outlined during the press conference… our mutual thesis is that one can neither collaborate nor talk to Russia on the basis of trust. During the visit, …

  • Spanish politicians and businessmen visit Russian-annexed Crimea. Ukraine calls it 'an element of Russia’s hybrid war'

    On April 10, a delegation of politicians and businessmen from the Spanish province of Andalusia arrived in the annexed Crimea. According to RIA Novosti, the delegation included the president of the national assembly of Andalusia Pedro Altamirano and the federal coordinator of the national party of Andalusia (the city of Málaga) Salvador Garcia Urbano.

    “The delegation is already in the Crimea. It is expected to remain here until the 15th of April. During this time, a whole number of meetings …

  • 14 people in Montenegro, including two Russians, were charged in connection with attempted coup

    A court in Podgorica reported on charges against 14 people, including two Russian citizens, in connection with the coup attempt in Montenegro last fall, reports Radio Svoboda.

    Among those accused of "creation of a criminal organization" are two opposition politicians, parliament deputies Andrija Mandic and Milan Knezevic from the Democratic Front, two Russian citizens, nine Serbians and one Montenegran. The Russians were also accused of terrorism.

    The court has 15 days to agree with the …

  • Polish Foreign Minister: Russia may respond to US attack on Syria by escalating situation in the Donbas

    The Kremlin may react to the American bombardment of Syrian troops with an escalation of tensions in eastern Ukraine, as stated by Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs Witold Waszczykowski on channel TVP1.

    “Now everyone is waiting for the reaction from Russia. Either it will react in Syria or, as some say, unfortunately, in Ukraine. There is a certain danger here, because Russia's policy is unpredictable and in some cases even unreasonable. No doubt, there will be some answer. The only question …

  • Russia will not participate in or broadcast the Eurovision Song Contest in Ukraine

    Russian Channel One has said that it will not broadcast the Eurovision Song Contest this year because of the refusal of the Ukrainian authorities to let the singer Yuliya Samoylova enter the country to participate.

    This was announced in a news broadcast from Channel One, reports Russia’s Interfax news agency.

    "Today, Channel One received a letter from the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) informing us that the EBU was unable to resolve the issue of the participation of our contestant, Yuliya …

  • The U.S. refuses to participate in the conference on Afghanistan in Russia

    According to the US State Department spokesman, Mark Toner, the U.S. does not plan to participate in the conference on Afghanistan that will be held in Moscow on April 14.

    "We do not plan to participate in these regional talks”, said Toner. “I think they’re April 14th, which is tomorrow. They have been organized by the Russian Government," he said.

    At the same time, the representative of the State Department noted that the U.S. supports regional attempts to solve the problems of Afghanistan. …