Contents tagged with Russia

  • Georgia refuses to purchase gas from Russia's Gazprom

    Georgia refused to purchase Russian gas, choosing instead to buy from Azerbaijan. According to the 2017 forecast balance, starting from April the country will make no more purchases from Gazprom, RIA Novosti reported.

    During the first three months of 2017, Georgia received 100 million cubic meters of gas from Russia, writes Novosti-Georgia. Starting from April, the government plans to fully provide the population and commercial sector with gas supplies from Azerbaijan. The deliveries will be …

  • An upgraded version of Russia's Iskander-M missile will be presented after 2020

    An upgraded version of the Iskander-M operational-tactical missile system will be presented after 2020, announced Sergey Chemezov, the general director of Rostekh State Corporation, TASS reported.

    “Over the last few years at MSC [the JSC Scientific Production Corporation Engineering Design Bureau], more than twenty complexes of precision weapons and their modifications were created. In accordance with the adopted strategy of the Armament cluster, in ten years we intend to improve the …

  • A mysterious growth of capital outflow from Russia has puzzled Russian banks and experts

    The volume of capital withdrawal from Russia abroad in the first quarter of 2017 puzzled the financial community. Regardless of the Central Bank’s forecasts about a yearly rate of $12 billion, the outflow for the first quarter alone has already amounted to $15.4 billion.

    According to the Central Bank itself, the reason lies in the growth of banks’ foreign currency purchases, but the banks themselves deny this. "We did not increase foreign assets in the first quarter of 2017," VTB Bank reported …

  • Russian President promises not to allow 'color revolutions' in the country

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that authorities will not allow "color revolutions" in the country. He made this statement in an interview with TV channel "Mir 24" published on Wednesday.

    "We know various theories that are being implemented in various parts of the world and lead to serious instability in these regions. Of course we must not allow anything of this sort and we will by all means take appropriate actions in Russia and support our partners in the CSTO (Collective Security …

  • The arrested top-manager of Kaspersky Lab explained how Russian authorities are recruiting cybercriminals

    The top manager of the Kaspersky Lab, Ruslan Stoyanov, who is now in a Moscow pre-trial prison (SIZO) on charges of state treason, said that Russian authorities are recruiting cybercriminals to carry out tasks ordered by the state.

    As payment they are offered protection from investigations against them by the special services, Dozhd TV reported citing Stoyanov's letters.

    "Lately, there have been signs of an effort 'to make patriots' out of Russian-speaking cybercriminals, by attempting to …

  • US accuses Russia of interfering in Montenegro’s elections

    A representative of the White House National Security Council accused Russia of planning a coup in Montenegro on election day.

    According to him, the US completely believes the media’s reports that Russian intelligence was connected to the coup attempt in October last year.

    “We are very concerned about Russian interference in the October elections in Montenegro, including credible reports of Russian support for an attempted election day attack on the government,” a senior White House official …

  • Italian police seize Crimean wines presented by Russia at exhibition in Verona

    At their stand at the Italian wine exhibition Vinitaly in Verona, Russians were exhibiting wines from the Crimean peninsula which Russia annexed in 2014. This was mentioned by exhibition participant Oleksii Lubetskyi, who is also a manager of the UA2EU project, which promotes Ukrainian exports. Lubetskyi informed the Italian financial police of the violation. After this, the Russians were forced to remove the Crimean wines from their stand. The incident was reported by Lubetskyi on his Facebook …

  • Tillerson: Ukraine is an obstacle for relations with Russia

    Ukraine will remain an obstacle to improving relations between the U.S. and Russia until the full implementation of the Minsk agreements.

    This was stated by the head of the State Department, Rex Tillerson, at a press conference in Moscow after a meeting with the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Sergei Lavrov.

    "Until full progress is made under the Minsk Accords, the situation in Ukraine will remain an obstacle to improvement in relations between the U.S. and Russia," he said.

    The …

  • Russian programmer detained in Spain was 'King of Spam'

    Russian programmer Pyotr Levashov, detained in Spain at the request of the United States, is accused of sending spam using a botnet.

    This was noted in an official statement by the U.S. Department of Justice.

    It follows from the document that Levashov was detained during an operation intended to stop the activity of a botnet called Kelihos. According to the Department, the programmer had been running it since 2010. “On April 8, 2017, we started the extraordinary task of blocking malicious …

  • Germany's representative to the OSCE: The conflict in the Donbas will allow Russia to prevent Ukraine from joining the EU

    The "frozen" conflict in the Donbas will enable Russia to influence political processes in Ukraine, which will prevent Ukraine from joining the EU or NATO, as stated by the Special Representative of the Federal Government of Germany for the OSCE Chairmanship, Gernot Erler in an interview with Evropeyskaya Pravda.

    According to him, that's why Russia seeks to create a "frozen conflict" in the East of Ukraine. "The frozen conflict in the Donbas would give Russia levers of influence over the …