Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russia intends to abolish charter flights to Turkey

    Russian airlines have received a telegram from Rosaviatsia (Russian Federal Air Travel Agency) warning of a possible suspension of charter flights to Turkey's airports.

    This was reported by the newspaper Kommersant, with reference to a source in a tour operator company.

    According to the source, the relevant decision may have been made in relation to the difficult domestic political situation in Turkey.  A source in Rosaviatsia also confirmed this information to the publication.At the same …

  • Another Russian contract serviceman killed in Syria

    On April 9, a Russian contract serviceman, Igor Zavidny, was killed in Syria, according to RBC news agency.

    “They came under mortar fire, and two men died. By pure chance, his partner refused to go and another man from a different military unit went,” said his twin brother Evgeny Zavidny. He didn’t specify the name of the other soldier.

    According to his brother, Igor Zavidny had a three-year contract and had fought in Chechnya, Dagestan, and Ingushetia.

    Earlier on Monday, a friend, Irina …

  • Russia's Ministry of Defense reports deaths of two Russian soldiers in Syria

    Two Russian contract soldiers died in Syria as a result of a mortar attack by the militants and the third was seriously wounded, as reported by the Russian Ministry of Defense at a press briefing, Russia’s TASS news agency reports.

    The Ministry stated that the Russian soldiers were working with a Syrian Armed forces' unit as firearms instructors together with a Russian officer who was working as a military advisor.

    The Russian Ministry of Defense added that the third person is in a serious …

  • Kremlin denies the joint statement of Russia, Iran and Hezbollah threatening US

    Dmitry Peskov, Press Secretary to the Russian President, said that the Kremlin knows nothing about the statement of the joint command center of Russia, Iran and Shiite militia groups supporting Bashar al-Assad’s regime and about readiness to use force against “any aggressor”, Nastoyashchee Vremya reports.

    Yesterday this statement was spread by Reuters, citing a statement published on Ilam al Harbi (War Media) news outlet.

    “The aggression shown by America against Syria crossed red lines. From …

  • Russia to give Belarus $1 billion loan

    Russia will provide Belarus with a loan amounting to $1 billion “on good terms”.

    According to Interfax-Zapad, Belarusian Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Semashko made a statement to this effect in a broadcast of the local TV channel “ONT” on Sunday.

    He announced that Belarus is expecting the allocation of the third and fourth tranches of the loan from the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development (EFSD). “The third and fourth tranches, each for $300 million, in total $600 for the year, …

  • Prime Minister of Latvia: Russia's actions in the Donbas contradict the Minsk agreements

    Russian actions in eastern Ukraine contradict the Minsk Agreements and in no way contribute to the resolution of the conflict, as stated by the Prime Minister of Latvia, Māris Kučinskis, during a speech at the Kyiv Security Forum.

    "We see very little progress towards the Minsk Agreements and the resolution of the conflict. Taking into consideration the actions of Russia in recent months, especially in eastern Ukraine, I believe that we must change our approach in cooperating with Russia," Kuč …

  • Poland accuses Russian dispatchers of causing the Smolensk Crash

    The Polish Prosecutor General's Office accused Russian dispatchers, as well as an unidentified third party of deliberately causing events that lead to the Polish Presidential plane crash near Smolensk.

    Deputy Prosecutor General Marek Poshchenek said that Polish authorities will send the Russian Federation a request for legal assistance to interrogate the air traffic controllers.

    Warsaw also accused an unnamed third person of driving to the accident site, presumably to interfere. That person …

  • Moscow: It’s time for Trump to stop imposing decisions on Russia

    Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Federation Council of the Russian State Duma Konstantin Kosachev said that U.S. President Donald Trump, in trying to pin the blame on Russia for the situation in Syria and the support of President Bashar Assad, is trapping himself, RIA Novosti reported. The Russian senator noted that Trump is pushing himself into a trap of “notorious decisions” from which it will be almost impossible to be extricated.

    “To think that it can be ‘managed’ during  …

  • Erdogan calls on Russia to stop protecting Assad

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan called on Russia to revise its entire policy on Syria and to stop supporting Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

    Erdoğan made a statement to this effect while commenting on the US missile strike on the Syrian airbase in response to the chemical attack in Idlib, Anadolu news agency reports.

    “It is our hope that this will not be limited to the US action. We hope that Russia gets involved as well, that at least they stop protecting Bashar al-Assad,” Erdoğan said. “ …

  • Russian programmer arrested in Barcelona at request of U.S.

    The police of Barcelona arrested a Russian programmer at the request of the American authorities. According to preliminary information, 36-year-old Peter Levashov was arrested at the request of the United States on suspicion of involvement in hacking activities, in particular related to Donald Trump’s election campaign.

    The representative of the Consular Department of the Russian Embassy in Madrid, Andrey Konstantinov, confirmed the fact that he had been arrested. According to Levashov’s wife, …