Contents tagged with Russia

  • Media: Meeting with Putin has disappeared from Tillerson's schedule

    A meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin has disappeared from U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's schedule.

    Voice of America’s White House Bureau Chief, Steve Herman, reported on this in his Twitter blog.

    "A meeting with Russian President Putin has been removed from Secretary of State Tillerson's Moscow schedule." Herman wrote.

    Tillerson is going to Moscow on April 11-12, after a meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the G-7.

    The Foreign Secretary of the UK, Boris Johnson was going …

  • Russian arrested in Oslo on suspicion of terrorist act

    On Sunday, April 9, a 17-year-old Russian was arrested in Oslo, the capital of Norway. This happened after Oslo police discovered and neutralized an explosive device of "primitive assembly" in the center of the city on Saturday night.

    The Norwegian authorities have increased the level of the terrorist threat from "possible" to "probable".

    According to the police, the detainee was known to them and had earlier expressed sympathy for the militants of the "Islamic State" organization.

    Reuters …

  • Information uncovered about a second prison for homosexuals in the Russian republic of Chechnya

    In Chechnya, the "secret prison" in which men suspected of homosexuality were held is located not only in the town of Argun, but also in the village of Tsotsi-Yurt , reported Radio Liberty citing Chechens who left the republic.

    According to sources, detainments were handled by the district police departments so that homosexuals were imprisoned in the same way as other offenders. Also, sources report that raids on gays began not in February but in December 2016.

    Law enforcement agencies of …

  • An issue of Allegro magazine was removed from circulation in Finland due to its advertisement of tours to Crimea

    The Finnish state railway company, VR, has decided to seize the entire circulation of the Allegro magazine due to an advertisement for tourist trips to the Crimea, reported Yle news agency.

    Allegro magazine is intended for passengers of high-speed Allegro trains running between Helsinki and St. Petersburg. It is issued jointly by VR and JSC Russian Railways.

    The latest issue of the magazine contained an advertisement for Crimean travel published in Finnish, English, and Russian. The title …

  • Six people were detained in Russia for carrying anti-corruption slogans during government-organized anti-terrorism rallies

    Six people were detained in Moscow during a rally in memory of the St. Petersburg Metro terrorist attack victims - five activists and journalist Denis Styazshkin, who photographed the rally in Gorky Park.

    At a similar event organized by the authorities in Barnaul (Altai Krai), 8 people were detained. On a video taken by Anton Podchasov, an activist from Barnaul, it can be seen that those detained were either people with anti-corruption posters or those who criticized the authorities.

    Public …

  • Russian military to receive S-500 missile systems in the near future

    The deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces, Viktor Gumenny, said that the S-500 surface-to-air missile systems will soon be adopted by the army.

    "The adoption of the new air defense systems has already begun,” the Lieutenant-General said on Echo Moskvy radio. “We expect the S-350 Vityaz surface-to-air missile systems and the S-500 to arrive in the near future.”

    According to Gumenny, the Rusian Aerospace Forces will also receive a number of new radar stations.

    Speaking at …

  • Russia commented on Boris Johnson's cancelled Moscow trip

    The spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova claimed that British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson gave an absurd reason for canceling his visit to Moscow.

    Zakharova noted that the cancellation of the visit happened “right after it was rescheduled.” She stressed that the reasons the British were changing their reasons for the cancellation, reported TASS news agency.

    “It seems that our Western colleagues are living in their own reality in which they first coherently make …

  • Russia and Iran warn the US against crossing 'the red lines in Syria'

    A joint military command for the Syrian operation consisting of Russian, Syrian and Hezbollah has released a joint statement warning the US against crossing the ‘red lines’ in Syria as reported by Ilam al Harbi  news agency.

     According to the statement, Iran and Russia will ‘respond with force’ against any further American actions in Syria.

    “What America waged in an aggression on Syria and is a crossing of red lines. From now on we will respond with force to any aggressor or any breach of red …

  • Russian special forces carry out military exercises in Crimea

    In Russia, the Special Forces division of the Southern Military District has begun the active phase of military exercises which also take place in the annexed Crimea, Interfax-AVN reported, citing Colonel Vadim Astafiev, representative of the Southern Military District.

    “According to the plan of the exercises, the combined units of Special Forces (a convoy of Typhoon and Tigr armored vehicles as well as paratroopers landing from military transport planes) have arrived at the task execution …

  • Russia deploys new S-400 missile systems in Arctic

    Before the end of 2017, Russia will deploy two new S-400 Triumph surface-to-air missile systems in the Arctic, announced General-Major Sergey Moskvichev, commander of the first anti-aircraft division.

    “Since 2015, an S-400 system has been deployed at the Kola Peninsula. This year the same anti-aircraft missile system will take over the standby duty in the Archangelsk region, and another will go to the Kola Peninsula,” he said in an interview for the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper.

    Moskvichev …