Contents tagged with Russia

  • American senators want to create 'hybrid tribunal' on Syria, Russia disagrees

    A group of influential American senators introduced a bill to prosecute the war crimes committed in Syria (Syrian War Crimes Accountability Act). The bill envisions the possible creation of a hybrid tribunal to judge Assad and his regime, as well as to investigate the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by all sides of the conflict in Syria, including the Jihadist group “Islamic State”.

    The “hybrid tribunal” could contain both Syrian and foreign jurists, judges and other …

  • Chubarov: The Crimea represents a direct threat to NATO member countries

    The Crimea has become a foothold from which Russia could directly threaten NATO member countries, as was stated on April 7th by the chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, People's Deputy of Ukraine, Refat Chubarov, in an interview with Krym.Realii.

    "Today, the annexed Crimea has become a direct threat to the NATO member states on the southern flank. This concerns Bulgaria, Romania, and Turkey," Chubarov said.

    On April 7th, Refat Chubarov, Mustafa Dzhemilev, Emine Dzhaparova, and …

  • Media: Russian Burger King branch owner offered Poroshenko a billion rubles to let Samoylova go to Eurovision in Ukraine

    The Russian branch of the fast food chain Burger King sent a letter to the Ukrainian President, Petro Poroshenko, requesting permission for Russian singer, Yuliya Samoylova, to enter Ukraine for the Eurovision Song Contest, reports

    If the president of Ukraine accepts the offer, the company is ready to transfer up to one billion rubles ($14.5 million USD) to the budget of Ukraine.

    The company specifies that the project will be implemented within the framework of the Burger King …

  • US Embassy in Moscow urged Americans living in Russia to be alert

    The US Embassy in Moscow urged Americans living in Russia to be alert because of the political situation.

    “U.S. Embassy Moscow reminds all U.S. citizens that the current political climate in Russia requires them to exercise the highest levels of vigilance and situational awareness.  Given recent events, the possibility for large-scale demonstrations, personal harassment, and increased anti-U.S. sentiment is elevated.  U.S. citizens are reminded that even demonstrations intended to be peaceful …

  • Lukashenko: Russia is not ready to build a Union with Belarus

    Russia is not ready to build a "real" Union State with Belarus. This was stated by the Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko in an interview with television channel MIR.

    "We are not ready for this today; and not so much Belarusians, as Russians, Russian leaders," he said.

    In his opinion, Russia and Belarus should have earlier held a referendum and established common legislation, including a Constitution, but did not do so "in due time". Instead, they "chose certain issues and began to …

  • Almost 20 million Russians live in poverty according to Russian statistics

    Last year, the number of Russians living in poverty reached 19.8 million, which is the highest point in 10 years. The number of poor Russians increased by 300,000 in 2016, according to data released on April 5th by the Russian Federal State Statistics Service, Rosstat.

    More than 13% of the population have incomes below the subsistence minimum, which in the fourth quarter of 2016 was 9,691 rubles a month (this is about 4,600 hryvnia).

    This is the highest level since 2006, when 21.6 million …

  • Russia promises to strengthen Syrian air defense in response to U.S. strike

    The official spokesman of Russian Defense Ministry, Major-General Igor Konashenkov, said that Russia will take measures to strengthen the air defense system (ADS) of the Syrian army after the U.S. attack on a Syrian military base, as reported by Interfax news agency.

    "To cover the most vulnerable objects of Syrian infrastructure, a set of measures to strengthen and improve the effectiveness of the air defense system of the Syrian armed forces will be implemented in the near future," …

  • Ukrainian Defense Ministry concerned over Belarus' and Russia's plan to hold military exercises later this year

    The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is concerned about the impending Russian-Belarusian Armed Forces Zapad-2017 joint military exercise, as stated by the First Deputy Defense Minister of Ukraine, Ivan Rusnak, during a meeting with NATO Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller.

    "The situation in the area of the antiterrorist operation [the Donbas] remains tense. In addition, the strategic exercises of the Russian and Belarusian armed forces Zapad-2017, which will be held this autumn, are cause …

  • Eight people were detained in Moscow and St. Petersburg in connection with the metro bombing

    On Thursday, April 6, eight suspects were detained in connection with the explosion in the St. Petersburg Metro, as reported by the official representative of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Svetlana Petrenko. According to her, the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, working jointly, detained six people in St. Petersburg and two in Moscow.

    "Seyfulla Khakimov, Ibragibzhon Yermatov, Dilmurod Muidinov, Bakhram Yergashev, Azamzhon Makhmudov, Makhamadyusuf Mirzaalimov, …

  • Russian intelligence agent deported from US

    The United States deported Evgeny Buryakov, a Russian convicted of espionage who spent more than two years in American prison, Radio Svoboda reports.

    42 year-old Buryakov worked for several years in the US at the New York branch of Vnesheconombank, while engaging in economic espionage for the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR)

    Buryakov collaborated with two other SVR agents, Igor Sporyshev and Viktor Podobny, who worked at the Russian Trade Delegation and the Russian Mission to the UN. …