Contents tagged with Russia

  • Georgian media: Russian military has moved the Abkhazian border

    Russian Federation representatives in Abkhazia have moved a banner designating the border by 500 meters once again, to the outskirts of the villages of Bershuti and Sobisi.

    As Georgia Online reports, citing David Tsertsvadze, the representative of the head of the Gori municipality Governing Council, the incident has occurred twice in the territory over the past two days.It is noted that the boundary limitation is established on the land plots of local residents.

    As a result of the demarcation, …

  • Russian family seeks asylum in Ukraine because of persecution over social media posts

    On the evening of July 1st, at one of the checkpoints on the border of Ukraine and Russia, a Russian family asked for refugee status in Ukraine, according to a press report from the State Border Service of Ukraine.

    It is reported that while passing through border control, a 32-year-old Russian citizen and his 33-year-old wife, also a Russian citizen, spoke to employees of the State Border Service of Ukraine and applied for refugee status. They came from a neighboring country, on foot, and with …

  • Media: Russia intends to cut financing of its Arctic development program by 17 times

    The strategic state program for the development of the Arctic, which is overseen by the Ministry of Economic Development, was conceived as a large-scale project for the development of the region. The department asked to allocate 209 billion rubles ($354 million) for its implementation through 2020, the Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Alexander Tsybulsky, said at the end of January. However, as RBC wrote in May, following a series of meetings with Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, …

  • Putin approved amendments to Russia’s ‘Martial law’ bill

    Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the federal constitutional law "On amending the federal constitutional law ‘On martial law’." The corresponding document was published on the Kremlin’s website on Saturday.

    "The federal constitutional law ‘On martial law’ is a supplement to Article 101, which allows for territorial defense to be conducted in the Russian Federation or in its separate areas, where martial law has been introduced, taking into account measures applied during periods of …

  • Ukraine accuses Kremlin of concealing human rights violations of Ukrainian prisoners in Russia

    The systematic refusal to allow the Ukrainian consul to visit Ukrainian prisoners on the territory of the Russian Federation is a testament to the attempts to conceal the violation of their rights, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine stated.

    “Conscientious neglect of the right of the consul to visit compatriots in institutions of their custody testifies to Russian intentions to conceal the facts of lawlessness and political orientation of cases against Ukrainian citizens,” the message …

  • Kyiv will demand compensation from Russia over Ukraine’s losses due to construction of the Kerch Bridge

    Kyiv intends to demand compensation from Moscow for the losses of Ukrainian ports in Mariupol and Berdyansk due to Russia's plans to limit navigation through the Kerch Strait during construction of an arch of the bridge to the Crimea, Deutsche Welle reported with reference to the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry’s response to the news agency’s request.

    The Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine, Yuriy Lavrenyuk had announced earlier that Russia’s construction of a bridge across the Kerch …

  • Russia is in the top 5 of the world's largest shadow economies

    According to a report by the International Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), Russia is in the top five countries with the largest shadow economies. There are 28 countries included in the rating.

    Russia has the highest a shadow economy index, almost 84% higher than the world average. The volume of its shadow economy is estimated at 33.6 trillion rubles, or 39% of the country's GDP. According to the experts, the situation is worse only in Ukraine (46% of GDP), Nigeria (48% …

  • Russian Gazprom supplied 5.6 billion cubic meters of gas to separatists in eastern Ukraine

    The Russian gas company, Gazprom, has supplied 5.6 billion cubic meters of gas to the separatist-held territories of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions since January 2015, as reported by the head of Gazprom, Alexey Miller, RBC news agency reports.

    Gazprom began supplying gas to the uncontrolled territory of Ukraine at the request of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in February 2015. Gas is supplied through the Platovo and Prokhorovka gas measuring stations. The Russian government claimed …

  • Russia has extended retaliatory sanctions against the EU till the end of 2018

    Russia extended counter-sanctions against Western countries for another year, until December 31, 2018, as stated in an order issued by President Vladimir Putin.

    According to the Decree, the government was instructed to ensure measures to implement the Decree, and, if necessary, to make amendments with regard to the duration of the sanctions.

    The document comes into force as of the date of its signing.

    On June 28th, the European Union extended anti-Russian sanctions until January 31, 2018. …

  • Jehovah's Witness follower in the Crimea dies after his trial

    67-year-old Dzhanskoy resident Vitaly Arsenyuk, who was charged with illegal missionary activity, died of a heart attack after a local court hearing conducted by peace commissioner Alkhaz Tulpar against him.

    The trial took place on June 27; Vitaly Arsenyuk died the same night, reports Krym.Realii.

    The man was charged with the crime under part 4 of Article 5.26 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia (carrying out missionary activity in violation of the requirements of the law). …