Contents tagged with Russia

  • Moldovan President: certain forces in the West are interested in involving Russia in the conflict in Transnistria

    The escalation of the conflict in Transnistria benefits Western forces who may wish to involve Russia in the crisis. This opinion was voiced on Saturday by Moldovan President Igor Dodon on Rossiya 24 TV channel.

    “The destabilization of the situation in this region would be interesting for someone in the West trying to drag Russia into some kind of conflict here. But I, as the President of the Republic of Moldova, will do everything possible to ensure that there is no destabilization,” he said. …

  • Mother of the Russian soldier captured in the Donbas was allowed to visit him in Ukraine

    Pavel Kanygin, a journalist from the Russian newspaper, Novaya Gazeta, published a photo on his Facebook page of Russian serviceman, Victor Ageyev, who has been detained in the Donbas, with his mother. In addition, the correspondent relayed the details of the meeting between Ageyev and his mother.

    “Svetlana Ageyeva submitted an application asking to see her son and was able to meet with him. At first, she saw her son in the presence of journalists, along with me were a few colleagues from …

  • Ukrainian Minister of Defense: Russia can use the forthcoming Zapad-2017 military exercises to invade any European country

    Ukrainian Minister of Defense Stepan Poltorak claims that the joint Russian-Belarusian military exercise Zapad 2017 scheduled for September could be used by Russia to stage an actual invasion of any neighboring country.

    "Ukraine and the world have a common vision of the prospects for the exercise conducted by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The forthcoming West-2017 exercises will be extremely powerful. They could be used to launch an aggressive action not only against Ukraine but …

  • German media: in 2016 Putin promised not to use Siemens turbines in the Crimea

    In September 2016, during a meeting in Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin promised then Vice-Chancellor and current German Foreign Minister, Sigmar Gabriel, that Siemens turbines would not be sent to the Crimea, writes German publication Wirtschaftswoche , citing sources close to Gabriel.

    According to this information, in addition to the two politicians, German Ambassador to Russia Rüdiger von Fritsch and representatives of the Russian president also attended the meeting. According to …

  • Moldovan parliament calls on Russia to withdraw its troops from Transnistria

    The Moldovan Parliament has called on Russia to withdraw its troops and weapons from the Transnistrian region, as stated in a declaration adopted by the parliament.

    "Based on the provisions of the Constitution, according to which the Republic of Moldova is an independent, sovereign, unitary and indivisible state, and also in accordance with the permanent constitutional neutrality of our country and with a view to consolidating national and regional security, the Parliament of the Republic of …

  • Russia threatens Poland with a ‘tough response’ over the demolition of Soviet monuments

    The demolition of monuments to Soviet soldiers in Poland discredits Russia, according to Franz Klinzewitsch, the Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense, RIA Novosti reports.

    Klinzewitsch believes that Russia should take tough measures in response to Poland’s decision, in particular, severing economic ties, as well as prohibiting the entry of Polish MP’s and officials involved in adopting this law into the Russian Federation.

    “It is necessary to act very strongly here …

  • Poroshenko: Georgia and Ukraine have a common aggressor – Russia

    President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko wrote on Facebook that the Ukrainian and Georgian people will jointly fight for de-occupation of their territories.

    "It's painful to look into the eyes of people who found themselves behind the barbed wire of the Russian occupation in friendly Georgia. It is important for me that people behind the line of demarcation in the Tskhinvali region feel that they are not alone, that the whole world is with them. The Ukrainian and Georgian people will jointly …

  • Kremlin: Turkey to take loan from Russia to purchase S-400 missile systems

    A portion of the funds for Turkey’s purchase of an S-400 system from Russia will apparently be taken on loan from Russia, Rostec CEO Sergey Chemezov told reporters on Tuesday.

    “The discussion of technical matters is complete, but it is still necessary to deal with purely administrative matters. On the one hand, the Turkish government needs to make a decision, and on the other hand, we must make [it]. But there is also the financial question: the Turkish authorities are holding negotiations …

  • Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs: Ukraine decided not to introduce visa requirements with Russia

    The National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) decided not to introduce a new visa policy with Russia. This was announced in the Verkhovna Rada by Pavlo Klimkin, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

    “The plan for the future is the decision approved by the NSDC to create an integrated system. Not a separate step, as some wanted, but a system that provides for the collecting of biometric data from foreigners and stateless persons, effective control of movement through Ukraine, …

  • Media: Siemens considers leaving Russia

    The German company, Siemens, is considering the possibility of abandoning its assets in Russia due to the delivery of turbines to the Crimea, as reported on Friday, July 14th, by German business weekly, Wirtschaftswoche, citing sources in Siemens.

    It is noted that the CEO of Siemens AG, Joe Kaeser, is considering not only the possibility of withdrawing from Siemens Gas Turbines Technologies - a joint venture with Russian company, Power Machines, that assembled turbines, but also leaving the …