Contents tagged with Russia

  • Ukrainian Official: Russia will block any UN resolutions on deployment of peacekeepers in Donbas

    For the UN peacekeeping mission introduction to the Donbass, the consent  of all sides is necessary, we doubt that Russia will agree to it and will block the voting in the UN Security Council, said the representative of Ukraine in the subgroup on security of the Trilateral Contact Group Yevhen Marchuk. According to him, a number of items on this issue must be taken into account.

    "The invitation of foreign military units with weapons to the territory of Ukraine is possible only with the …

  • Kremlin summons Moldovan ambassador over Moldova’s demands for withdrawal of Russian troops from Transnistria

    The Russian Foreign Ministry summoned the Ambassador of Moldova, Andrei Neguţa, to a meeting with Deputy Minister Sergey Ryabkov, reported Dozhd  TV channel . According to the report, the ambassador was summoned because of  the initiative of the Moldovan authorities to include an additional item "Complete withdrawal of foreign armed forces from the territory of Moldova" on the agenda of the UN General Assembly. The ministry said that they consider this step as "another one in the series of …

  • To cover the debt of his Crimean plant, Ukrainian fugitive oligarch Firtash will hand over recreational resort to Crimean authorities

    Volna recreational resort that belongs to Ukrainian fugitive oligarch Dmytro Firtash will become the property of the Kremlin-controlled authorities of the Crimea in exchange for writing off the debt of the Crimean Titan plant owned by businessman, RBC news agency reports citing its sources. Volna is located on the Bakalska sandbar of the peninsula, where a youth forum Tavrida is held, which is overseen by the internal political block of the Kremlin. The recreational resort is rented by the …

  • Siemens continues collaboration with Russian companies

    Siemens is fulfilling all its obligations to the Russian energy holding company Inter RAO, there are no problems with the supply or servicing of equipment, said Inter RAO chairman Boris Kovalchuk, as reported by the Russian news outlet Prime. “There are no problems with either the equipment supply or the servicing of our equipment by our German partners, all obligations are being fulfilled,” Kovalchuk responded when asked whether Siemens had warned Inter RAO of difficulties in further work.

    On …

  • Former Russian KGB agents have been hired to protect North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

    North Korea has hired former KGB staff as advisors to ensure the security of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun reported with reference to an unnamed source.

    According to the newspaper, around 10 former KGB employees will be consultants for Kim Jong Un’s bodyguards. It is likely that these are agents from the seventh division of the Second Chief Directorate, which was involved in counter-intelligence.

    Asahi Shimbun reports that the former Russian KGB agents were …

  • Head of Ukraine's mission to NATO: Russia prevents the deployment of UN peacekeepers to the Donbas

    The deployment of UN peacekeeping forces to the conflict zone in the Donbas was blocked by Russia, according to the First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and the head of the NATO mission to Ukraine, Vadym Prystaiko, Radio Liberty reports.

    He stressed that the Ukrainian government is considering additional mechanisms for settling the situation in the Donbas.

    "If the Minsk Agreements did not result in peace for three years, maybe there are some additional mechanisms that we must …

  • Crimean authorities report shortage of cement on the peninsula

    The Kremlin-controlled Minister of Construction and Architecture of the Crimea, Sergei Kononov, stated that there is a shortage of cement in the construction warehouses of the peninsula because of the queues at the Kerch ferry crossing, as reported by Kryminform news agency.

    "Unfortunately, there was a queue for ferries coming from Kerch, of which there were more than 200 railway cars carrying cement. Novorossiysk cement, which as a rule, is transported from there, was not able enter the …

  • Russian government sends notices to farmers outlining their wartime duties

    Private farms in the Kaluga region of Russia have been notified that during wartime they will be required to supply products for state needs, Meduza news website reports.

    In particular, in the Zhukovsky district, the notifications were signed by the head of the district administration, Anatoliy Suyarko.

    The document says that "in accordance with the approved mobilization plan of the municipal district," farms "in wartime will be involved in the supply of goods (work, services) for public …

  • Ukraine preparing the fourth lawsuit to WTO against Russia

    Ukraine will file a new lawsuit against Russia through the World Trade Organization (WTO) before the end of the year. It will concern the supply of agricultural products, stated Ukraine's Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade, Nataliya Mykolska, during the inaugural economic forum "Support for Ukraine's Economic Development: Cooperation Between the Ukrainian Government and the Diaspora", which met in Kyiv on Friday.

    "We are completing the final work to file a lawsuit regarding …

  • Russia will block navigation through the Kerch Strait beginning August 28

    Russia plans to completely stop navigation through the Kerch Strait from August 28 to 31, 2017 due to the construction of the Kerch Bridge. The corresponding order has been published on the site of the Kremlin-controlled Black Sea Ports Administration.

    "Beginning 00:00 local time on August 28 to 00:00 local time on August 31, the navigation of all ships and vessels will be prohibited in the restricted area of construction within the waters of the Kerch Strait, with the exception of ships and …