Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russian Ambassador to the US: Russia and the US must develop a closer relationship

    Russia's new ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov, said in an interview with Kommersant that Russia is interested in a constructive interaction with the United States. “Unfortunately, Russian-American relations in the past few years have seriously deteriorated because of the actions of the previous US administration," Antonov said.

    He believes that the confrontation between Russia and the US is not promising, as there will be no winners in this confrontation. "As President Vladimir …

  • Turchynov: With Zapad-2017 Russia wants to show that it is capable of waging a full-scale war in Europe

    The Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council, Oleksandr Turchynov, believes that the Russian Federation is using the large-scale Zapad-2017 exercises to demonstrate its ability to conduct a large-scale continental war in Europe.

    He expressed this opinion at a briefing in Novy Petrivtsy, where together with the Minister of Internal Affairs, Arsen Avakov, he handed out keys to new apartments for National Guard employees, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

    "The Russian Federation, by …

  • Media: People from Putin’s circle have seized Yanuckovych’s estate in Crimea

    Possession of the villa of former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych at Cape Aya in the Crimea was transferred to the Bereg Company, associated with Gennady Timchenko, Nikolay Shamalov, Sergey Rudnov and Sergey Roldugin: all friends of Russian President Vladimir Putin, as reported by the Municipal Scanner volunteer project which reports on corruption in Russia .

    The former recreational resort at Cape Aya was privatized by the Yanukovych family in 2007 at the same time as Mezhyhirya. After …

  • Ukraine expels Russian journalist working for propagandist channel

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has banned Anna Kurbatova, a journalist of the Channel One Russia, from entering the country. She was detained the day before for her "anti-Ukrainian activity," as indicated by an adviser to the head of the Interior Ministry, Zoryan Shkiryak, on his Facebook page.

    In response to Russian media reports about Kurbatova’s recent abduction, Shkiryak stated that kidnappings and torture are "methods exclusively practiced by Russian special services such as the …

  • Kyiv: Construction of Kerch Strait Bridge threatens national security of Ukraine

    The construction of a bridge between Russia and the annexed Crimea poses a threat to Ukraine’s national security, as it may lead to a reduction in trade in Ukrainian ports in the Sea of Azov due to restrictions on navigation in the region, as announced in statement released by the public research organization Center for Army, Conversion, and Disarmament Studies (CACDS).

    “More recently, statements were made by the political leadership of the Russian Federation, as well as representatives of …

  • Media: Russia is creating paramilitary youth groups in the US

    Employees of Russian consulates are engaged in the creation of a network of pro-Russian youth paramilitary detachments in the USA, reported

    The article’s author writes that ahead of Russia’s invasion of the Donbas and the Crimea, representatives of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, Rosmolodyozh, an organization that is one of the Kremlin's main tools for patriotic influence on the minds of young Russians, had become frequent guests in American cities. They began to massively …

  • Poland demands access to site of Smolensk air crash from Russia

    Polish Undersecretary of State Bartosz Cichocki handed a note of protest to the Russian Ambassador to Poland, Sergey Andreev, over impediments to accessing to the site of the Smolensk air crash, as outlined in a statement of the Polish Foreign Ministry.

    "During today's meeting, MFA Undersecretary of State Bartosz Cichocki handed a diplomatic note to the Russian Federation's Ambassador, Sergey Andreev, and expressed Poland’s serious concern regarding impediments to accessing the site where the …

  • Belarus: hype around Zapad-2017 military exercises incomprehensible

    Belarusian Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Oleg Belokonev called the excitement around the Russian-Belarusian Zapad-2017 exercises, which will be held in September, incomprehensible. He assured that the Russian group participating in the exercises in the territory of the Republic of Belarus would return to Russia by September 30, BelaPAN news website reports.

    "The exercise will allow us in practice to improve infrastructure sharing arrangements in the interest of ensuring the …

  • Security Service of Ukraine: Zaporizhya Aluminium Plant deliberately destroyed to serve Russian interests

    Investors deliberately destroyed the Zaporizhya Aluminum Plant (ZALK) in the interests of Russian metal producers, the SBU (Security Service of Ukraine) press center reported.

    During the pretrial investigation, security services agents established that the only producer of primary aluminum in Ukraine had been deliberately destroyed, with this beginning as early as 2006.

    “At first, structures affiliated with Russian businessmen acquired a controlling share of ZALK. In order to implement the …

  • Moldovan opposition accuses Dodon of treason and promoting interests of Russia

    The Moldovan opposition party, the Action and Solidarity Party, appealed to the Prosecutor General's Office to prosecute the country's President Igor Dodon “for promoting the interests of the Russian Federation and treason,” Ukrinform news agency reports.

    “In breaking the provisions of the Constitution and the oath taken by the Moldovan president at the time of his inauguration, citizen Igor Dodon openly promotes the interests of another state - the Russian Federation. Congratulating the …