Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russian convicted for social network post about Ukrainian Crimea moves to Kyiv

    Resident of the Russian city of Tver Andrey Bubeev, convicted for two years and three months for posting a recording about the annexation of Ukraine on the social network VKontakte, has left Russia with his family, activist Anna Borko reported. According to another activist, Ekaterina Bashilova, Bubeev’s family has left for Kyiv.

    Andrey Bubeev was recently released from prison. The man was accused of public exhortations to carry out extremist activity (section 2 article 280 of the Russian …

  • Official from the separatist DPR accused Russia of betrayal

    In his Facebook post, the former leader of the Central Executive Committee (CEC) of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), Roman Lyagin said that Russia had betrayed the separatists in the Donbas.  

    "I am the organizer of the referendum and responsible for the failure of the Ukrainian elections in 2014. I did what I did according to my beliefs, sincerely and with full dedication! Because I believed in Russia, which will not leave us. But it [Russia] left us to the mercy of fate! …

  • Russia postpones opening of two power plants in Crimea

    The Russian government postponed the commissioning of the Simferopol and Sevastopol TPPs (Thermal Power Plants). The document, signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, was published on the Russian government’s web site for legal information.

    According to the new timetable, the first section of the TPPs should be operational as of May 19, 2018, the second one will come a month later. On June 18, 2018, both stations must be operational. The plant’s total capacity is 940 MW.

    Earlier it was …

  • Transnistria protests Chisinau’s deportation of Russian delegation

    Diplomats of the unrecognized Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic accused the Moldovan authorities of deporting delegation members from Russia and South Ossetia who were traveling to Transnistria, as   reported on the official site of the Transnistrian Foreign Ministry.

    “The actions of the representatives of the Republic of Moldova are evidence of yet another cycle of  Chișinău’s use of mechanisms to filter foreign guests heading for Transnistria,” the statement reads.

    According to the …

  • Putin and Lukashenko to inspect Zapad-2017 joint military exercise

    The Presidents of Russia and Belarus, Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko, respectively plan to visit together the strategic Zapad (West) 2017 exercise, which will include large-scale maneuvers from both armies. Dmitry Peskov, spokesman for Vladimir Putin explained to Izvestia newspaper  that the two presidents intend to visit one of the training grounds in Russia.

    The joint Russian-Belarusian strategic exercise Zapad 2017 will be held from September 14 to September 20, 2017. According to …

  • Analysts: Russia transferred missile division to the Ukrainian border

     According to the report published by InformNapalm analytical-investigative group, Russia has transferred several hundred troops and about 50 units of equipment, among them Tochka-U missile complexes, to the Ukrainian border.

    "The number of equipment and their identification indicate that the Russian command is transferring a fully staffed two-battery division of the tactical missile system Tochka-U with additional ammunition, communication and support equipment like field kitchens and …

  • Putin: The North Korean situation is on the brink of war

    Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the situation on the Korean Peninsula is teetering on the brink of a large-scale conflict. He wrote this in an article on the eve of the BRICS summit, which will be held in Xiamen on September 4-5. The article was published on the Kremlin’s website.

    “I cannot ignore the situation on the Korean Peninsula, which has recently escalated and is teetering on the edge of a large-scale conflict,” said the Russian president.

    Putin stressed that, in Russia's …

  • Poland limits air traffic on border with Russia

    Poland will limit air traffic for civil aircraft in the northeast and east of the country, near the borders with Russia and Belarus, from September 1 to 30, as stated by the Press Secretary of the Operational Command of the Polish Armed Forces, Piotr Walatek.

    "The restrictions should create conditions for the safe conduct of flights in this region by state aviation," Walatek said.

    He also noted that the other reasons for limiting flights are classified. The area of ​​flight restriction is …

  • Lavrov promises response to closure of Russian consulate in United States

    In a telephone conversation with U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that Moscow will react to the closure of the Russian consulate in San Francisco and two other diplomatic facilities, as reported on the Russian Foreign Ministry’s website.

    “The Minister expressed regret at the escalation of tension in bilateral relations, which was not initiated by us, and pointed out that Moscow will carefully study the new measures announced by the Americans, …

  • White House: Trump gave order to close Russian consulate

    White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders announced that it was Donald Trump who made the decision and gave the order to close the Russian consulate in San Francisco and the diplomatic buildings in Washington and New York.

    “Yes, this decision was made by the president,” she said in response to reporters’ questions at a press-briefing.

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov discussed the new restrictions with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and said that Moscow will look over the United …