Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russia threatens to block web sites for publishing materials of ‘undesirable organizations’

    Roskomnadzor (Russia's Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media) warned the Internet media that their websites could be blocked for posting materials from undesirable organizations.

    "We draw attention to the fact that if the materials of an undesirable organization are distributed on a third-party resource, including on the media website, Roskomnadzor should limit access to these resources. This happens if these third-party resources are …

  • UN General Assembly to consider resolution on Crimea on December 19

    The United Nations General Assembly plans to consider a resolution on human rights in the annexed Crimea December 19, as reported on Twitter by the press service of the Ukrainian mission of the United Nations.

    “Voting in the UN General Assembly on the Ukrainian draft resolution entitled ‘Situation of human rights in the temporarily occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol (Ukraine)’ will take place on December 19,” the report said.

    Permanent Representative of the …

  • PACE urges Russia to stop supporting militants in Donbass

    The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) called on the Russian Federation to stop supporting militants in Donbass, as reported on the official website of PACE.

    “Adopting a draft resolution, based on the report prepared by Egidijus Vareikis (Lithuania) the Committee called on all member States ‘to use their joint political efforts to put an end to this conflict and the sufferings of the civil population,’” the report said.

    It was stated that all sides of the war should “ …

  • Ukraine conducts ecological assessment of the Kerch bridge built by Russia

    Ukraine has conducted an environmental assessment of the construction of the Kerch Strait Bridge, in order to initiate a trial at the international level. Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko discussed the assessment at a press briefing, as reported by Interfax-Ukraine.

    "This aspect of our work is very important as it may counteract a possible ecological catastrophe that may arise from the construction of the Kerch Bridge." Today, an environmental assessment is underway as part of the criminal …

  • Classes in the Russian Kemerovo region closed due to high radiation levels

    Three primary classrooms in the school town of Osinniki in Kemerovo Oblast, Russia have been closed due to excess concentration levels of radioactive substances.  

    This was reported by the Press Office of the regional Federal Bailiff Service’s Office.

    “Dangerous levels of radon and thoron were found on the grounds of a comprehensive school in Osinniki," the statement said. Radiation was detected during a routine inspection by the Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and …

  • Crimean authorities: Russia will have to subsidize Crimea for the next 10 years

    The Crimea will not be denied subsidies from the budget of neighboring Russia within the next ten years, as reported by Irina Kiviko, head of the Kremlin-controlled finance ministry of the peninsula.According to her, the budget of the Crimea might not need any subsidies by 2028.

    "I think that this will happen when the bridges are built, when we have a railway, when industry begins to develop. Probably, we will need 10 years," Russian agency TASS quotes Kiviko as saying.

    According to the draft …

  • Kremlin: Russia will strengthen its defense capabilities in response to anti-Russian direction of new US Budget

    Russia will take into account the anti-Russian direction of the US defense budget, Federation Council defense committee chairperson Viktor Bondarev told RIA Novosti.

    “We cannot neglect to pay attention to something like that, or ignore such lunges,” he said, adding that such an approach to the formulation of the US budget is evidence of a serious attitude towards Russia. “The Americans sense our strength, they see us as their geopolitical rival, equal in some things and superior in others,” he …

  • Ukraine files complaint with International Criminal Court over property seized by Russia in Crimea

    Ukraine has filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC) concerning the seizure of property in Crimea by Russia, as announced by prosecutor general of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Hyunduz Mamedov at a briefing on Tuesday.

    According to him, in January 2017 at the request of the member of the Verkhovna Rada Mustafa Dzhemilev, the Crimean Prosecutors office initiated criminal proceedings according to article 438 of the Criminal Code (violation of the rules and conventions of …

  • Media: EU to extend economic sanctions against Russia on December 14

    On Thursday, before the EU summit, which will be held on December 14-15 in Brussels, the heads of state and governments of the EU member states will adopt the political decision to extend the sectoral economic sanctions against Russia, which were imposed for encroachment on the sovereignty and territory of Ukraine, reports Ukrinform news agency, citing a senior official of one of the EU governing bodies.

    “French President Emmanuel Macron and Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel will speak to the …

  • Ukraine will temporarily reduce transit of gas from Russia to Europe because of accident in Austria

    Ukraine will temporarily reduce the volume of gas transit from Russia to Europe because of an explosion at a gas distribution station in Austria, as stated by Ukrainian gas transport operator Ukrtransgaz.

    “As a result of the emergency situation in the EU, there will be a temporary reduction in the volume of transit of natural gas through Ukraine in the Slovak direction,” the report said.

    At the same time, gas imports from Slovakia will be provided according to the usual daily average of 22 …