Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russian Deputy Foreign Minister urged to stop 'threats race' against North Korea

    Responding to the words of the US State Secretary Rex Tillerson, who called for increased pressure on North Korea, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov urged to end  “the threats race" against Pyongyang.  

    "It is time to stop engaging in this race of threats, pressure, blackmail, putting forward preconditions and turn to a real search for a political solution," Ryabkov said.

    Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia called the US position on North Korea "sad", because the US "introduced a …

  • Russia warns of intent to withdraw its officers from Joint Centre for Control and Co-ordination in Donbas

    Russia has warned of its intent to withdraw its officers from the Joint Centre for Control and Co-ordination (JCCC) for issues related to the ceasefire and the stabilization along the contact line, as stated in a message from the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM).

    "On 14 December, the Ukrainian Armed Forces representative to the Joint Centre for Control and Co-ordination (JCCC) in the JCCC headquarters in government-controlled Soledar (79km north of Donetsk) shared with the SMM a letter …

  • Kremlin: Russia wants to help Assad fight 'chaos'

    Viktor Bondarev, head of the Federation Council committee on defense and security, said that Russia will help Syrian President Bashar al-Assad oppose attempts to destabilize the country. Bondarev made a statement to this effect when commenting on the topic of US instructors training militants in Syria, RIA Novosti reports.

    “I am convinced that Bashar al-Assad has enough forces to oppose this, not to let anyone at all plunge the country back into chaos. For its part, Russia will help,” Bondarev …

  • Klimkin discusses Donbas peacekeepers and Crimea situation with UN secretary general

    Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin met with UN Secretary General António Guterres in New York to discuss the prospects of a UN peacekeeping mission to the Donbas, Ukraine’s Permanent Representative to the UN Oleh Nikolenko told Ukrinform.

    According to Nikolenko, they also discussed matters of human rights protection and collaboration in the humanitarian aspect.

    “Pavlo Klimkin and UN Secretary General António Guterres discussed the prospects of bringing a UN peacekeeping mission into …

  • Ukrainian Foreign Minister: Russia expanded territory of nuclear weapons deployment after annexation of Crimea

    Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin stated in New York that "the continuing occupation of the territory of Ukraine by a nuclear state has led to an actual expansion of the geographic area for the deployment of nuclear weapons", as  stated by the Ukrainian Foreign Minister on December 15 during a speech at a meeting of the UN Security Council in New York regarding the North Korean nuclear program, the Press Service of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said.

    Klimkin noted …

  • Members of PACE sign declaration opposing restoration of Russia’s membership

    20 delegations of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) have signed a declaration "To Defend Council of Europe Values and Credibility". It claims that an attempt to restore Russia's membership would undermine the authority of the Assembly, reported the head of the Ukrainian PACE delegation, Verkhovna Rada deputy Volodymyr Ariev.

    "The text expresses regret that some forces in the Council of Europe are attempting to ruin the reputation of the Assembly in part and the Council …

  • Kremlin: Russia will not allow US observers to attend Presidential elections in 2018

    Russia sent a diplomatic note to the US, stating that Moscow will proceed following the principle of reciprocity regarding the admission of observers from US embassy employees during the presidential elections of 2018, TASS quotes Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov as saying. The diplomat stressed that the decision will be made taking into account "their refusal to accept Russian observers from among our foreign missions staff in the US during the elections held last November."

    Ryabkov …

  • Turchynov: Russia could launch a full-scale military operation against Ukraine at any time

    The Russian Federation has built up a powerful military infrastructure on its border with Ukraine and can launch large-scale combat activities against Ukraine at any moment, Chairperson of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov said.

    “Putin’s order will be enough to launch a full-size war against Ukraine, but that decision would be least guided by Ukraine’s actions. Rather, a much more important factor that weighs on the decisions regarding foreign …

  • Russia decided not to block Twitter and Youtube for now

    The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) has said that they do not intend to block foreign social networks or YouTube, but do plan to come to an agreement with them about the removal of accounts associated with the social-political movement Open Russia, reported RBC news agency citing a representative of the agency.

    "At the present time, Roskomnadzor is expecting to achieve compliance with the demands of Russian law through …

  • Crimean Tatar activist taken to emergency care after being detained in Crimea

    Crimean Tatar national movement activist Bekir Degermendzhi, who was detained on November 23 in Simferopol, was taken to the detention center’s intensive care unit, his lawyer Edem Semedlyaev said on Facebook.

    "Bekir Degermendzhi ended up in intensive care. According to doctors, his condition is extremely difficult. For five days, we demanded that he be transferred to the hospital to provide qualified medical care, but we were assured that they would handle it,” Semedlyaev wrote.

    "If you get …