Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russia calls on US to withdraw nuclear weapons from Europe

    Russia is calling on the US to withdraw its nuclear weapons from European countries, said Mikhail Ulyanov, director of the Non-Proliferation and Arms Control Department, as reported by RIA Novosti.

    “Russia has withdrawn all of its nuclear weapons to national territory. We believe that the same should have been done by America a long time ago,” Ulyanov said.However, Washington “continues to keep as many as two hundred aviation bombs in Europe, according to estimates,” he added.

    The diplomat …

  • Russia warns US and Canada against supplying weapons to Ukraine

    An the UN Security Council, Russia  warned the United States and Canada about the possible consequences of supplying lethal weapons to Ukraine, TASS news agency reports. "Pumping Ukraine with American and Canadian warfare means pushes its leadership to seek new military adventures," said Russia's Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, Pyotr Ilyichev, at a meeting of the Security Council dedicated to the small arms.

    Ilyichev reminded that Canada declared its readiness to issue licenses to …

  • Russia calls the new U.S. security strategy 'a threat to the world'

    The new U.S. national security strategy is aggressive and threatens the entire world, as stated on the Facebook page by Konstantin Kosachev, head of the Committee on International Affairs.

    Describing the general tone of the document, Kosachev called it a testament to the fact that “the United States has not accepted changes in the world in recent years, and they intend reverse the trend, returning the recent version of Pax Americana.” The head of the Senate Committee pointed out that the …

  • Moldova recalls its ambassador from Russia

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Moldova decided to recall its ambassador to Russia, Andrei Neguța, to Chisinau “for an indefinite period”, as reported on the website of the Moldovan ministry.

    The ministry attributed this step to the fact that the Russian authorities did not react to cases of “harassment and intimidation” against individuals and political figures of Moldova by “officials of the Russian Federation.”

    Consultations with Neguta will focus on ways of overcoming the current …

  • Ukrainian Foreign Minister: EU will increase pressure on Russia next year

    Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin said in an interview with Voice of America to expect an increase in international pressure on Russia in the form of expanded sanctions and increased security assistance to Ukraine next year.

    "The EU is beginning to understand that other steps are needed, because Russia is waging war not only against Ukraine, but against the institutions of the European Union. Spain, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Germany are increasingly saying that such a …

  • Media: social media posts supporting Putin were made from accounts of deceased persons

    The identity of some accounts on VKontakte, the popular online Russian social media site, that posted messages in support of Vladimir Putin with the hashtag #PutinKrut [PutinTough] had been stolen, a press service of the company told Novaya Gazeta newspaper, on Sunday, December 17th.

    The social media site’s representatives stressed that VKontakte immediately blocked the hacked accounts. “We continue to improve our tools to prevent account hacking and the straightforward blocking of the …

  • Media: Russia to begin reorganizing army in Far East

    The Russian Ministry of Defense intends to combine the naval aircraft and the anti-air defense forces of the Pacific Ocean Fleet as part of a powerful army with its headquarters in Kamchatka, Izvestia reports, citing the Russian Ministry of Defense.

    The Defense Ministry announced that the formation of the air force and anti-air defense would begin in 2018. It will include aviation units, surface-to-air missiles and radio-technical troops. The division’s zone of responsibility will include the …

  • Russia refuses to extradite to Ukraine former Berkut police member accused of killing Maidan protesters

    The Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine received an official refusal from Russia to extradite the former deputy commander of the Berkut company, Dmytro Sadovnik, who was involved in crimes committed during the Euromaidan (Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity), as stated by the head of the special investigative department of the Prosecutor General's Office, Serhiy Horbatyuk, in a commentary to Krym.Realii.

    "The Russian Federation has responded that he is a citizen [of Russia], he was granted …

  • Russia and Belarus to increase expenditure on joint military facilities

    The Union State of Russia and Belarus plans to spend nearly 500 million rubles ($8.53 million USD) on military, border and information security, RBC news agency report citing the Union State Parliamentary Assembly press liaison, Andrei Shakhorsky. The relevant new programs are included in the Union State’s budget for 2018, which was adopted by the Union State Parliamentary Assembly on December 16.

    The session with parliamentarians of both countries was chaired by State Duma spokesperson …

  • Ukrainian Prosecutor’s Office places 75 ex-deputies of the Crimean parliament on wanted list

    The Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine’s Autonomous Republic of the Crimea reported that 75 former deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (the Supreme Council of Crimea) were put on wanted list as of December 2017,  Krym.Realii reports citing the press service of the Prosecutor's Office.

    The Prosecutor's Office also provided the names of 56 ex-deputies of the Crimean Verkhovna Rada against whom criminal cases have been opened.

    At the same time, the Prosecutor's Office …