Contents tagged with Russia

  • SBU finds Russian agent in Ukrainian government

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) reported the uncovering of a Russian agent who worked in the secretariat of the Ukrainian government.

    Ukrainian News agency reported the arrest of Stanislav Yezhov, deputy protocol supervisor of the Ukrainian prime minister.

    According to the SBU, the official was recruited by Russian intelligence during a “long trip abroad”. “On the instructions of Russian supervisors, using special equipment, the official collected information on the operation of the …

  • Ukrainian general: Russia’s withdrawal from JCCC will escalate the situation in Donbas

    The withdrawal of the Russian military from the Joint Center for the Control and Coordination of the ceasefire and stabilization on the contact line in the Donbas (JCCC) will exacerbate the situation in the Donbas, according to the former Deputy Chief of the General Staff, Lieutenant-General Ihor Romanenko, in his comments to InfoResist news website.

    "I think that they are deliberately doing it. Because, as you know and remember, Putin's message is that the UN mission should, in this purpose, …

  • Volker: By dragging out conflict, Russia wants to involve DPR and LPR in discussion of peacekeeping

    The main difficulty in working to resolve the crisis in Donbas is that Russia continues to deny its role in the fighting, stated Kurt Volker, the U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations, as reported by Voice of America.

    “Russia is continuing to deny its own role in this and that it has nothing to do with the separatist governments that it has set up, and that it changes the leaders at will as they did in Luhansk just last month,” Volker said.

    According to him, by dragging out the …

  • Kremlin: US national security strategy has an 'imperial nature'

    Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov has said that the new US national security strategy "is of an imperial nature, and shows a persistent unwillingness to abandon a unipolar world", TASS news agency reports.

    "A cursory reading of [the strategy], particularly those parts in which our country is mentioned in one way or another, in general [shows that] the imperial nature of the document is evident; there is an unwillingness to abandon the unipolar world, with …

  • Russia presents Tajikistan with a shipment of heavy weapons

    The Ministry of Defense of Russia has shipped a batch of small arms, artillery, armored hardware, anti-aircraft weapons and also paramedical, land surveying and other equipment, for free, to its counterpart in the Republic of Tajikistan, t RBC news agency reported cutting the Russian Ministry of Defense.

    In particular, the Tajik Army received three T-72B1 tanks, nine BTR-80, BTR-70 armored personnel carriers, BMP-2 armored fighting vehicles, three D-30 howitzers, three 23M1 air-defense systems, …

  • UN General Assembly adopts resolution on Crimea

    70 countries voted in favor of the resolution “Human rights situation in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol”, 26 voted against it, and 76 countries abstained from voting on Tuesday, Ukrainian News reports.

    The resolution condemns violations and infringements of human rights, acts of discrimination against residents of the annexed Crimea, including the Crimean Tatars, as well as Ukrainians and persons belonging to other ethnic and religious groups, by the Russian …

  • Media: cyber theft using SWIFT system hits Russian bank

    Kommersant, citing computer security experts, reports that, for the first time in Russia, hackers have managed to carry out a cyberattack on a bank in Russia and withdraw money through the international SWIFT system. This information was confirmed to the publication by the Central Bank; however, the publication’s sources did not name either the bank in which the attack was carried out, or the amount of damage.

    The company Group-IB, which specializes in cybersecurity issues, told the …

  • EU reminds Russia of need to implement Minsk Agreements after its withdrawal from Joint Center for Control and Coordination in Donbas

    The EU insists on the need for the Russian Federation to comply with the Minsk agreements in connection with its withdrawal from the Joint Center for Control and Coordination (JCCC) for issues related to the ceasefire and the stabilization of the contact line, reported UNIAN citing cites the EU representative.

    "We expect that all parties will implement the Minsk agreements. The EU continues to support diplomatic efforts aimed at their full implementation, which serves as the basis for a …

  • Poland called Nord Stream gas pipeline fatal for Ukraine

    The construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline could lead to tragic consequences for Ukraine, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki believes, as reported by Dziennik."We believe that Nord Stream 2 is a very harmful project that threatens the security of Central Europe. This is a project that can be fatal for Ukraine, for our closest neighbor," Morawiecki said.

    According to him, since Ukraine is excluded from the Russian plan to transport gas to Europe, nothing else will prevent Moscow …

  • Siemens concludes major construction contract with Russia

    On Monday, December 18th, Siemens signed a contract for the construction of a combined cycle power plant in Nizhnekamsk with a capacity of 495 MW. The worth of the contract is 380 million euros.

    The contract was signed in Munich by the President of Siemens in Russia, Dietrich Möller, and Azat Bikmurzin, General Director of PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim (Taif group of companies), in the presence of the Deputy Prime Minister of Bavaria, Ilse Aigner, President of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov, and …