Contents tagged with Russia

  • Head of International Olympic Committee says Russia trying to spy on him

    Russian Federation authorities tried to spy on the Disciplinary Commission of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) while it was investigating the systematic use of doping by Russian athletes, the Chair of the IOC Disciplinary Commission, Samuel Schmid, said in an interview with Aargauer Zeitung newspaper on Saturday, December 9th, DW reports.

    “But before we get to work we have taken precautionary measures,” the former head of the Department of Defense and former President of the Swiss …

  • Kremlin calls new US sanctions on Russia 'the most cynical of all'

    Konstantin Kosachev, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Federation Council, has called the sanctions announced by US President Donald Trump against Russia for allegedly violating the treaty on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles (INF Treaty) "the most cynical of all" US sanctions, RIA Novosti reports.

    "Trump's new sanctions against Russia for the alleged violation of the treaty on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles ( …

  • Russia threatens US with developing ‘more powerful weapons’ if Washington withdraws from INF treaty

    If the United States decides to unilaterally withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (Officially: Treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union and later its successor states on the elimination of their intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles, or INF Treaty) the Russian Federation promised to develop a “more powerful weapon,” a senator on the Russian Federation Council and former Commander of the Russian Aerospace Forces, Viktor Bondarev said, RIA.

    Bondarev …

  • Russian general calls message about his involvement in the MH17 air disaster 'stupidity'

    Retired Colonel-General Nikolai Tkachev has called information that he may have been involved in the crash of the MH17 flight in the airspace over the Donbas in 2014 "stupidity", reports TASS.

    "I do not know who’s saying that, but it's obvious stupidity. I have lived in Yekaterinburg for many years;  I have been engaged in military-patriotic education of children. I am in constant contact with public organizations, participate in various public events, and am always under watch by the media," …

  • Lavrov calls possible cooperation with US on Idlib 'unproductive'

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated at a press conference in Vienna on Friday on the results of his participation in the meeting of the 2017 OSCE Ministerial Council that Moscow and Washington are not planning cooperation in the northwestern Syrian province of Idlib.

    "Idlib remains a difficult situation, and we, above all, together with our Turkish, Iranian (as Russia, Turkey and Iran are the guarantors of the ceasefire in Syria) and Syrian colleagues, are working to launch …

  • US representative for Ukraine Volker expresses doubt Russia will withdraw its troops from Donbas any time soon

    Russia has not decided yet on the withdrawal of its troops from the separatist-held territory of Ukraine, and it is unlikely that this will happen in the near future. This opinion was expressed at a press conference following the meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council in Vienna, by the US Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker, Hromadske reports.

    "I do not believe that Russia has already decided to withdraw troops from the East of Ukraine. We hope that Russia will eventually make this …

  • Media: Russian IT company was behind the Bad Rabbit computer virus attack

    Cyberattacks on the websites and computer network of Interfax, which almost "turned off" most of the news flows for more than a day, was conducted by a "Russian institution directly related to the development and dissemination of information," a source from the agency told Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

    Interfax specialists say that the nature, intensity and degree of coordination of the virus attack prove that the real purpose of the perpetrators was not to obtain a ransom worth a few bitcoins, but to …

  • Putin warns Rostec state-owned conglomerate against uncontrolled extension

    Russian President Vladimir Putin warned the state corporation Rostec from endless and uncontrolled growth, Interfax reports.

    "You cannot expand endlessly, without any control, and you need to understand exactly what the corporation is created for, where it should move, and in what parameters it should function, so that its work is optimal, effective, and competitive," Putin said, speaking at Rostec’s 10 year anniversary celebration.

    The state corporation includes more than 700 enterprises, …

  • Conflict Intelligence Team uncovers Russia’s losses during its military operation in Ukraine

    A group of independent investigators from the Conflict Intelligence Team (CIT) , upon analyzing a tender issued by the Ministry of Defense of Russia, has come to a conclusion that in 2014, Russian military human losses amounted to 218 persons.

    This is an exceptionally high number, which, according to the CIT researchers can be explained by the involvement of the Russian military in combat actions in eastern Ukraine, the CIT said in a research summary published on its website.

    CIT analyzed the …

  • Russian Prime Minister Medvedev: Athletes will decide for themselves whether to go to the Olympics or not

    Right after Russian President Vladimir Putin commented on the dismissal of the entire Russian team from the Olympics in Korea, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that nobody would prevent the athletes from participating in the Olympics under neutral status. Moreover, he even promised to cheer for them.

    "This decision was a heavy blow for millions of our people and a real tragedy for many Russian athletes, since the South Korean Olympics is the last chance for some of them to compete …