Contents tagged with Russia

  • Moldovan parliament votes for a bill banning broadcasts of Russian news programs

    The Moldovan parliament has voted in favor of a law to prohibit broadcasts of Russian news and analytical programs, Deutsche Welle reports.

    Legislative amendments passed by the Parliament on December 7 in just two readings will only permit informational and analytical programs produced in countries that have ratified the European Convention on Transfrontier Television to be relayed on the Moldovan territory. Russia signed the Convention back in 2006, but did not ratify it.

    The bill, which has …

  • US warplane conducts reconnaissance flight off the coast of annexed Crimea

    The US Navy P-8A Poseidon patrol anti-submarine aircraft conducted a reconnaissance flight near the coast of the Crimean peninsula, as reported by Interfax, citing aviation monitoring websites.

    According to them, an aircraft with the tail number 168998 flew out from the Sigonella airbase, which is in Sicily, and headed for the Crimea. Once arriving at its destination, it circled for a few hours to the west of Sevastopol, at an altitude of 7,600 meters and closely approached the sea border of …

  • Russia calls US claims regarding missile treaty 'flawed'

    In an interview for Kommersant , Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said that the United States’ claims that Russia has violated the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty) are flawed.

    “We have explained to the Americans where we see the flaw in their position, especially as it concerns the claim about Russia, and we are still counting on more constructive and result-interested treatment of the questions we consistently raise,” he said.

    Commenting on the US’s plans …

  • Tillerson: Russia is involved in several conflicts in former USSR

    Secretary of State Rex Tillerson condemned Russia’s actions that block efforts to peacefully resolve conflicts in Abkhazia and South Ossetia, the occupied regions of Georgia. This statement was made during a speech at the OSCE headquarters in Vienna.

    We welcome the recent talks on the situation in Moldova in the 5 + 2 format. However, we must condemn Russia’s efforts aimed at blocking access to the regions Abkhazia and South Ossetia, the occupied regions of Georgia,” Tillerson said.

    He also …

  • Lavrov complains about 'oppression of Russian-speaking Ukrainians' because of Ukrainian education law

    During the 24th OSCE Ministerial Council in Vienna, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that the new Ukrainian law on education oppresses “millions of Russian-speaking Ukrainians” , RIA Novosti reported.

    The head of the foreign policy department believes that Brussels has not responded to the Ukrainian law with sufficient harshness. According to him, it “violates Kyiv’s international obligations” and is directed against the Russian language, which “millions of citizens of Ukraine” …

  • Gorbachev explains that Russians support Putin 'to insure themselves' from events in the world

    President Vladimir Putin enjoys the support of Russians because they have a "natural desire to insure themselves” from the complex international situation, said first President of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev,   in conversation with RIA Novosti while commenting on Putin's decision to take part in the presidential elections.

    "The situation is such that Russia has many problems, and a very complicated international [situation]. Hence, the people have a natural desire to insure themselves and not …

  • Russia started delivery of aviation fuel to separatist-held areas of Ukraine

    In November 2017, Russia began supplying aviation kerosene to the separatist-controlled territories of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, reports, citing data from the Russian railway.

    From November 15 to 28, the Promsyrieimoprt company, owned by the Russian Ministry of Energy, transported by rail two batches of aviation kerosene with a total volume of about 65,000 kg.

    This amount is enough for a 20-hour flight for an Airbus A321 or Boeing 737-800, or a 5-hour flight for a Ruslan An-124 …

  • Kremlin: Russian military bases in Syria will continue to operate

    The head of the State Duma Defense Committee, Vladimir Shamanov said that Russian military bases in Syria will continue to function after the end of the military operation and that they will prepare to stay for the long term, Interfax reports.

    "Both bases in Syria, Khmeimim, and Tartus will not only continue to function but will constantly improve their quality and capabilities, having ahead of us the long-term perspective of our presence in this far-from-tranquil region," Shamanov said. …

  • Russia accuses US special services of trying to recruit Russian media

    Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has said that Russian media representatives, including those in the United States, are being recruited by Special Services, reports Interfax.

    "Recently, representatives of Russian media, including in the US, have been subjected to severe pressure from the Special Services, namely, attempts at recruitment," Zakharova said. She added that the journalists received threats without specifying details.

    Russia considers such actions to be an " …

  • Ukrainian representative to UN: Russia should be tried for war crimes in Ukraine

    The Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations, Volodymyr Yelchenko has called for bringing charges of war crimes against state authorities of the Russian Federation "who instigated, stoked, and backed military aggression against Ukraine". Yelchenko made this statement at the December 6th meeting of the UN Security Council where progress in the International Criminal Tribunals regarding the former states of Yugoslavia and Rwanda was being discussed, Ukrinform reported.

    “The …