Contents tagged with Russia

  • Putin supports the plan to stop using the US dollar in Russia

    The head of the Russian bank VTB Andrey Kostin stated that the Russian President Vladimir Putin “mostly” supported his proposal to stop using the US dollar, RIA Novosti reports.

    We do not intend to completely abandon the dollar, said Kostin. According to him, the proposal recommends a gradual transition to transactions in other national currencies, for example, between the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union and in specific areas such as weapons.

    “This is a long-term plan and is aimed …

  • NATO accuses Russia of violating Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

    To this day, Russia has not presented convincing information on its new 9M729 missile system, said NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg ahead of the meeting of NATO defense ministers scheduled for October 3-4.

    The most plausible theory at the moment is that Russia is violating the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, he commented. The NATO Secretary-General urged Moscow to respond promptly to allay these fears.

    When asked how NATO intends to react to Russia’s violation, …

  • Russian intelligence agent suspected of poisoning Skripals awarded Hero of Russia for operations in Crimea

    Colonel Anatoly Chepiga, also known as Ruslan Boshirov, a Russian intelligence agent who is one of London’s chief suspects in the Skripal poisoning case, was awarded the title “Hero of Russia” for operations he carried out in Crimea, Novaya Gazeta reports.

    This information was provided by three of Chepiga’s former coworkers from the 282nd special forces unit in Matveevka, the unit Chepiga joined as a lieutenant in 2001 after completing his studies at the Far Eastern Higher Military Command …

  • NATO to conduct largest military exercises since 1991

    On Tuesday, October 2, the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg announced that NATO will conduct large-scale military exercises Trident Juncture, which will be the largest since 1991, reports Deutsche Welle.

    These exercises will take place from October 25 to November 7, in Norway, the Baltic Sea and the North Atlantic. Approximately 45 thousand soldiers from 31 countries, as well as more than 110 aircraft and 60 ships, will take part in the maneuvers. The …

  • Kremlin: Russia completed delivery of S-300 missile systems to Syria

    Russia completed the delivery of the S-300 antiaircraft system to Syria despite Israel's protests and Washington's fears that the delivery of the anti-aircraft system will strengthen Iran and will lead to an escalation of the Syrian conflict.

     “The work was completed one day ago,” Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu reported to President Vladimir Putin during a meeting, a fragment of which was broadcast on the Russa-24 state-run TV channel. Shoygu added that anti-aircraft systems will serve …

  • Ukraine: Russia spends over one billion per year to support DPR and LPR

    The so-called Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic cost Moscow over a billion dollars a year in support, stated the Minister for Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons of Ukraine, Vadym Chernysh.

    "It’s like some troupe that travels around and just demonstrates that ‘we will not leave you alone.’ A humanitarian train from Russia comes to the DPR and LPR every month. However, according to our estimates, that isn’t all of it because we do not see the part that …

  • Combined fortune of Russian billionaires grew by $18.4 billion this year

    The overall capital of Russian billionaires grew up to 18.4 billion dollars from the start of the year, RIA Novosti reports, citing the ratings on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

    Twenty-three Russian businessmen were included in the rating of 500 billionaires. According to Bloomberg, the richest Russian is the co-owner of Novatek, Leonid Mikhelson, whose capital had grown by 4.93 billion dollars since January and reached a total of 21.6 billion dollars. Second place is taken by the …

  • Russia loses $2.2 billion through yuan investments

    The Bank of Russia continues to lose foreign currency reserves as a result of its operations on the international currency market, reports.

    After the unsuccessful conversion of euros into dollars in 2017, which led to a loss of $4.5 billion, the Central Bank of Russia decided to invest a record amount in the Chinese yuan, and once again made losses in the billions on exchange rate differences.

    By the start of April, the proportion of the Chinese currency in Russia’s foreign currency …

  • Ukraine considers imposing criminal penalties for promoting ‘Russian World’ ideology

    A group of deputies from the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine headed by Oleksandr Shevchenko registered a Parliament bill proposing criminal prosecution for promoting the idealogy of “Russian World”.

    As stated in an explanatory note attached to the draft bill, “current Ukrainian legislation prohibits only communist and national socialist ideologies, not taking into account the promotion of the ideas of “Russian World,” which aim at destruction of Ukrainian independence.”

    In connection with this, the …

  • Media: Russia to start using electromagnetic cannons in Syria

    Russia is testing its electromagnetic weapons in field conditions, TASS quotes an advisor to the first deputy general director of the Concern Radio-Electronic Technologies, Vladimir Mikheyev as saying. Viktor Murakhovsky, the editor-in-chief of the Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine, told National News Service that Russia could soon use such weapons in Syria.

    According to Mikheyev, electromagnetic weapons systems (microwave directed-energy weapons) “exist and are being very effectively …