Contents tagged with Russia

  • Turchynov announces large-scale exercises of Ukrainian military in the Azov Sea

    Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov stated that the Ukrainian military would carry out large-scale exercises in the Azov Sea. Turchynov noted that he is aware of that Russia intends to hold military exercises in the Azov Sea in the near future.

    "The Ukrainian military will also carry out serious exercises in the Azov Sea,” he said. He announced that the Ukrainian military is reinforcing the Coast Guard and building up the Air power in the Azov …

  • European Court of Human Rights takes up Oleh Sentsov’s lawsuit against Russia

    The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) agreed to review the lawsuit of Ukrainian director Oleh Sentsov, stated the head of the Inter-Regional Association of Human Rights Agora, Pavel Chikov on his Telegram channel.

    Sentsov had been convicted and illegally imprisoned by the Russian government. “The ECHR networked the case of Oleh Sentsov,” Chikov said. He also emphasized that this is “super news” and he posted a copy of the letter of the Strasbourg court in the message.

    According to Chikov, …

  • Kremlin allocates a piece of land to Russian army on the Azov sea coast

    The Russian government has allocated a designated area in the Sea of Azov to the Russian Defense Ministry. This area is located 1.5 miles from the coast of the Russian city Yeysk and 65 km from the city of Mariupol, reports Ukrainian military portal.

    The decree published on Russian government website of legal information notes that the government allocated this territory "to ensure the defense of the country and the security of the state."

    However, the specific reasons for the need of this …

  • Erdogan: Turkey will stay in Syria till the elections

    Turkey will maintain its presence in Syria until elections are held in that country, stated Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan.

    “When the Syrian people hold elections, we will leave Syria to those to whom it belongs. But only after they have the elections,” said Erdogan.

    While speaking at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly in New York, the Syrian Deputy Prime Minister, Walid Muallem said that Syria demands that the United States, France, and Turkey withdraw its troops from its …

  • Delivery of Russian Su-35 fighter jets to Indonesia falls through due to US sanctions

    The implementation of the contract for the supply of 11 Su-35 fighter jets to Indonesia has been postponed, reported the newspaper Kommersant, referring to two top managers of Russian defense companies and a source close to the government.

    “The contract for the supply of 11 Su-35 fighter jets retains its legal force, but its implementation will be delayed,” the newspaper writes.

    According to Kommersant, the first jet was expected to arrive in October, but the US did not give Indonesia …

  • Media: Skripal poisoning suspect involved in assassination of Chechen field commander in Turkey

    One of the prime suspects in the Skripal poisoning case, Russian GRU Colonel Anatoly Chepiga, was involved in the assassination of Chechen insurgent field commander Abdulwahid Edelgeriev in Istanbul in 2015, the Turkish news outlet Naber Turk reports.

    Edelgeriev’s assassination was organized by a group of people which included Chepiga, who went by the name Andrey Sholkhov in this operation. A surveillance camera image is presented as proof.

    The article’s writers explain away the differences …

  • Section of Crimean Bridge falls into sea

    A section of the railway portion of the Crimean bridge fell into the sea during assembly, the Russian Taman Road Administration reports.

    “On the sea stretch of the bridge construction between the Kuzlinsky Split and the island of the same name, during the process of lowering onto supports, one of the railway spans tilted and fell into the shallow waters,”- the report states.

    The incident was presumably due to technical issues with the jack system. No staff members were injured.

    “The supports …

  • Turchynov: Russia concentrates its forces along Ukrainian border

    Russia is deploying additional troops near the Ukrainian border, stated Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov.

    “We can see active attempts to deploy additional military units along the Ukrainian border, and their number is already comparable with those of 2014 when the Russian State Duma decided to deploys troops [to Crimea and Donbas]. These new units are not simply a demonstration of force.  They can be used for active military actions. We …

  • Ukrainian politician: OSCE reports on Donbas are the only documents that the international community believes

    As of today, the reports of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission are the only documents trusted and recognized by the international community, stated the permanent representative of Ukraine at all international organizations in Vienna, Ihor Prokopchuk in an interview with

    Prokopchuk explained this by the fact that the mission consists of representatives of 57 countries that are members of the OSCE, which conditions the reliability of these reports.

     “The main threat at the moment is …

  • Russia's Gazprom announces plans to build new pipelines to Europe

    Even before completing the Nord Stream 2 pipeline and disassembling the redundant gas corridor for South Stream, Gazprom is dreaming of new multi-billion dollar projects.

    The company plans to build new gas pipelines to the EU in order to meet the increased demand for Russian gas, said Alexander Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, at the Russian Energy Week forum on Wednesday.

    “New transport routes need to be created,” he emphasized, adding that this is supposedly “ …