Contents tagged with Russia

  • Germany accuses Russia of cyberattacks

    Germany supports the conclusions reached by British and Dutch intelligence that Russia is responsible for a series of cyberattacks against international organizations and institutions, German government spokesman Steffen Seibert reported on Friday.

    According to him, Berlin “has complete faith” in the results of the investigation carried out by the Netherlands and UK, which shows that Russia’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) is behind the hacks.

    The day before, Dutch Defense Minister Ank …

  • Protests against border deal with Chechnya continue in Ingushetia

    In Magas, capital of Ingushetia, the people protesting against the recent territory exchange with Chechnya are remaining at the town square, demanding the local government’s resignation.

    Negotiations between representatives of the protesters and the government revealed that no force will be used, and that the protest will be considered legitimate.

    “At the end of the dialog, an agreement was reached that no force would be used against protesters. Furthermore, as of Monday, the protest will be …

  • Kyiv: Crimean authorities conceal the accident with Siemens gas turbines

    Crimean authorities hide the accident with Siemens gas turbines, which were brought to the territory of Crimea bypassing international sanctions, reported the press service of the Ukrainian Ministry of the temporarily occupied territories.

    According to the Ministry, the destruction signs to one of the industrial premises of Balaklavskaya Thermal Power Plant (TPP), which is being built near Sevastopol, were noticed in August. "The roof section of about 10x20 meters was burned out. This was …

  • The US warns that the purchase of Russian weapons could lead to sanctions

    Amid the reports of India’s intention to purchase Russian S-400 missile systems, the United States reminded its allies of the threat of sanctions under the Counteracting opponents of the United States through sanctions Act (CAATSA), TASS reports with reference to a representative of the US National Security Council.

    According to him, Washington urges partners to avoid transactions that may fall under the CAATSA. He added that the S-400 “fall under section 231 of the act” - new or qualitative …

  • Ukraine rules out possibility of dual citizenship with Russia

    The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Pavlo Klimkin ruled out the possibility of dual citizenship with Russia.

    “All cases of obtaining Russian citizenship [by Ukrainian nationals] must be investigated accordingly by our security services,” stated the minister on Friday, October 5th, on TV Channel “UA: Kharkiv.”

    At the same time, a similar possibility of dual-citizenship can be discussed with other countries, believes Klimkin. According to him, the Ukrainians who have left Ukraine “have …

  • South Korea refuses to let Russian ships in because of US sanctions

    South Korea denied the ships of the Russian company Gudzon Shipping entry to the country’s ports, the Kommersant newspaper reports with reference to the company’s General Director, Gennady Kononenko.

    “I have documents showing that South Korean authorities denied the entry [to the ports],” Kononenko said.

    Kononenko added that the matter was related to the sanctions of the United States against companies suspected of oil trade with North Korea. The Director General of Gudzon Shipping stated …

  • Russia threatens Sentsov into quitting hunger strike

    Russian doctors threatened Oleg Sentsov that they would start to force-feed him and turn him into “a vegetable” if he does not end his hunger strike, stated Sentsov’s lawyer Victor Dinze in an interview with Meduza news outlet.

     “There was a plan of force-feeding. They gave him time to think. If he doesn’t end his hunger strike by tomorrow, they would start force-feeding him. They would take him to the intensive care department, tie him to bed and insert a tube for force-feeding,” said Dinze. …

  • Israel: Russian S-300 missile systems are not capable of defeating F-35 fighter jets

    The Israeli Minister for Regional Cooperation, Tzachi Hanegbi said on the army radio that Russian S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems, which Moscow supplied to Damascus, will not be able to detect F-35 fighters, reports Haaretz.

    “You know, we have stealth-fighters, the best planes in the world. These batteries (S-300) are not even able to detect them,“ he said. As the newspaper notes, the first F-35 arrived in Israel in 2017.

    Russia decided to transfer the S-300 to Syria, after the Syrian …

  • Russia and India sign contract for supply of S-400 missile systems

    During his visit to India, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a contract with the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi for the supply of anti-aircraft missile system S-400, reports Interfax with reference to the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov.

    According to Interfax, Russia will supply five squadrons of S-400 missiles systems. The amount of the transaction exceeds $5 billion.

    Earlier, the Russian Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia Denis Manturov, in an …

  • Head of Russia’s Alfa Bank sees no alternative to U.S. dollar

    The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alfa-Bank Group, Petr Aven, does not see an alternative to the U.S. dollar in case Russia completely moves away from using the US dollar for international trade.  

    “Today, I see no alternative in the global trade. It would be very inefficient and entail huge costs. If banks are cut off from the U.S. dollar, what should they do? Kostin (the head of VTB Bank Andrey Kostin) suggested the use of the Russian rubles. This is a bad decision for everyone. I …