Contents tagged with Russia

  • Ukrainian Security Service accuses Russia of attempts to interfere in elections

    Russian special services are trying to use social networks, in particular, Facebook and Twitter to interfere in the election processes in Ukraine, according to a statement published on the website of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU),

     “Russia uses the Internet-Research Agency (closed in 2016) for the above purpose. In the run-up to the parliamentary and presidential elections, Ukrainians began to receive offers for a temporary access to the so-called advertising office intended for …

  • President Poroshenko expects EU sanctions after Russia’s attack on Ukrainian ships

    The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, wrote on Facebook that the decision of the EU summit to continue sanctions against the Russian Federation is an important result for Ukraine and creates the basis to develop new measures.

    “The next step should be the introduction of an “Azov packet of sanctions.” This decision and the discussion between EU leaders provides a good basis for the development process, so Russia’s aggressive act is justly and strictly punished,” stressed the president.

    In …

  • Kyiv raises the issue at OSCE Council about Russian military buildup near Ukrainian border

    During the meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council on Thursday, December 13 in Vienna, Ihor Prokopchuk, Permanent Representative of Ukraine to International Organizations in Vienna drew attention to hundreds of Russian tanks which are amassed at the border with Ukraine, Ukrinform reports.

    "While Russia, as the aggressor-state, continues to push Ukraine, bring groundless allegations and carry out unsuccessful falsifications, recent satellite images show hundreds of battle tanks deployed by Russia …

  • Stoltenberg: NATO to expand cooperation with Georgia

     Georgia Online reports that the Secretary-General of the North Atlantic Alliance (NATO) Jens Stoltenberg, at a meeting of the NATO-Georgia commission, said that the Alliance plans to expand cooperation with Georgia because of Russian aggression in the Black Sea.

    According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, NATO is concerned due to aggressive actions of the Russian Federation in the Black Sea.

    “The Alliance is concerned about Russia’s aggressive actions against both Russia and …

  • Military expert: Russian Kalibr and Oniks missiles will not help in fight against NATO ships

    Russia’s Navy has its hopes set on anti-ship missiles, but these hopes are baseless, says military expert Maxim Klimov in an article titled “Submarines to the slaughter” on the Military-Industrial Courier (VPK) website.

    The specialist believes that, when it comes to implementing modern sonar concepts, the Russian fleet lags critically far behind western forces. As examples of this, he mentions the project 20380 corvette and the project 22350 frigate, which lack multi-position radar.

    “Taking …

  • Five Russian bobsledders suspended from competitions because of doping

    The International Bobsleigh and Skeleton Federation (IBSF) suspended five Russian bobsledders from competition. The announcement was published on the organization’s website on Thursday, December 13. Alexandr Zubkov, Alexey Voyevoda, Alexander Kasjanov, Aleksei Pushkarev and Ilvir Huzin are accused of violating anti-doping rules during the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. Zubkov is currently the head of the Bobsleigh Federation of Russia while Voyevoda has already retired from the sport.

    The …

  • Head of Ukraine’s foreign intelligence: No Russian offensive foreseen at present

    At present, Russia is not planning to take large-scale military action against Ukraine, said General Mykola Malomuzh, former head of Ukraine’s Foreign Intelligence Service between 2005 and 2010, in a comment to InfoResist.

    In his opinion, Russian troops are being brought close to the Ukrainian border primarily for the psychological effect.

    “First and foremost, I can say that lately Russia has been constantly expanding its contingents on the western borders for two reasons. The first reason is …

  • UN General Assembly to consider a resolution on the situation in the Crimea and the Sea of Azov

    The militarization of the annexed Crimea, as well as part of the Black and Azov seas will be discussed at the UN level. On December 17, the UN General Assembly will vote on the draft resolution, stated Oleh Nikolenko, the official representative of the Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the UN, in an exclusive interview with

    “On December 17, the UN General Assembly will vote on the draft resolution “The problem of the militarization of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol ( …

  • NATO gives Ukraine military equipment during President Poroshenko’s visit to Brussels

    The North-Atlantic Alliance promised that Ukraine would be given military equipment during a visit by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to Brussels, Evropeyska Pravda reported, citing a source familiar with the details of the shipment.

    On Thursday, in a joint press-conference with Poroshenko in Brussels, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg promised that the Alliance would soon deliver secure communications equipment for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. As it turns out, the promise was …

  • Russia was unable to make gains with the OSCE in protecting Russian state-owned media

    The OSCE declined four proposals by Russia before its annual meeting with Foreign Ministers on December 6. One of the proposals was concerning the Russian state-owned media, specifically the demand to unblock them in other countries, reported Evropeyska Pravda.

    Russia also proposed that the OSCE be part of joint decision-making regarding the media’s free access to information. There was no mention of RT, Russia24 or Sputnik in the document, but the OSCE member nations stated that Europe has …