Contents tagged with Russia

  • President Poroshenko gives Tusk a list of people involved in attack on the Ukrainian ships

    The Ukrainian President’s press service reported that President Petro Poroshenko met with President of the European Council Donald Tusk during his visit to Brussels.

    Poroshenko told Tusk about the Russian attack on Ukrainian ships near the Kerch Strait and the existing threats to regional security. He said that the European Union should respond powerfully and adequately to Russia's aggression to prevent the "creeping occupation" of the Kerch Strait and the Sea of Azov. The President of Ukraine …

  • Kremlin threatens to block Google in Russia

    The Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media, also known as Roskomnadzor, will start to block Google in Russia if the company continues to ignore its demands to filter search results, deputy department head Vadim Subbotin announced on Wednesday.

    An administrative court case has already been lodged against the search engine for failing to connect to the Federal State Information System with a list of prohibited online resources.

    So far, …

  • Ukraine's Naftogaz is looking for assistance of US courts in dispute with Russian Gazprom

    Naftogaz of Ukraine appealed to the courts of the Northern and Southern districts of Texas with claims against the American division of Gazprom Marketing & Trading (GM&T USA, subsidiary of the Gazprom group) and consulting company DeGolyer & MacNaughton (lead auditor of oil and gas refineries), Kommersant reported.

    The newspaper reported that Naftogaz requested the court to oblige the respondents to provide information and access to documents that will allow the Ukrainian company to file a new …

  • Commander of the detained Ukrainian ship refuses to testify in Russian court

    Ilya Novikov, the lawyer for the arrested Commander of the Ukrainian Navy boat Berdyansk, Roman Mokryak detained in the Moscow detention center, stated that his client does not intend to give any testimony in the court until his crew members are realeased.

    “The Commander of the ship Berdyansk, Roman Mokryak, announced to the investigation today that he demands that he and his crew be treated as prisoners of war and that he will not give the Russian authorities any testimony until his …

  • Austrian police accused Russian biathletes of violating anti-doping rules

    Austrian police have accused several Russian biathletes, as well as coaches, doctors and massage therapists of violating anti-doping rules at the 2017 Biathlon World Championships, TV sports presenter Dmitry Guberniev said on his Instagram account on Thursday.

    "A few hours ago, the Austrian police contacted the Russian national team. Here is the list of athletes, coaches, doctors and massage therapists who were accused of violating anti-doping rules during the 2017 World Championships in …

  • EU fails to impose new sanctions on Russia over the Kerch Strait incident

    Germany considers Russia’s claims to the Sea of Azov inappropriate, Chancellor Angela Merkel told Bundestag deputies on Wednesday. She stated that Russia’s seizure of three Ukrainian Navy ships in the Kerch Strait was “a cause for concern.”

    “Let us call things by their proper names. We do not accept Russia’s actual claims to the Sea of Azov,” Merkel stated. Nevertheless, Germany rejected the idea of new sanctions for the Kerch incident. At the EU Summit on December 13, Berlin will advocate the …

  • Russian Tu-160 strategic bombers fly over Caribbean Sea with Venezuelan F-16 fighter jets

    The two Russian Tu-160 strategic bombers which arrived in Venezuela earlier this week have made a roughly 10-hour flight over the Caribbean Sea, the Russian Defense Ministry reported on Wednesday evening.

    The Defense Ministry’s report notes that the Tu-160 missile carriers were accompanied at certain stages of the route by Su-30 fighters as well as F-16s from the Venezuelan Air Force. During the flights, pilots from both countries practiced cooperating in the air.

    The Russian military …

  • China wants to buy Siberian river water from Russia

    China is hoping to solve its water deficit in a number of regions with Russia’s help. The Chinese Association for Exchanges and Collaboration between Russia, Eastern Europe, Central Asia and China has already sent the corresponding letter to Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

    One of the options proposed by China is an intergovernmental project to divert water from Russia’s Altai Krai to western China through Kazakhstan. The construction of the water pipeline would cost an estimated $80 …

  • Putin expresses sympathy for Russian agent Butina detained in the US

    At a meeting of the Human Rights Council in Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin commented on the case of the Russian woman Maria Butina arrested in the USA. According to Putin, Russian special services do not know anything about her.

    “But this girl Butina, how unfortunate, she is in prison, she faces 15 years. For what?” stated the Russian President.

    He added that after he heard about Butina’s arrest, he asked Russian special services leaders about her. “Who is she? Nobody knows anything …

  • The US considers imposing sanctions on Russia for violations of religious freedoms

    During a telephone briefing with journalists, United States Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom Samuel Brownback confirmed that the US government may impose sanctions on Russia because of violations religious freedom. "They [ the Russian authorities] really… intensified their oppression," said Brownback while speaking of Russian authorities and religious freedoms, as quoted by TASS.

    The briefing was held after US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo’s recent decision to assign …